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Bonnitta EA MT5


Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。

不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。

Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。


策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 5 月 31 日期间在 EURUSD H1 上赚取了超过 3,800,000.00 美元。净收入包括赚取的 3,801,900.00 美元。 自动资金管理和回撤=28%。 您可以通过下载演示版本并进行测试来获得类似的结果数据。 您只能使用电脑 (PC) 测试和下载演示,不能使用手机。

Bonnitta EA 真实账户:https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/605975

Bonnitta EA MT4 版本:https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/52210

Bonnitta 黄金真实账户:https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1929950

Bonnitta Gold MT4 版本:https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/87829

Bonnitta Gold MT5 版本:https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/95186


由于盗版,Bonnitta EA 包含一种算法来检测所有假冒版本,如 LD、JD 环境、msimg32.dll 等如果您的激活用于盗版,之后的所有激活都将无法正常工作,请小心。


支持 OneChart 选项中的多种货币

支持新闻过滤器和自动 GMT 时间





推荐存入1000 USD - 0.01 和 3 对同时交易 2 对

评论 20
MarkChick 2023.09.17 13:38 

Running for few months now Testing my own strategy using this on FTMO and TFT to avoid large draw downs necessary to manage it With no time restriction I have so far been consistent should pass stage 1 in around 1 to 2 Months Also testing in live account but I still feel I need to manage this other wise its still running profit but with larger drawdown than my Prop firm strategy Love its entries Might update later. In communication with I believe the developer and mostly getting some good help and feed back Rated 5 as I believe this can be really good but you do need to understand the way it thinks

Jiří Hinz
Jiří Hinz 2023.08.22 20:01 

I have been using Bonnitta EA since 04/2023. It took me a while to understand how it works. I have tried many EAs offered here on MQL, but over time I can say that I have not had a better EA. Bonnitta earns. I am fascinated by absolutely accurate trade entries and direction estimation. It took me a while to find it and set my risk mode, but if you use Bonnitta sensibly with a low risk setting, you don't need many positions with such precise inputs and the reward is very low draw. The author is willing and always told me which currency pairs are good to always set up for trading. They don't even have an AI powered EA on Bonnitta. Thanks to the author for this masterpiece. Thanks also for the regular improvements and constant updates. Definitely worth the money. I wish the author much success.

cracker3500 2023.06.16 16:44 

I've been testing Bonnita since the beginning of 2023. At the beginning I had a little difficulty with the settings. But the developer was always available with advice and action. If you stick to the settings and help from the developer. I was able to achieve an average of 10-25% profit with his system. I myself am curious where I will be at the end of 2023. I have tested his bot with a real account since the beginning and started with $1000. In my opinion, this is the best bot I've ever bought.

该专家顾问基于PAC指标(穿越后的周期MA )一个振荡器,显示价格的最后一次穿越后经过的条数和移动平均值。 如果移动平均线向上越过价格,则正直方图列将以绿色绘制;如果最后一个交叉点向下,则负列将以红色绘制。 Expert Advisor的指标具有三个可配置的参数: 期间-MA期间 方法-MA计算方法 应用价格-MA计算价格和交叉价格 专家顾问可用于缩放,交易或摇摆交易。 EA具有不同的配置 工作时间范围-这是获取位置的触发时间范围。 更高的时间范围-这是用于分析的设置图,应高于工作时间范围。 停止点损失-当趋势与贸易决定背道而驰时,通过在阈值点自动退出交易来避免更多损失。(设置为0 )时,表示您不要将其用于跑步交易。 积分获利-用于关闭利润头寸,可以将其设置为( 0,这意味着您已将其关闭) 停止亏损-用于设置每笔交易愿意损失的最大金额  赚钱赚钱-用于设置您愿意从事获利交易的最大金额。 跟踪-必须在每次生成勾号后选择在新栏上跟踪或跟踪。 每个信号的交易数量-您必须选择在生成信号后专家顾问可以进行的交易数量  条颜色相同-这是专家顾问最重要的部分, 当设置为零时,表示
4 000 USD
Felix X
Yvan Musatov
Professional forex expert   Felix X   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs) alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The movement of
999 USD
Hamster Scalping mt5
Ramil Minniakhmetov
4.71 (156)
Hamster Scalping 是一个完全自动化的交易顾问,不使用鞅。夜间剥头皮策略。 RSI 指标和 ATR 过滤器用作输入。顾问需要对冲账户类型。 可以在此处找到对实际工作以及我的其他发展的监控: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/mechanic/seller 一般建议 最低入金 100 美元,使用点差最小的 ECN 账户,默认设置为 eurusd M5 gmt + 3。 输入参数 EA 适用于四位数和五位数报价。在输入参数中,我们以点为单位表示5个字符的值,它会自动按4个字符重新计算所有内容。 NewCycle - 模式开启时,顾问工作不停止,模式关闭时,完成一系列交易后,顾问不会开新订单; 周期指标1 - 第一个指标的周期; Up level - 第一个指标的上限,顾问将在其上方打开卖出; Down Level - 第一个指标的较低水平,低于该水平 EA 将开始买入; Period indicator2 - 第二个指标的周期; From - 第二个指标值范围的下限,EA 允许在该范围内建仓; To - 第二个指标值范围的上
30 USD
Orbit Rage Final 2
Note : i only sell this EA on MQL5, any other sellers is fake. Orbit Rage Final, a cutting-edge trading strategy meticulously designed around the bull/bear candle approach and divergence analysis. This powerful tool is engineered to empower you to shape the life you desire. To embark on this transformative journey, simply download and seamlessly integrate it into your MetaTrader 4 platform by placing it in the experts advisors folder. Orbit Rage Final revolutionizes trading by offering a risk-f
199 USD
Manuel Espinosa
" Outro " is an expert in automated " multi-symbol " trading that requires the trader to test on the pair of his choice and modify the entries according to his convenience. This Expert Advisor has been designed with non-optimized inputs, and   uses a Martingale system   for risk management. It is very important to read the   blog   post before you start. Enter to the private group .  Outro   uses two main indicators,   Relative Strength Index and Stochastic Oscillator , for input decision making
Universal MT5 RSI
Vladimir Gribachev
RSI 指標上的交易機器人 這是交易機器人的簡化版,它只使用一種進場策略(高級版有超過 10 種策略) 專家福利: 剝頭皮交易、馬丁格爾交易、網格交易。 您可以僅使用一個訂單或一組訂單設置交易。具有動態、固定或乘數步長和交易手數的高度可定制的訂單網格將允許您使 EA 交易適應幾乎任何交易工具。 回撤系統,重疊虧損訂單和余額保護 網格交易容易受到非反彈價格變動的影響,這已不是什麼秘密,但由於訂單恢復系統,顧問將能夠擺脫大多數回撤。回撤的退出是通過將最遠的無利可圖的訂單與最接近市場的獲利訂單重疊來執行的。交易機器人可用於恢復賬戶中的虧損頭寸、手動交易或其他專家開立的交易。它可以通過幻數接收和處理所有訂單。 交易開放過濾器。 任何交易策略都應該有信號和交易開盤的過濾器。在這個機器人中有幾個:MA 的趨勢方向過濾器、波動率過濾器、價差擴大過濾器、一周中的某一天和工作時間、用於多交易的直接和反向相關過濾器。具有手動確認信號的功能。 開倉和平倉訂單的虛擬級別。 所有交易開倉水平、止損、止盈、追踪止損設置都是虛擬的。多虧了這一點,您可
50 USD
Please backtest with the exact balance of your live account before applying to real money. ==> If account balance is too low it may not trade at all! For MT4 version please contact via private message. Strategy description - Detect trend based on GoldTrader rules. - Enter in both direction as much as needed to achieve acceptable amount of profit. - Although this is a martingale bot it is very unlikely to loose your money, because: ==> the money management rules are safe and low risk. ==> entries
Duende MT5
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
交易员您好! 我提出“杜安德”战略, Duende 是一种算法,可以检测不同高位和低位的模式,在这些模式中它们保持不变以进行良好的输入,恢复系统查询各种事物,例如盈亏平衡,并在同行之间交叉 它已被证明可以毫无问题地控制多种货币,并在市场中对新闻进行强大的控制 可以使用您需要的所有符号来管理它 我的策略针对“所有外汇市场”进行了优化,但也有最好的货币对 USDCAD、EURCAD、EURCHF、USDCHF、EURJPY”,与其他 RANGED 货币相比,它是最稳定的货币,您可以找到自己的方式来使用其他符号,但是 推荐使用我设计的 Duende 它有一个内置的系统来冒险 x 金额的余额,如果市场在任何时候变得不稳定它也有恢复 它也有我的智能算法系统,当它从我的内置秘密指标中检测到正确的预测时,TP 可以关闭一些头寸而不是其他头寸。 我的策略 EA 有实时历史 现场表演 如果您想要我的信号预设,请私下询问我的客户 https://www.mql5.com/en/users/aiotrading/seller 每次收购价格都会上涨,我们将
599 USD
LL Grid EA MT5
Leopoldo Licari
********** CHRISTMAS OFFER - LIMITED TIME ONLY 30$ ********** 6 COPIES OUT OF 10 LEFT AT $35  ---> NEXT PRICE $55 UPDATED v1.8 IS OUT ON MARCH 2022 " I built this EA based on my past trading experience, on my personal needs, on what I already had in my hands, on those useful functions that I needed. I am happy to share it with you at a very small cost considering the potential and the time dedicated to developing it. " PLEASE READ ALL THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE USE IT -  Grid EA with  selec
30 USD
Bear vs Bull EA MT5
Bear vs Bull EA Is a automated adviser for daily operation of the FOREX currency market in a volatile and calm market. Suitable for both experienced traders and beginners. It works with any brokers, including American brokers, requiring FIFO to close primarily previously opened transactions. *In order to enable the panel, it is necessary to set the parameter DRAW_INFORMATION = true in the settings; Recommendations Before using on real money, test the adviser with minimal risk on a cent tra
30 USD
Note: minimum investment 1000 usd or (100 usd is Account Cent (10000 Cent)) Run At 0.01 lot start.  Trading with an Expert Advisor (EA) on the M1 timeframe (1-minute chart) can be quite challenging due to the rapid price movements and increased noise in such short timeframes. However, it's not impossible, and some traders do use EAs on the M1 chart for specific strategies. Here are some considerations for trading with an EA on the M1 timeframe: 1. Strategy Selection:   Choose a trading strategy
50 USD
Universal MT5 MACD
Vladimir Gribachev
MACD指標上的交易機器人 這是交易機器人的簡化版,它只使用一種進場策略(高級版有超過 10 種策略) 專家福利: 剝頭皮交易、馬丁格爾交易、網格交易。 您可以僅使用一個訂單或一組訂單設置交易。具有動態、固定或乘數步長和交易手數的高度可定制的訂單網格將允許您使 EA 交易適應幾乎任何交易工具。 回撤系統,重疊虧損訂單和余額保護 網格交易易受非反彈價格變動的影響已不是什麼秘密,但由於訂單恢復系統,顧問將能夠擺脫大多數回撤。回撤的退出是通過將最遠的無利可圖的訂單與最接近市場的獲利訂單重疊來執行的。交易機器人可用於恢復賬戶中的虧損頭寸、手動交易或其他專家開立的交易。它可以通過幻數接收和處理所有訂單。 交易開放過濾器。 任何交易策略都應該有一個信號過濾器和交易開倉。在這個機器人中有幾個:MA 的趨勢方向過濾器、波動率過濾器、價差擴大過濾器、一周中的某一天和工作時間、用於多交易的直接和反向相關過濾器。具有手動確認信號的功能。 開倉和平倉訂單的虛擬級別。 所有交易開倉水平、止損、止盈、追踪止損設置都是虛擬的。多虧了這一點,您可以從
50 USD
只在亚洲盘进行剥头皮交易 几个独特指标用于检测市场波动 根据市场情况动态止盈止损 保护性硬止损,使得账户风险降低 不需要配置文件,对每一个货币对使用相同的设置 此EA适用于以下货币对: EURAUD 推荐在 M15 周期上使用此EA 建议在一个真正的 低点差 ECN平台上使用该EA 推荐将Risk参数设置为10以下 推荐使用99.9%模型质量的历史回测 信号 : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/oodd008 回测 : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/oodd008/blog 参数 Lots - 使用固定手数 Risk - 根据账户净值自动计算手数,只有当Lots是0时才有效 Auto_GMT_Offset - 实盘交易时,如果设置为true,GMT_Offset会由EA自动计算 GMT_Offset - 历史回测时输入你的经纪商的GMT时间,实盘交易时不用设置此参数,系统会自动计算GMT时间 EA_Comment - 设置自己的评论信息 MAGIC - Magic数字,无需更改 Max_Spread -
5 000 USD
LazyBoy AI Trader Prob Firms Ready
Hesham Ahmed Kamal Barakat
NEW! SEP 11 2023   - Now you can pay only $1000 a monthly installment and get full access to the EA. Trades; Currency pairs - Metals and more. Live Performance Passing a $300k Prob Firm Account Phase 1:  My Forex Funds account passing signal Get the US to manage your accounts for small fee with our Partner Program. Learn more at the bottom. The Strategy; Our Advanced Support/Resistance Trading Strategy is a powerful tool designed to help traders achieve consistent gains while effectively
4 999 USD
PipFinite EA Breakout EDGE MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
5 (2)
The Official Automated Version of the Reliable Indicator PipFinite Breakout EDGE EA Breakout EDGE takes the signal of PipFinite Breakout EDGE indicator and manages the trade for you. Because of numerous financial instruments to consider, many traders want the signals to be fully automated. The EA will make sure all your trades are executed from entry to exit. Saving you time and effort while maximizing your profits. The Edge of Automation Effortless price action trading is now possible
198 USD
RoboBee MT5
Yury Emeliyanov
Hello. The RoboBee MT5 Expert Advisor for the EUR/USD M15 currency pair is provided to your attention. Below you will see the results of testing the Expert Advisor in the period from 2016. The main logic of the ADVISER is tied to such indicators as "Heiken Ashi" and "Oscillator of RSI". The parameters for changing the lot are "Amount for a new position" and "Amount to add on addition". You need to change both parameters. The EA also uses Martingale. The signal for this Expert Advisor:   https:/
149 USD
CSP eurusd Strategy
Francisco Tomas Moreno Garcia
CSP策略。 这个蜡烛图正如其名称所示,是基于蜡烛上的某种类型的图案(在1H时间框架上表现最好)。回测和优化是在外部历史数据上进行的,由于这个原因,在meta trader5上进行的回测不会显示同样好的结果,不过除了回测,我们还进行了从2023.03.27到2023.0330的一周的真实测试,结果在提供的图片中显示。 改善这个(和大多数)策略的提示。 正如你们中的一些人可能已经经历过的,我们已经经历了一个高波动的时期。 1.不建议在这种情况下进行交易,当然,除非你的策略完全基于此,如果不是这样的话,市场的不可预测性使得策略很难正常工作,价格的变动更加显著,虽然可能会出现问题,但通常会导致更容易达到止损点。 2.与此相关,我们必须避免在重大新闻发布期间进行交易,因为波动性会非常大(为了了解情况,请搜索外汇新闻日历)。 3.不要通宵交易,尽管该策略的配置方式是在晚上10点后不进行交易,但可能会出现交易在交易时段转换前没有达到TP或SL的情况,在这种情况下,我们建议手动关闭交易,因为在最初几个小时内,点差会大幅上升,仅这一点就可能导致SL被击中。 4. 4.每个策略都可以
200 USD
Stormer RSI 2
Ricardo Rodrigues Lucca
This strategy was learned from Stormer to be used on B3. Basically, 15 minutes before closing the market, it will check RSI and decided if it will open an position. This strategy do not define a stop loss. If the take profit reach the entry price it will close at market the position. The same happens if the maximal number of days is reached. It is created to brazilian people, so all configuration are in portuguese. Sorry Activations allowed have been set to 50.
99 USD
Black Ops EA
Tshivhidzo Moss Mbedzi
Introducing the Black Ops EA - Your Expert Advisor for Gold, EURUSD, Nasdaq, and more! The Black Ops EA is a powerful forex trading robot developed exclusively for traders seeking optimal performance in the dynamic markets of gold, EURUSD, Nasdaq, and other major financial instruments. With a focus on precision and profitability, this expert advisor is designed to enhance your trading experience and help you achieve your financial goals. LIVE SIGNAL1 : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2052978/
850 USD
EvoNightEA MT5
Ivan Pochta
4.5 (2)
EvoNightEA MT5 v.10.3 Presets:   Download >>> EvoNightEA MT5   v.10.3   Live Results:   Here >>> EvoNightEA   is a fully automated Expert Advisor based at midnight scalping during the low market volatility.   EvoNightEA   is based on the principles of channel trading and Price Action. The system analyzes the price movement in the daily range and, based on the data obtained, trades in the low-volatility market in rollover. Most of the parameters are dynamic, thus reducing the chance of overfitti
149 USD
Santa Scalping MT5
Morten Kruse
4.5 (2)
Santa Scalping is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. The SMA indicator filter are used for entries. This EA can be run from very small accounts. As small as 50 EUR. General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 50 USD,  default settings reccomend for eurusd m5 gmt +2 . Please use max spread 10 if you will not have orders change it to -1. Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A very fast VPS is required, preferably w
49 USD
Renaissance Platinum EA MT5
Kristoffer Blace Walser
The Renaissance Platinum EA is not just an upgrade; it's a revolution. Seamlessly complementing the Renaissance FX Auto Trader, this dynamic duo forms an unstoppable force, propelling your profits to new frontiers. With a robust and diverse strategy, this EA opens the door to endless trading opportunities across forex, indices, and precious metals. Customization is key, and we've mastered it. Tailor the Renaissance Platinum EA to your unique needs and preferences, regardless of your account siz
499.99 USD
Bot RSI and Bollinger Bands
Aurelio Miguel Machado Da Silva
这个机器人是一个自动化的交易工具,利用这两个流行的指标在外汇市场中识别交易机会。RSI指标(相对强度指数)是一种技术指标,用于衡量一个资产相对于市场上其他资产的相对强度。Bollinger Bands是一种测量市场波动性的指标,有助于确定一个特定资产的价格限制。 RSI和Bollinger Bands指标的交易机器人结合使用这两个指标来识别有利可图的交易机会。当RSI指示资产处于超买或超卖状态,并且Bollinger Bands指示价格接近价格限制时,机器人会自动进入或退出交易。 最棒的是,这个机器人可以同时在多个货币对中运行,这意味着它可以同时寻找多种货币的交易机会。这对于希望多样化自己的投资组合并最大化利润的交易者尤其有用。 RSI和Bollinger Bands指标的交易机器人易于设置和使用。它可以根据用户的偏好进行定制。此外,该机器人是完全自动化的,这意味着它可以在不需要持续监督的情况下全天候运行。 无论您是经验丰富的交易者还是希望在外汇市场中涉足的新手投资者,RSI和Bollinger Bands指标的交易机器人都可以帮助您最大化利润并将风险降至最低。凭借其能够同时在多个货
30 USD
Punisher Scalper MT5
Marcelina Makarewicz
5 (1)
Introducing the   Punisher Scalper MT5, EA for NZDUSD   currency pair. It analyzes market data in real time to identify :    Correct entry moment.    Trend beginning, reversal, direction and strenght.   Support and Resistance.   Self-optimize TP and SL. To do it Punisher Scalper is using :   Data from few time frames at the same time.   Over 10 unique code functions.    44 price action patterns.   8 indicators. Other properties :   The TP to SL ratio is usually aroun
50 USD
Marek Kvarda
5 (5)
This robot is designed for major currency pairs and trades three strategies. 1- swing, 2- gap, 3- support and resistance. It uses the algorithm for analysis of price data and finds the best parameters. Trades are filtered by results of analysis of daily and monthly chart for the last 12 periods. The Swing strategy can be used on TF H1 or M30, or also on M15 or M5 (more trades but higher risk) The Gap strategy is recommended on M30 or H1 The Sup./Res. strategy is recommended on M30, H1 or H4 Defa
990 USD
Make grid trading safe again | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.    This is MT5 version, click  here  for  BlueSwift GridRescue MT4     (settings and logics are same in both versions)   BlueSwift Grid Rescue   MT5    is a risk management   utility  MT5 EA  (used together with other grid trading experts) that can help you trade aggressive grid / averaging / martingale systems with manageable drawdown, therefore reduce substanstially margin call risk as well as average dollar loss amo
99 USD
Intersection EA
Kalinka Capital OU
Intersection EA is a fully automated software (trading robot), executing trading orders on the currency market in accordance with the algorithm and unique trading settings for each currency pair. Intersection EA is perfectly suitable for beginner traders as well as for professionals who got solid experience in trading on financial markets. Traders and programmers of Kalinka Capital OU company, worked hard developing the Intersection EA forex robot, starting from the year 2011. Initially, this s
550 USD
Surf EA MT5
Rustem Gabetdinov
Surf EA  is a fully automatic grid based Expert Advisor that looks for reversal areas on the chart MT5 version:   https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/96627 The monitoring:   https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/1955749 Channel in TG with news:   https://t.me/surf_ea_forex_robot Nature of work: The EA uses several patterns, indicators and other important conditions to search for signals Buy and sell positions are independent of each other Only one order can be opened on one bar of the current peri
500 USD
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (4)
ScalpAuT - a scalping Aurum (Gold) timing bot. Today we want to introduce the indispensable ScalpAuT assistant. This is an Expert Advisor that works on any financial pair according to the timings (time levels) of the VIST system. It took us a long time to decide whether to release an expert or not. Many people are looking for the Grail. They only dream of doing nothing, but earning millions of money. Dreaming is always good. But our advisor is definitely not for such people. Our Expert Advisor i
600 USD
Babavenga MT5
Hossein Davarynejad
//// BABAVENGA  MT5 //// this Expert Working on Forex Pairs   ,   Time Farm is =  M15            ( NZDCAD,AUDCAD,NZDUSD,AUDNZD   ,) Need Set File for (   EURGBP,EURCHF,NZDCHF,EURCAD )     This Expert  Base on  ATR nd  Rsi and  Bollinger Bands   Also Have Venga Indicator For Open Order On Best Level   He Draw 2 line Of Support And Resistance and Find Best Area For Open Trade  Default   is  Working Great on M15 Time Farm and All those Pairs (  ,NZDCAD,AUDCAD,NZDUSD,AUDNZD ,)   Need Set File   fo
2 000 USD
hey。 Try this gold high frequency trading strategy Time: 5 minute Fixed stop loss: 100 + point Fixed profit: 20 + points Suitable for all markets A minimum deposit of $300 is recommended One order at a time, no additional positions, not Martin, high-frequency trading Based on only specific algorithm model. The success rate is about 99% Only ECN accounts. 600-100 orders a month. market:xauusd
7 000 USD
The Nasdaq Trend Seer
Tumelo Faith Mabule
Introducing the Nasdaq Reversal Pro , a sophisticated trading robot designed to capitalize on the dynamic interplay of short-term and long-term reversal patterns within the Nasdaq 100 index. Unlike other robots, this EA avoids grid, martingale, or arbitrage strategies, ensuring a secure and calculated trading experience. Keywords and Tags : Nasdaq Reversal Expert Advisor, Secure Trading Approach, Reversal Patterns, Trading Strategies Perfect for traders of all backgrounds, whether seasoned or b
7 599.95 USD
Shadow Legends MT5
Zarui Ogannisian
Shadow Legends MT5 EA.-it's a fully automated expert Advisor designed to trade EURUSD. It is based on machine learning analysis and genetic algorithms.  The Expert Advisor contains a self-adaptive market algorithm that uses price action patterns. The expert Advisor showed stable results for EURUSD in the period 2000-2021.  No dangerous money management techniques, no Martingale, no netting, scalping or hedging.  Suitable for any brokerage conditions.Test only on real accounts.Recommended broker
7 000 USD
Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for EURUSD H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 4.The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.Lot is fixed on 0.1.Finally, this EA has a profit of over $2800. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!"
8 000 USD
Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for GBPUSD H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 4.The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.Lot is fixed on 0.1.Finally, this EA has a profit of over $2300. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!"
8 000 USD
XauUsd Trend Seer mt5
Tumelo Faith Mabule
Introducing the XauUsd Trend Seer EA – your ultimate solution for automated GOLD trading. Crafted meticulously with machine learning cluster analysis and advanced genetic algorithms, this Expert Advisor (EA) is tailored to thrive in the dynamic world of GOLD trading. Keywords and Tags : Gold Expert Advisor, XAU/USD Trading Robot, Machine Learning Algorithm, Genetic Algorithms, Trend Trading, Precious Metal EA, Self-Adaptive Market Algorithm, MetaTrader 5, Forex Trading Software, Automated Tradi
7 999.99 USD
Dow Jones Destroyer
Tumelo Faith Mabule
Introducing the Trend Master , a cutting-edge Expert Advisor meticulously crafted to revolutionize your Dow Jones index trading experience. This powerful tool is tailored to capitalize on market trends through a strategic blend of short-term and long-term reversal patterns. Let's delve into the heart of this expert advisor and explore the benefits it brings to your trading arsenal. Keywords and Tags : Dow Jones Expert Advisor, Trend Trading, Reversal Patterns, Market Opportunities, Safe Money M
8 999 USD
Yuriy Bykov
一个多货币专家顾问,它结合了许多同时工作的简单策略。在波动性增加的市场时刻,每种策略都基于简单的交易算法。在过去五年中,每项策略都得到了优化。 EA 使用“人群的正确性”的统计原则:它平均来自不同策略的信号,并在首选方向上开仓。 这一原则,连同相关交易工具的同步工作,可以大大提高对不利市场阶段的抵抗力和增长期分布的均匀性。 Examples of work can be viewed on the signals:   Pacevold R1   ,   Pacevold R2   ,   Sevolter D1   ,   Sevolter D2   ,   Sevolter D3 选项 预期最大回撤 (%)       -- 预期的近似最大回撤。据此,自动选择开仓参数,使回撤不超过设定值。该参数基于过去 5 年的测试数据,在进一步工作期间可能发生的实际回撤可能与声明的回撤略有不同,无论是向上还是向下 交易定期存款     -- 设置用于交易的固定金额的资金。开仓的大小将根据指定的资金数额计算。要使用所有设施,请将此参数设置为 0。 推荐设置 预期最大回撤 (%) = 10 .
9 000 USD
Foli Pivots MT5
John Folly Akwetey
Expert advisor trades by pivot levels, support and resistance levels based on pivot levels. Also expert advisor takes into account volatility filter, uses standard Martingale and anti-Martingale systems, drawdown protection, standard trailing stop, trading time and trading Trade Order   – direction of trading (only buy, only sell or buy and sell) Use Volatility Filter   – enabling/disabling of volatility filter using Volatility Filter   – value of volatility filter Count Of Days For Volatility F
6 999 USD
Levon Manukyan
торговый робот предназначен для работы на валютной паре EURUSD..есть несколько уровней сложности  работы..присутствует и вариант работы с принципом дублирования сделок и без  нево.. с помощью кнопки Close Above  закрываются сделки и приостанавливается работа  эксперта когда профит достигает уровня выше указенново..лимит указывается в поле над  кнопкой  Close Above.. лимит должен быть выше  баланса...после достижения лимита вы должны отключить кнопку...рекомендуется снять доход и перезапустить э
8 700 USD
Introduction Introducing our realistic, down-to-earth Expert Advisor, meticulously designed for traders of all expertise levels who are seeking to generate a reasonable passive income. We believe in a patient, logical approach that avoids exaggerated and manipulative promises. If your main goal is to generate stress-free, long-term passive income and you don't expect overnight millionaire status (because let's face it, no Expert Advisor can deliver that), then you've come to the right place.
6 000 USD
Easy Scalping EU
Duc Cuong Nguyen
Forex trading advisor   EASY SCALPING   is an automatic scalping system that opens and closes deals using a special tick analysis algorithm programmed in the code without human intervention. The main task of the ego is to instantly make a deal where a person loses time for analysis and decision making. They also automate trading, removing the emotional burden from a person and allowing you to save time. Scalping is one of the varieties of short-term strategies, moreover, the shortest of them. U
9 800 USD
Duc Cuong Nguyen
Entry: The  EA is an expert advisor for scalping and averaging in on the M5 chart of XAUUSD. This powerful tool continuously scans the market, identifying high-quality trading setups based on specific trading hours / trading sessions. The entry model is a collaboration of both candlestick patterns and indicators. Management: Through extensive testing and a 5 year Dukascopy data optimization, the EA has shown an impressive strike rate of 100%. In the rare event that a trade goes against us, t
6 000 USD
Introducing the Future of Forex Trading: The Wolf of WallStreet Bot with Heikin Ashi Indicator! Uncover the Secrets of Successful Trading with Heikin Ashi  Pairs:  EUR/USD (30-minute timeframe) and GBP/JPY (5-minute timeframe). A Glimpse into History: The Heikin Ashi Indicator  Dive into the rich history of trading innovation with the Heikin Ashi indicator. Originating in 18th century Japan, this technique has stood the test of time. Its unique approach to plotting candlesticks not only smooth
7 800 USD
Babak Bakhtiarzadeh
Bitcoin Scalper : The strategy is based on ticks . No Martingale . No Grid . There is only one open position at a time . All positions without exception have a stop loss. Drawdown is very low. Do not use in other currency pairs, there is a possibility of losing assets. The strategy is made for Bitcoin. The ticks are different in different brokers. If you use a broker other than Alpari, be sure to optimize. Win Rate is 50-60 % but R/R is high . My recommended broker for this strategy is de
6 000 USD
Quantum Emperor MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (41)
介绍     QuantumEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 ***购买量子皇帝EA,即可免费获得量子贸易EA或量子金皇!*** 详情请私聊 实时信号1:       点击 MT4版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 促销价仅   9 99.99 美元 ! 每购买 10 次,价格将上涨 100 美元!最终价格 4999.99 美元 QuantumEmperor EA 采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为七个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为七个较小的头寸。 QuantumEmperor EA 因其处理亏损交易的出色方法而在其他专家顾问中脱颖而出。与传统方法单纯依靠止损订单来限制损失不同,量子皇帝 EA 采用先进的技术来有效管理亏损仓位。当面对亏损的七笔交易时,量子皇帝 EA 不会立即平仓,而是将下一个仓位划分为七个较小的。然后,它有策略地利用盈利交易的利润,逐步将亏损的头寸
999.99 USD
TrendMaster FX
Chen Jia Qi
4.67 (42)
采用先进的算法并利用深度学习技术,我们的专家顾问(EA)是为了帮助您在复杂的外汇交易世界中导航而精心设计的。该系统分析市场行为,并根据特定标准进行交易,使您能更有效地参与市场趋势。凭借近十年的数据支持,EA利用深度学习来检查过去的市场条件,旨在提供更高级的决策支持。 最新消息:当我们涨价一天后,太多朋友希望以原价638美元购买。目前,暂时保持当前价格一段时间,之后恢复涨价 1380美元 ,具体时间待定。 推荐使用的货币对: 英镑/美元(GBPUSD) 美元/加元(USDCAD) 欧元/美元(EURUSD) 澳元/美元(AUDUSD) 美元/瑞士法郎(USDCHF) 美元/日元(USDJPY) 特别提示:在我们的EA中, GBPUSD目前效果最好, USDCAD受美国新闻市场趋势的影响最小。 风险设置: 对于激进的交易者,最大风险设置为0.15。 对于更保守的交易者,特别是资本较大的人,建议将其设置在0.05以下 ,0.03定义为低风险。 可以先从0.01开始熟悉操作 购买后: 可以给我们发私信以获取用户手册和注意事项。或者自行参考推荐的用户手册: 点击查看手册 安全且稳定的EA:
638 USD
Quantum Wizard MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
Quantum Wizard 是一款先进的 Expert Advisor,用于在 M5 时间范围内交易道琼斯和纳斯达克指数,具有前所未有的准确性和性能。您现在终于可以通过指数交易来实现投资组合的多元化。 所有交易均受到严格止损的保护,并使用三角止损退出盈利交易。 它在纽约股票市场时段运营。 量子向导相当活跃,每天可以交易多次 实时信号1:       点击 MT4版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 ***购买量子精灵EA即可免费获得量子皇帝!***更多详情请私聊 建议: 货币对:US30(也称为 DOW 或道琼斯) 时间范围:m5 最低存款:$500 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低。 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 重要的:     使用低点差账户以获得最佳结果非常重要! 账户类型:对冲 规格: 交易 US30(道琼斯) 每笔交易均受到 30 点止损的保护 退出策略包含使用 M5 图表的追踪止损 内置自动抽
4 999.99 USD
XG Gold Robot MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.73 (30)
The XG Gold Robot MT5 is specially designed for Gold. We decided to include this EA in our offering after extensive testing . XG Gold Robot and works perfectly with the XAUUSD, GOLD, XAUEUR pairs. XG Gold Robot has been created for all traders who like to Trade in Gold and includes additional a function that displays weekly Gold levels with the minimum and maximum displayed in the panel as well as on the chart, which will help you in manual trading. It’s a strategy based on Price Action, Cycle S
799 USD
Big Forex Players MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (4)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the Big Forex Players EA designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. Only after all that work did we decide to add it to our list of products. We will not create additional EAs, instead, we are going to dedicate our time to the expansion of this EA, guided by cus
1 499 USD
Quantum Trade EA MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.93 (41)
介绍     Quantum Trade EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式! Quantum Trade由拥有超过13年交易经验的资深交易者团队开发     EA 旨在通过其创新和动态的突破区域策略将您的交易之旅推向新的高度。 实时信号 1:   点击 实时信号2:       点击 MT4 版本:       点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 促销价仅需 2 99.99 美元 !价格很快就会上涨至 399.99 美元,然后每购买 10 次就会上涨 100 美元! 量子   贸易     EA 通过仔细识别突破区域来利用波动的力量,这使其能够以完美的时机利用市场波动。这种革命性的方法确保您可以自信地抓住利润丰厚的交易机会,而不会遇到通常困扰交易者的压力或不确定性。 是什么决定了量子     Trade   E   A 与竞争对手不同的是它对负责任的贸易实践的承诺。与许多其他专家顾问不同,Quantum Trade EA 不使用危险的交易方法,例如马丁格尔、网格或对冲。相反,每笔交
299.99 USD
Boring Pips MT5
Thi Thu Ha Hoang
5 (6)
特 别优惠:买Boring Pips , 现在只需$499 ,可享受 50% 的折扣! 仅限前30 位 顾客 (只剩下10个)。联系我获取更多详情。 你是否曾 经想过为什么大多数专家顾问在实盘交易中并不有效,尽管它们在回测中表现完美? 最有可能的答案是 过拟合。许多专家顾问被创建为对现有的历史数据进行 “ 学 习 ” 和完美适 应,但由于构建模型的泛化能力不足,它们无法预测未来。 一些开 发者可能根本不知道过拟合的存在,或者他们知道但没有办法防止它。其他人则将其作为美化回测结果的工具,他们添加了数十个输入参数,而不考虑统计学意义,使交易策略过度依赖历史数据,并试图说服他人他们的专家顾问未来能够实现类似的表现。 如果你 对这个迷人的主题感兴趣,并想更深入地了解过拟合,请参考我的这些文章: Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading Strategy (Part 1): Identifying the Signs and Causes Avoiding Over-fitting in Trading Strategy (Part 2): A Guide to Bui
499 USD
Network AI mt5
Vasiliy Strukov
5 (32)
网络mt5是一个先进的系统,利用人工智能和神经网络的力量来分析新闻期间发布的宏观经济数据,并根据它们做出交易决策。 专家顾问使用新闻出口进行交易,因此不能在策略测试器中进行测试。 要为工作启用Exert Advisor,请勾选"允许WebRequest"选项并添加"ec.forexprostools.com","worldtimeserver.com"到WebRequest的Url列表。 要做到这一点,打开工具>选项>专家顾问. 选中"允许列出的URL的WebRequests:"选项。 添加以下内容:"ec.forexprostools.com","worldtimeserver.com"并按"确定"。 EA从指定的网站获取新闻。 实时结果可以在这里查看。 购买后立即与我联系,以获得个人奖金! 设置和手册在这里 设置 WorkMode-测试模式,用于在测试仪中测试交易功能,以及在真实账户上工作的real模式。 打开新系列-开启/关闭新系列订单的开始。 开始地段-开始地段。 交易买入-允许顾问买入。 交易卖出-允许顾问卖出. 使用套期保值-允许顾问交易两个方向买
50 USD
Darwin Swing MT5
Guillaume Duportal
4.9 (31)
达尔文-SWING 推出价格999美元,未来价格1490美元 描述: -- 要了解它的工作原理,请来阅读博客(该EA反映了我的外汇交易哲学......如果你喜欢我看待事物的方式,那么你会喜欢我的EA。 花时间去做吧! (外汇不是一场比赛): https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745790 -- 要看过去的表现,这里有信号的链接。 现场和演示信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 解释一下。 在达尔文进化论取得巨大成功后,我推出了达尔文摇摆,可以同时使用。 本专家的设计尽可能地接近手工交易。 这是一个为长期而设的专家,它不是一个快速黄牛,也不是一个夜间黄牛。 基本策略是波段交易,利用支撑位和阻力位来开仓。 这个系统的创新之处在于,它包含了虚拟职位。该EA平均计算每对货币在趋势中会有多少个S/R交叉。 由于这种计算,EA将在每个S/R(日/月/周....)上放置虚拟头寸(在仪表盘上可见的头寸,但不是真实开仓),当价格达到S/R交叉的数量(
999 USD
Anton Kondratev
5 (2)
正沃EA     是一个开放且全自动的多货币交易系统。 Not    Grid   , Not    Martingale   , Not     AI     , Not     Neural Network. Default Settings for One chart    AUDCAD H1     (Supports 1OHLC mode for weak PCs) Zenvo GUIDE Signals Optimization Updates 当前的模式是基于   前向优化 算法(FOA)     直到 2022 年 12 月。 这意味着当前   漏洞   市场上已经有   体现   从 2023 年 1 月到今天。 2022 年 12 月之后的任何事情都是   延续   使用当前默认设置进行交易。 每个位置总是有一个   固定止损   和   全面交易跟踪 (FDT)   ,即使处于回撤状态。 这是一个   安全算法 ,每笔交易都受到保护,免受大点差、强新闻(NONFARM/FOMC)和滑点的影响。 算法独立   适应   根据您经纪商的条件(点差、延迟、滑点、市场缺口
345 USD
Petros Shatakhtsyan
5 (3)
SAFE Robot Pro is a fully automatic robot that has the level of a professional trader. This is a completely new approach to trading. During real trading, he does not look towards history and acts according to circumstances. The robot uses a unique method to determine the levels of Take Profit (TP, Green horizontal line) and Stop Loss (SL, Red horizontal line). Each time after opening an order, they appear at different levels and eventually begin to approach the current price. This is the first
1 920 USD
AI for Gold
Eugen Funk
4.79 (14)
649 USD
Deeptrader AI MT5
Ruben Octavio Gonzalez Aviles
4.78 (9)
Deeptrader AI 是一种复杂而新颖的算法,它将人工智能与传统技术分析相结合来预测市场走势。该智能交易系统利用递归神经网络,特别是长短期记忆单元,通过技术分析指标的数据进行训练。通过这种方法,EA 能够学习哪些指标与未来价格走势最相关,并根据这些指标采取行动。此外,LSTM 网络特别适用于时间序列分析,因为它们能够同时考虑短期和长期历史数据。 注:这是一个 有限的介绍性报价 :本 EA 按当前价格出售,每 10 本仅售 1 本。下一个价格: 599 美元 该 EA 的价格将稳步增长,以限制使用该系统进行交易的用户数量。 实时信号 https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2061655 MT4 版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/104723 重要提示: 购买产品后,请直接通过电子邮件与我们联系,以获取更多信息和额外产品。 特点 单图表设置: 只需连接到一个图表,即可同时交易多个符号! 交易面板: 全面控制所有交易、EA 性能和预测! ChatGPT 预测: 从 ChatGPT 获取实时预测,使用短期、中
399 USD
EA Gold Stuff mt5
Vasiliy Strukov
4.78 (513)
EA黄金的东西mt5是专为黄金交易设计的专家顾问。 这项工作基于使用Gold Stuff mt5指标建立订单,因此顾问根据"趋势跟随"策略工作,这意味着跟随趋势。 重要! 购买后立即与我联系,以获得说明和奖金! 智能交易系统需要对冲账户类型 实时结果可以在这里查看 参数 打开新系列-打开/关闭新系列订单的开始。 起始地段-起始地段。 交易买入-允许Ea交易买入。 交易卖出-允许智能交易系统卖出。 使用对冲-当功能启用时,顾问将交易买入和卖出方向,当功能禁用时,顾问将只交易一个方向。 使用货币Manadgement-开/关使用自动手数计算。 自动旋转 每0.01手的可用保证金-每0.01手单位开仓的可用保证金金额。 Lot miltiplier-以下订单的手数乘法系数。 TP-止盈,以点为单位。 SL-止损,以点为单位从第一个订单。 跟踪开始-跟踪止损的激活。 Trail Step-追踪止损激活时与价格的距离。 DD Reduction Algorithm-一种减少回撤的算法,其中最后一个有利润的订单被关闭,系列的第一个订单处于亏损状态。 DD缩减算法的编号
50 USD
Bonnitta EA
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.67 (21)
Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。 不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。 Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。 结果 策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 202
5 750 USD
Bonnitta Gold
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.8 (5)
Bonnitta Gold 基于个人 Bonnitta 交易指标和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta Gold 的策略结合了一个秘密的自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位以及前面提到的最重要的秘密交易算法。 BONNITTA GOLD 需要 400 及以上的更高杠杆 - 我用 10,000 美元和 1:500 的杠杆对其进行了测试,请查看下面的真实账户链接。 您需要更大的杠杆和更高的风险才能使用此 EA,并且仅使用您可以承受损失的金额。 如果您需要投资类型 EA,请获取 BONNITTA EA。 BONNITTA GOLD 极具侵略性。 Bonnitta Gold 是限量版。 最大具体销售数量:50。目前已售出:0 OUT 50。它将从 2023 年 4 月 19 日开始销售,仅销售几周。 起始售价 - 2,500 美元,最后售价 - 15,000 美元 价格很快就会上涨,现在就获取您的副本,因为之后不会有任何折扣。 由于在策略中使用人工智能,回测将不起作用,这就是您可以租用一个月或订阅信号的原因。 请不要忘记添加人工智能工作的链接。 您可以通过 Telegram 或直接
2 750 USD
Bonnitta Gold MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
5 (1)
Bonnitta Gold 基于个人 Bonnitta 交易指标和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta Gold 的策略结合了一个秘密的自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位以及前面提到的最重要的秘密交易算法。 BONNITTA GOLD 需要 400 及以上的更高杠杆 - 我用 10,000 美元和 1:500 的杠杆对其进行了测试,请查看下面的真实账户链接。 您需要更大的杠杆和更高的风险才能使用此 EA,并且仅使用您可以承受损失的金额。 如果您需要投资类型 EA,请获取 BONNITTA EA。 BONNITTA GOLD 极具侵略性。 Bonnitta Gold 是限量版。 最大具体销售数量:50。目前已售出:0 OUT 50。它将从 2023 年 4 月 19 日开始销售,仅销售几周。 起始售价 - 2,500 美元,最后售价 - 15,000 美元 价格很快就会上涨,现在就获取您的副本,因为之后不会有任何折扣。 由于在策略中使用人工智能,回测将不起作用,这就是您可以租用一个月或订阅信号的原因。 请不要忘记添加人工智能工作的链接。 您可以通过 Telegram 或直接
2 750 USD
Ugochukwu Mobi
If you want to find good trading opportunities, then you must trade near the Trend Line. This allows you to have a tighter       stop loss   on your trades — which improves your     risk to reward . But that’s not all… Because if you combine Trend Line with Support and Resistance, that’s where you find the best trading opportunities. Now you might wonder: “So when do I enter a trade?” Well, you can use reversal     candlestick patterns   (like the   Hammer, Bullish Engulfing, etc.) as your entry
125 USD
TrendLiness MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
If you want to find good trading opportunities, then you must trade near the Trend Line. This allows you to have a tighter         stop loss   on your trades — which improves your       risk to reward . But that’s not all… Because if you combine Trend Line with Support and Resistance, that’s where you find the best trading opportunities. Now you might wonder: “So when do I enter a trade?” Well, you can use reversal     candlestick patterns   (like the   Hammer, Bullish Engulfing, etc.) as your e
125 USD
MarkChick 2023.09.17 13:38 

Running for few months now Testing my own strategy using this on FTMO and TFT to avoid large draw downs necessary to manage it With no time restriction I have so far been consistent should pass stage 1 in around 1 to 2 Months Also testing in live account but I still feel I need to manage this other wise its still running profit but with larger drawdown than my Prop firm strategy Love its entries Might update later. In communication with I believe the developer and mostly getting some good help and feed back Rated 5 as I believe this can be really good but you do need to understand the way it thinks

Cemal Alper Suer
Cemal Alper Suer 2023.08.29 13:49 

Don't buy this you will loose all your account.This is a real real scam...Reviews doesnt reflect the realitiy..Be aware of this EA..

Jiří Hinz
Jiří Hinz 2023.08.22 20:01 

I have been using Bonnitta EA since 04/2023. It took me a while to understand how it works. I have tried many EAs offered here on MQL, but over time I can say that I have not had a better EA. Bonnitta earns. I am fascinated by absolutely accurate trade entries and direction estimation. It took me a while to find it and set my risk mode, but if you use Bonnitta sensibly with a low risk setting, you don't need many positions with such precise inputs and the reward is very low draw. The author is willing and always told me which currency pairs are good to always set up for trading. They don't even have an AI powered EA on Bonnitta. Thanks to the author for this masterpiece. Thanks also for the regular improvements and constant updates. Definitely worth the money. I wish the author much success.

m.akkash 2023.07.06 17:50 

SO BAD EXPERT , ONLY BUY IF YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR MONEY , IT BLOW UP 6 ACCOUNT WITH SO LOW RISK , YOU WILL GET SOME PROFIT AT FIRST THEN YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BLOW UP scam !! test result is totally different from real account , I never thought I will be 5k for some body to make me lose all money !!!! ITS SELLING ON BOTTOM AND BUYING ON TOP , so always going against market , with so large amount of open position which will make you lose your money so soon https://prnt.sc/rbyzBiUqrLip see how all position closed here https://prnt.sc/riQDtM1y6v4g https://prnt.sc/qZeShk3CFl6s so poor and big risk grid strategy , the ea work against market with too mach grid open positions waiting for correction bad support and seller not responsible , when ea opened too much positions and lost a lot of money I contacted the seller and his response was just close positions without any responsibility ,I ask many questions and he answer with one word like I'm homeless https://prnt.sc/w-lt-mh21fCZ

JVPger 2023.07.05 01:04 

The algorithm is going from one drawdown to the next. 5.000$ is so much overpriced. I thought I get something special, something better. But that’s not the case. I would have appreciated an honest review, because I would never ever buy it again. Stay away!!

cracker3500 2023.06.16 16:44 

I've been testing Bonnita since the beginning of 2023. At the beginning I had a little difficulty with the settings. But the developer was always available with advice and action. If you stick to the settings and help from the developer. I was able to achieve an average of 10-25% profit with his system. I myself am curious where I will be at the end of 2023. I have tested his bot with a real account since the beginning and started with $1000. In my opinion, this is the best bot I've ever bought.

Patrick Kirch
Patrick Kirch 2023.06.09 17:41 

I've had Bonnitta since March 23 and also made minuses at the beginning. But it was not because of the program, but because of my greed and impatience. Meanwhile, I can only praise the author for his work. Bonnitta works very profitably, I have it on a very large account and it works very well. Maybe it's very important to run the EA on demo at the beginning to learn what its strategy is. I can only recommend it, it's definitely worth it.

oreo1985 2023.06.06 19:40 

Works like a charm. doing a great job so far touch wood. using it for the past 4-5 months or so and cannot complain about the results. good job hoping for the same or better in the future.

Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2023.06.06 19:45
Thank you so much
mmrp1969 2023.06.05 21:22 

Buenas tardes acabo de adquirir el EA , alguien me puede decir si hay algún manual de configuración. Gracias

cubiq4 2023.05.31 19:27 

The EA backtest results don't match real-life performance. After testing and determining settings that offer a 20% drawdown on aggressive and conservative settings, both accounts were leveled to $0 within a month. Whether or not you choose conservative or aggressive settings, the result is about the same. Very easy to tank your whole account balance. Usually I'd recommend backtesting before getting an EA, but in this case, look elsewhere. This is not the EA you're looking for.

Arnoob 2023.05.31 17:28 

From 17 April 2023 are used this expert and I invest a lot of money in my real account From that time I am never take any profit from this expert if we want to talk about strategy, bad strategy, and loser strategy If we want to talk about what time to take and what time to enter in market, everything bad in this expert If you want to lose your money and your time, used this expert I contact so many time the seller. Every time he give me a new story last chat between him. He told me just close the expert and wait to market go up again Where is the money management in this expert? And also all the backtest he put it in the video, all of them fake when you go back to some days already you tested you can see giving you different So I’m going to do my action on this website and the seller because he gift to the customer the backtest fake You can see all the screenshots in commends Between the seller till now he’s playing with me and he did not respect his customer My suggestion to the site is that it be an intermediary between the buyer and the seller to produce such fraudulent operations. We put our trust in the site and we deposited these amounts. Now I give the site and the seller a 48-hour opportunity to recover the paid money before taking all legal measures against them.

genya240565 2023.05.22 16:11 

поставил на реальный счет, буду ждать результаты, так как по тестам все было хорошо...

I put it on a real account, I will wait for the results, since everything was fine according to the tests ...

Tobia Giordano
Tobia Giordano 2023.04.23 11:19 

It is a scam, and the seller is a fraudster. I bought this EA in version 1.30. The backtests were mysteriously good until 31/12/2023, but then nothing more. With each subsequent version, the backtest is updated to the release date. It is disgraceful to give positive reviews to this EA. Unfortunately, it took me some time to realize it, and I apologize for initially giving it 5 stars. It's too easy to sell something without providing any reference to the seller. There would certainly be dozens of lawsuits!

Mauricio Ricalde Rodriguez
Mauricio Ricalde Rodriguez 2023.04.04 20:30 

OK, so today the author has released a new version. I don't f... know why anyone hasn't said anything, but it's time for this thing to fail like the SCAM it is. So I just went ahead and paid the whole $5,750, and after more than a month of trying to make it work, I can conclude IT IS A SCAM. Version 1.30 had a lot of bugs that made it almost non-functional. But version 1.36 corrected a lot of things including the news filter and the double TP on conservative mode, and that just made the cheat more evident: it opens 15x the number of real trades, so it could achieve those wonderful results on the backtest. But make no mistake: it's a useless thing, because you can't set a stop loss without ruining its performance, and of course it's too dangerous to just leave it without stop loss. So there's no way of using it, period. Don't waste your time and money with this thing.

Ugochukwu Mobi
来自开发人员的回复 Ugochukwu Mobi 2023.05.11 17:13
I would like to investigate your concerns further and try to resolve any issues you have encountered. Please could you provide me with more details about the bugs you experienced and the specific problems you had with setting a stop loss? This information will help to improve the product and ensure that it meets the needs of the users.
Mamadou Cellou DIALLO
Mamadou Cellou DIALLO 2023.03.13 01:52 

Je modifie mon avis suite à 2 semaine de test sur un compte réel et d'après mon analyse je recommande vivement cet EA à 99% parmi tant d'autre que j'ai essayé. Surtout mètre en esprit que c'est du trading donc je n'insite personne. je reviendrai avec un autre commentaire la semaine prochaine peut être.

Une chose est claire je n'aime pas faire des commentaire mais il n'y a plusieurs personne qui m'ont contacté en privé pour savoir si je conseil cet EA c'est pourquoi je fait ces quelques mots merci au développeur.

Je voudrai je testé une année avant de faire une note final.

علي العمري
علي العمري 2023.03.03 16:48 

Very good advisor. All trades so far have been perfect. Excellent Expert Advisor

Guang Ming Yong Song
Guang Ming Yong Song 2023.02.24 03:23 

Very good advisor. All trades so far have been perfect. The creator is also very responsive and helpful.

Benjamin Belke
Benjamin Belke 2023.02.23 02:51 

Excellent Expert Advisor 👏 well done sir 🫡

Serafin Perez
Serafin Perez 2023.02.07 22:53 

Great job. Right now it's my favorite tool. Great.

JOEL FX 2023.02.04 23:29 

Recent purchase.... still under review but great comunication from seller responded asap

版本 1.42 2023.08.17
Maximum Symbols at the same time - Fixed
版本 1.41 2023.08.01
Second Strategy added If Second Strategy is false, Strategy 1 will be used. Strategy 1 is the old strategy for previous versions from 1.39
版本 1.40 2023.07.28
重大更新 - 强制执行





版本 1.39 2023.06.02
NewsFilter High Memory Use - Fixed
版本 1.38 2023.05.18
1. Trailing Stop 已修复,现在可以正常使用了。
版本 1.36 2023.05.10
News Filter Fixed
版本 1.30 2023.01.09
重大更新 - 强制性
1. 增加 4K 和 8K 屏幕分辨率面板自动调整和固定面板关闭/打开
4. 将不同货币对的止盈和止损按百分比组合
5. 明确添加的每对最大买卖头寸数量
6. 增加了Only One Direction (FIFO)选项

非常重要:在更新之前,请保存您的设置文件(如果您想保留一些修改),从图表中删除 EA,继续更新,在图表上重新插入 EA 并加载您的设置文件(或新的)或只是加载 提供的设置文件。

版本 1.26 2022.08.14
Fix minor bug and default set value
版本 1.25 2022.04.27
Mandatory & Major Update
==> Due to current market condition Conservative Option is added for more safety. Conservative Mode Opens Less Positions and Only Very Good Quality Positions
==> Custom Comment Is Added
==> Trading Days Option is added : 1-Monday 2-Tuesday So on...
==> Instant Command : If Yes EURUSD-1-BO wil instantly place a EURUSD BUY Position at New candle

==> Very Important: Before updating, please save your set files (in case you want to keep your modifications on them), remove EA from charts, proceed with the update, reinsert EA on charts and load your set files (or the new ones) or Just the load the set file provided.

==>Very Important: Unfortunately, we are under a war between countries. This affects all markets. Please keep your risk low and trade wisely.

If You need help, You can direct message me.
版本 1.23 2022.03.13
Optional Update
Added Mode Buy Only and Sell Only for a specific Symbol - Example EURUSD-0.50-BO
==>Currency EURO / US DOLLAR
==>0.50 = LOT Divide by 2 and TakeProfit Devide 2 too - If LOT is 0.10 The position placed will 0.05
This option is added as I will be weekly publishing best set to use for the week.
版本 1.22 2022.03.11
Mandatory Update regarding the News Filter source which changed its base address from "http" to "https".
New address : https://ec.forexprostools.com/

==>Very Important: Before updating, please save your set files (in case you want to keep your modifications on them), remove EA from charts, proceed with the update, reinsert EA on charts and load your set files (or the new ones) or Just the load the set file provided.

==>Very Important: Unfortunately, we are under a war between countries. This affects all markets. Please keep your risk low and trade wisely.

If You need help, You can direct message me.