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Nexus EA Forex



>>> 在 2010 年,我发现自己和你处于同一点:寻找一种可靠的方式来从交易中持续获利。然而,我发现它并不像某些广告宣传的那么简单。随着时间的推移,我发现了在市场上赚钱的秘诀,我想与您分享。

>>> 抛开对只提供空头承诺的所谓市场“大师”的搜索。相反,我将以可靠的方法和多年的成功经验为后盾,引导您循序渐进地在交易中取胜。您会发现将收入再投资的重要性,避免陷入奇迹般的结果陷阱。我在这里向您展示一条基于一致性和可持续财务增长的道路。

现在,最激动人心的是:我向您介绍 NEXUS,您征服金融市场的盟友。

>>>   NEXUS 是一个自动化的智能交易系统,可以让您高效并准确地跟踪您的进度。


但这还不是全部!发现使用适用于 MT5 和 MT4 平台的 NEXUS 时您将获得的难以置信的优势:

  1. 行之有效的策略:  使用 NEXUS,您将获得经过验证且成功的交易策略。忘记猜测并利用以多年经验和实际结果为后盾的策略。
  2. 自动化操作:  告别压力大的手动交易! NEXUS 允许您自动执行交易,节省您的时间和精力。当您坐下来享受您的收入时,让这位专家顾问完成工作。
  3. 通过执行精确的交易、实时利用市场机会来最大化您的利润:   NEXUS 为您的投资提供无与伦比的效率。通过快速准确地执行交易来最大化您的获利机会,而不会在困难的决定上浪费一秒钟。
  4. 陪伴与跟进:   NEXUS 为您提供交易进度的详细跟踪。跟踪您的交易,分析您的结果并做出明智的决定以实现您的财务目标。
  5. 支持社区:  在这段旅程中,你并不孤单。在我们的 Telegram 频道上加入我们的专属社区,您可以在这里解决您的疑惑、分享经验并了解最新消息。通过 NEXUS,您将成为致力于成功的交易者网络的一员。


>>>  下载 用户手册 并充分利用 NEXUS 的所有功能,   点击这里

>>>  如果你想从 免费套装 并进一步优化您的交易体验,   点击这里

>>>  此外,我们邀请您探索我们的 现场信号   单击此处访问它们。

立即行动,探索 NEXUS 如何改变您的生活!



双重时间性。 TF1:技术分析/TF2:价格行为分析


9 个可选择的市场准入条件。




100% 可配置。




11 种不同的网格策略。




9 种选项可满足所有口味。




6 种高级恢复模式


基于 XAUUSD(可定制)








每个符号 1000 美元。 / $1500 保守

它主要在 FOREX 中进行了测试



*警告:交易专家顾问是旨在协助做出投资决策的自动化程序,但不应被视为财务建议。过去的结果并不能保证未来的结果。始终建议您在使用 EA 之前进行自己的研究并了解它的工作原理。

评论 20
Loris4000 2023.08.01 02:56 

Nexus and Atomic are clearly among the best ea I've bought on mql5 ! Enrique is very serious and always answers my messages. I'm looking forward to seeing what Enrique has in store for us next.

Robert 2023.05.02 14:36 

I have been using this EA for several months now. I give this EA a 5-star rating. The consistency of the results are great on a live account. My backtest results and live results are very similar. Kudos great job Enrique. Thank you for your hard work.

Chawanan Musikadilok
Chawanan Musikadilok 2023.01.15 06:32 

I used Nexus for 2 weeks and feel that this EA is really remarkable. Less orders than other EAs I've used but same profit, with less DD too. Enrique is very nice and responsive. Great work!! Do not hesitate to try this EA.

"Check out MerkaDrive - the ultimate EA developed for contrarian trading. This powerful system is optimized for trading EURUSD, with a recommended period of H1 and a maximum spread of 10. To get started, we recommend backtesting MerkaDrive on every tick over a period of 3 months to speed up your analysis of past years. And don't forget to personalize your risk management strategy after analyzing previous years' drawdowns. Pro tip: it's always a good idea to test out new systems on demo accounts
5 999 USD
Nyamsuren Boldbaatar
CapTaiNCAT FullAutomated expert advisor. TimeFrame M1 M5 SET FILES;   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/38300#!tab=comments&comment=11565247 Recommendations Before using the EA on a real account, test it with minimal risk or on a demo account; Use VPS server with ping less 10ms; ECN account with low spreads + low commissions + quality execution;  Standard settings are optimized for EURUSD GBPUSD AUDUSD USDCAD USDJPY USDCHF XAUUSD  The settings of the EA  Trade Manager  
29 999 USD
Sup 9 Scalper
Inrexea Limited
The Sup 9 Scalper Trading Robot – a cutting-edge, fully automated 2nd generation InrexEA DB system by Sup 9 Martingale. This innovative solution learns from XAUUSD market trends and incorporates the best aspects of the tick calculator. Sup 9 Scalper can make 150 - 500 trades per day in Live trading environment, so tester is not functional. Structure of InrexEA Database: Clients > InrexEA DB > OpenAI > InrexEA DB analysis > Clients  InrexEA DB is a cutting-edge database solution primarily built
2 800 USD
Matrix Hacker MT4
Thomas Bradley Butler
Matrix Hacker 仅适用于对冲账户并使用随机游走,过去无关紧要。 EA 将在市场中保持稳定并涵盖询价和出价。根据交易者的不同,买卖大小和交易量不同的买盘和卖盘。不建议初学者这样做,因为它仍然需要了解优化而不是过度杠杆化。我建议使用设置来剥削较小的点并保持在范围内。 此 EA 可能会打开 4 笔交易,因此了解这一点可确保输入的大小正确。它使用固定手数,因此需要考虑 4 笔固定手数的交易。在进行实时交易之前先在演示中使用此 EA,并且只有在有信心之前才能使用增量手数。建议每微手 1000 美元。对于日间交易,如果使用 DMA 经纪商和小点差和滑点,则降低 tp。然后,如果在一天结束时整体获利,则退出所有头寸。最后,是否有利润很重要,而不是有多少是正确的。您也可以在不同对之间分配。有很多方法可以对冲以降低风险。一起交易不相关和相关的货币对。 重要的事情是优化输入。优化策略测试器中的上个月选项。保存设置文件并在交易中使用它们。随着市场动态的变化,设置文件由交易者决定。交易者应始终积极主动并承担全部责任。我的 EA 要求交易者投入工作。 假设结果免责声明 这些结果
499 USD
L   H E D G E R   S C A L P E R    A fully automated Expert Advisor that uses counter-trend scalping, managed semi-martingale strategy and lock hedging to execute a complete trading scheme from entry analysis to risk-calculated money management to exit analysis plan execution.         V E R Y  I M P O R T A N T    You can use only ECN type of account. Otherwise, it's a disaster. You can use only the GBPJPY currency pair. Open and attach with 1 chart only. Use a minimum o
999 USD
I speak in Hungarian. Magyarul beszélek benne. Első felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2id5O1KPrI Második felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp2i7QN-IMc (Első felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7UbTWiM-Lw Második felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y54q4Rasf2A&t=1s Harmadik felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13zYjsoe6ZQ Negyedik felvétel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGiB1AnxxfU ) Nice Day Signalos! If the Muving Average closes the candle over the candle.
2 700 USD
Crude Oil Master
Paschal Uchenna Ugwu
我在第一个月以65美元的价格提供产品,然后价格恢复到正常水平或更高。 高级版 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/57146 原油专家:https:// www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51051 发行的专家顾问(COM)是经过数年的外汇交易研究实践的结果,该研究涉及数千种策略,多种预测指标,旨在通过结合我们的专家顾问中的几种策略和算法来创造完美的在线交易之美。每个报价价格,具有最大的精度和减轻的速度。交易员无论您需要什么,机器人都能在几分之一秒之内完成。我们采用最佳技术分析来在股市中产生最佳结果,而原油则以最佳表现交易。 该EA的重要优点是您可以以最低25美元的初始保证金开始交易,它支持布伦特原油和wti原油的手动交易,并且可以按25-100美元最低,0.01手的比例定制手数为25-100美元,这意味着要增加手数至0.002,您需要至少有50美元,依此类推,这是推荐的方式,但不是强制性的,换句话说,只用您1%的股权进行交易,那么您需要最低存款$ 150,但这不是必须的!此
30 000 USD
FlySystemEA Pro
Nikolaos Pantzos
3.42 (12)
This Expert Advisor is a pure scalping system. The expert place and manage pending orders. Runs perfect on pairs with tight spread and low commission broker (commission plus spread equal or less than 1.0 pip). Choose a broker with zero stop level and fast execution to use expert. Pairs and Time Frame Pair: eurusd Time frame: M1 Default settings are good for eurusd. Information Please test expert on demo account first, before uses it on real account. Have on your mind, all scalpers are sensi
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub 这是获得高质量切入点的指标。该指标的开发是为了促进数学计算并简化对仓位入场点的搜索。多年来,该指标所针对的交易策略已被证明其有效性。交易策略的简单性是其巨大的优势,即使是新手交易者也能成功进行交易。 VR Cub 计算开仓点以及获利和止损目标水平,这显着提高了效率和易用性。查看使用以下策略进行交易的屏幕截图,了解简单的交易规则。 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客] 您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联] 版本为 [MetaTrader 5] 计算入场点的规则 开仓 要计算入场点,您需要将 VR Cub 工具从最后一个高点拉伸到最后一个低点。 如果第一个点在时间上早于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线上方。 如果第一个点在时间上晚于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线下方。 根据上述条件,严格在 柱线收盘 后建仓。 换句话说,如果我们在小时图上进行交易,那么从最高点到最低点的时间距离必须超过24小时,最高点和最低点之间的点数必须大于或等于平均价格变动每天。 维持和改变市场地位 可以有多个未平仓头寸;每个头寸都可以单独修改。 VR Cu
49 USD
Andrey Kolmogorov
5 (2)
There is always movement and price return in the market. Usually, the price return occurs after an abnormally large candlestick size. The main goal of the Berserker is to make money on this. In his work, Berserker uses 3 modes of opening orders: 1.   Multi - a mode in which 2 opposite orders are opened simultaneously; 2. Reverse   - a mode in which, immediately after closing an order by Stop Loss, a new order is opened in the opposite direction; 3.   Support   - Mode of operation of support orde
249 USD
LuxTrade EA
Samandar Huseynov
Trading robot   LuxTrade EA     is a professional and stable robot for the Forex market. The robot buys when the market is oversold and sells when the market is overbought. To open a trade, the robot uses filters from a unique indicator. Telegram :   https://t.me/poladov13 CHARACTERISTICS: SYMBOL: (at the same time you can connect the robot to ( EURUSD / GBPUSD / USDJPY / USDCAD / EURGBP / AUDUSD ) PLATFORM: MT4 TIME FRAME: H1 BROKER: ANY MIN. CREDIT SHOULDER - 1:100 and more MIN. DEP
1 000 USD
Solomon Chest
Joel Protusada
Solomon's Chest is fully automated scalper Forex robot which trades on ranging and slightly trending market. The trade entries are based on dynamic zones in all timeframes and with the most recent 30bars of all timeframes. Once opportunity level is determined, it will open trades right away. Each order is protected with hidden calculated Stop Loss level. Take profit level is also calculated. The real profit most of the time is actually taken from the trailing stop and with a breakeven point of 5
390 USD
EA Xtremum Gold for MT4 is a fully automated Expert Advisor based on classic indicators:  Bollinger Bands, Ichimoku, MACD, OSMA, Keltner Channels, Price Actions, Time actions, etc. Only  2  copies   available by   $399 Next price ->   $499 Live trading MT4 The EA Xtremum GOLD is designed for the most popular currency pair XAUUSD . The EA was tested on a constant spread = 7 pips Ea Xtremum Gold is a balanced sum of my two best Expert Advisors Bravissimo  and Invicto XAUUSD ! If a respected trade
399 USD
Super Fibo AI
Adeniyi Adedipe
SUPER FIBO AI... RE-ENGINEERED RISK MANAGEMENT MODEL. DEFAULT SETTINGS ARE GOOD FOR EURUSD LIVE TRADING. SIMPLY TURN ALL 12 'Grouped_Trading_Strategies' TO TRUE. Set the value of your starting account deposit/balance as the "Fixed_Trading_Funds" and for higher trading volumes, increase 'sfAI_Batch_Orders' with caution. Super Fibo AI is a multi-Strategy E.A. with keen focus on the EURUD trading pair integrates over 120 independent trading strategies. Super Fibo AI has been cautiously designed an
30 000 USD
SAWA Equity Monitor
Alejandro Funes
5 (3)
SAWA Equity Monitor  is an indicator that allows you to visualize in a chart sub-window the balance, the equity and the margins of each moment on time. PARAMETERS: ______FILTERS______="______FILTERS______"; Only_Trading=false; Only_Current=false; Only_Buys=false; Only_Sells=false; Only_Magics=false; Magic_From=0; Magic_To=0; Only_Symbols=""; Only_Comment=""; ______PERIOD______="______PERIOD______"; Draw_Begin=D'2012.01.01 00:00'; Draw_End=D'2035.01.01 00:00'; {day,month,year,history}; Report_P
Oscillator helps determine the direction of the market Shows the direction of the price movement and is painted in the appropriate color. Allows you to conduct trend and counter trend trading It works on all timeframes, on any currency pairs, metals and cryptocurrency Can be used when working with binary options Distinctive features Does not redraw; Simple and clear settings; It works on all timeframes and on all symbols; Suitable for trading currencies, metals, options and cryptocurrency (Bitco
Crude oil guru Premium
Paschal Uchenna Ugwu
发行的专家顾问(COGP)是经过数年的外汇交易研究实践的结果,该研究涉及数千种策略,多种预测指标,旨在通过结合我们的专家顾问中的几种策略和算法来创造完美的在线交易之美。每个报价价格,具有最大的精度和减轻的速度。交易员无论您需要什么,机器人都能在几分之一秒之内完成。我们采用最佳技术分析来在股市中产生最佳结果,而原油则以最佳表现交易。 该EA的重要优点是您可以以最低25美元的初始保证金开始交易,它支持布伦特原油和wti原油的手动交易,并且可以按25-100美元最低,0.01手的比例定制手数为25-100美元,这意味着要增加手数至0.002,您需要至少有50美元,依此类推,这是推荐的方式,但不是强制性的,换句话说,只用您1%的股权进行交易,那么您需要最低存款$ 150,但这不是必须的!此外,建议您在每次赚取合理利润时提取或转移利润到另一个帐户。 该EA的最低亏损额不超过您的权益的50%,并且可以取得巨大的成就,它还具有响应新闻和市场高波动期的能力,并具有止损,高利润确保高获胜率,赢率超过99%... 运作方式 该机器人通过专注于以下4个流程来管理您的帐户
30 000 USD
Microlab Forex  is a trending analytical bot. An expert system based on geometric virtual pattern algorithms specially designed for time series. For this version of the Expert Advisor to work, there is no need to download any indicators or additional products, the bot is an independent finished product. Microlab Forex  is a tool for trading in the foreign exchange market. The minimum recommendation is $1000. While the recommended minimum deposit is between $1,000 and $10,000 for one curre
1 199 USD
Trader AI ecn
Tat Dat Nguyen
TRADER AI ECN Before you buy all of my products please be aware of the risks involved: 1) Please do not over believe in backtesting result . No one can 100% predict the future . 2) The best setting is default, but you can find the best by yourself each special conditions 3) Sometimes a confliction of market can cause the account a short period of Drawdown , Please get ready for it and wait for profit. 4) Trader AI are dependent on good brokerage conditions, like low spread and sli
30 000 USD
Universal expert adviser, Custom indicator integration, Automated trading system, Risk management tool, Trade management tool, Forex trading software, Expert adviser development, Indicator-based trading, Customizable trading tool, Algorithmic trading solution, Trade execution automation, Indicator-driven EA, Forex trading automation, Trading strategy implementation, Buy and sell signals automation, Custom indicator optimization, Trading signal conversion, Indicator-based trading robot, Indicator
200 USD
Forex Thunder
Paschal Uchenna Ugwu
我很高兴在您的产品页面上欢迎您-我是其作者Ugwu Paschal。 下一个价格$ 100 EA简单易用-只需在获利和追踪止损H1上将默认设置附加到eurusd gbpusd,Crude(wti和Brent)上即可。 为了获得最佳结果,顾问提供1种策略-随机策略,   设定 选择策略-选择交易策略。 打开新系列-开/关新系列订单的开始。 很多-很多。 交易购买-允许顾问购买。 交易出售-允许顾问出售。 TP-止盈,以点为单位。 SL-止损,从第一笔订单开始。 跟踪开始-激活跟踪停止。 魔术-是EA为其订单分配的特殊编号。 此外,指标指标是随机的,随机的工作策略-顾问将在Up_Level_Stoch以上卖出,在Down_Level_Stoch以下买入
30 000 USD
H4 GBPUSD Trend Scalper is a trend signal scalper The EA trades according to the trend strategy using original built-in indicator for opening and closing orders. The external inputs for limiting trading on Fridays and Mondays are available. The purpose of the strategy is to use the current trend with the most benefit. According to the results of testing and working on demo and real accounts, the best results achieved by using the Н4 timeframe on the GBP/USD pair Works on MetaTrader 4 Build 971+
149 USD
Clustering Trend
Tatiana Savkevych
Clustering Trend is always in operation - after the first position, provided that the position is not closed with stops. You can test the bot on any part of the history, the bot is configured to pass the entire history, but if you need to increase productivity in a specific area, you can optimize the bot for more productive work, but in a shorter part of the history. The bot works without trailing stops, breakevens or anything like that. The principle of operation is that there is a signal, t
127 USD
"This expert is a clear Fox Wave QCW, open in 1 minute"  "Time filter: Allows you to work ea during certain hours"  "Volume: To use a fixed volume, then perform percentage risk = zero"  "Percentage of risk: to use risk at volume = zero"  "Lot MP: volume multiplies for martingale in case you lose your last order" "Time frame : Week or Month" 24 setting options according to the degree of aggression In addition, the ranger works on the principle of this indicator https://www.youtube.com/watc
30 000 USD
History Pattern Search
Yevhenii Levchenko
该指标建立当前报价,可以与历史报价进行比较,并在此基础上进行价格走势预测。指示器有一个文本字段,用于快速导航到所需日期。 选项: 符号 - 选择指标将显示的符号; SymbolPeriod - 选择指标从中获取数据的时段; IndicatorColor - 指示器颜色; HorisontalShift - 由指标绘制的报价移动指定的柱数; Inverse - true 反转引号,false - 原始视图; ChartVerticalShiftStep - 图表垂直移动(键盘上的向上/向下箭头); 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。
55 USD
REX complete 3in1
Christophe Godart
This is the complete REX package. It consists of the lite, pro and ULTRA version.  Perfect for beginners and intermediates. REX complete is 100% non repaint. The strategy is based on a mix of different strategies, statistics, including pivot points, oscillators and patterns.  As the trading idea consists of a variety of some classic indicators like Momentum, Williams Percent Range, CCI, Force Index, WPR, DeMarker, CCI, RSI and Stochastic, it is clear that the fundamental indicators have being
1 800 USD
If you wish to draw Support and Resistance lines, view: daily market opening, classical pivot levels, Fibonacci pivot levels, trend lines, Fibonacci levels, the remaining time to candle closing, and current spread. If you seek to place your orders with the exact lot that meets your desired stop loss risk. If you wish to do all this and more with just one click, then this is the perfect tool to use. This tool will allow you to feel more relaxed when deciding to open orders, as well as predicting
300 USD
Forex Gold Digger
Paschal Uchenna Ugwu
2.67 (3)
发行的专家顾问(FGD)是多年外汇交易研究实践的结果,该研究涉及数千种策略,多种预测指标,旨在通过结合我们专家顾问中的几种策略和算法来创造完美的在线交易之美。每个报价价格,具有最大的精度和减轻的速度。交易员无论您需要什么,机器人都能在几分之一秒之内完成。我们采用最佳技术分析来在股市中产生最佳结果,而原油则以最佳表现交易。 该EA的重要优点是您可以以最少20美元的初始存款开始交易,它支持黄金,欧元,英镑和手数的交易,并且可以按最小20美元的比例定制交易,以20美元的0.01手的比例定制,这意味着将手数增加到0.1,您需要至少有200美元,依此类推,这是推荐的方式,但不是强制性的;否则,仅用您权益的1%进行交易,那么您需要最低存入200美元,但这就是并非必须!,也建议每次赚取合理利润时将其提现或转入另一个帐户。 该EA的最低亏损额不超过您的权益的50%,并且可以取得巨大的成就,它还具有响应新闻和市场高波动期的能力,并具有止损,高利润确保高获胜率,胜率高达99%... 运作方式 该机器人通过专注于以下4个流程来管理您的帐户 1,交易前的活动(购买)
30 000 USD
Chiedozie Titus Ugwu
5 (1)
BitcoinWhale是为MT4平台和比特币/美元对设计和优化的专业自动交易系统。 该系统在您的终端上独立运行,您可以在您的计算机或 VPS 上运行它,因为在机器人运行时必须打开计算机。 机器人一天 24 小时分析市场,因此它比人类更有效。 更新和优化是持续进行的,并将提供给买方。 机器人将得到进一步发展,这将有助于在未来实现更好的交易效果。 不要使用危险的策略。只有真正的止损和获利。 即使您的互联网连接或电力中断,您的订单也会受到保护止损。 机器人BitcoinWhale的工作原理。 机器人很少进行交易,但它们的质量很好,所以要有耐心,让机器人启动并检查结果,对机器人要有耐心。有时它会在一天内进入许多交易。它的策略主要取决于市场。 机器人的工作,为了让机器人以最佳方式工作,在您的终端上的 BTCUSD (1M .Daily timeframes) 图表上运行它,最低存款为 100 美元以交易 0.01 手。 购买后记得联系我获取设置文件 推荐杠杆为1:500 EA 交易设置 名称输入 利润 20000  Roverp
30 000 USD
BasedSniper Gold EA
Aloysius Koh Cheng Zheng
基于基础的黄金EA基于多个自定义指标和高级交易算法的组合,该算法是专门设计的,可在xauusd或gold中赚取1%的每个周期。 一个周期通常在24小时内打开并关闭。 根据过去的结果,最长的时间是48小时。 因此,可以肯定地说它每天将赚1%。 最重要的是,如果失败(很少),我们会使用Martingale策略来补偿损失。 但是,如果您向下滚动并阅读更多信息,则有一些方法可以通过我推荐的经纪人的奖金来增加1%。 设置的参数和其他信息 平台:Metatrader 4 交易对:黄金,xauusd 经纪人:与所有经纪人兼容 时间范围:M5 最低存款:1000(仅100个倍数) 杠杆:1-500或更多 EA输入 -  修复批量:每100股权,使用0.01批次。 (包括任何奖金学分)您存入800和经纪人信贷的示例您200,总权益为1,000。 您的批量将为0.1 乘数:2 网格差距PIPS:25/250,具体取决于您的经纪人/帐户类型。 在XM标准帐户中,输入为25,[这是XM的当前差异(33)] 最大周期交易:5 TP类型:金额 TP金额:您的初始权益的1%(包括任何奖金学分)您存入800
999 USD
Quantum Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.88 (25)
介绍     QuantumEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 ***购买量子皇帝EA,即可免费获得量子贸易EA或量子金皇!*** 详情请私聊 实时信号1:       点击 MT5版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 促销价仅   9 99.99 美元 ! 每购买 10 次,价格将上涨 100 美元!最终价格 4999.99 美元 量子皇帝EA     采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为七个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为七个较小的头寸。 量子皇帝EA     因其处理亏损交易的出色方法而从其他专家顾问中脱颖而出。与传统方法单纯依靠止损订单来限制损失不同,量子皇帝 EA 采用先进的技术来有效管理亏损仓位。当面对亏损的七笔交易时,量子皇帝 EA 不会立即平仓,而是将下一个仓位划分为七个较小的。然后,它有策略地利用盈利交易的利润,逐步将亏损的头寸一一平掉,直到全部成功放弃。 这
999.99 USD
Quantum Wizard MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
Quantum Wizard 是一款先进的 Expert Advisor,用于在 M5 时间范围内交易道琼斯和纳斯达克指数,具有前所未有的准确性和性能。您现在终于可以通过指数交易来实现投资组合的多元化。 所有交易均受到严格止损的保护,并使用三角止损退出盈利交易。 它在纽约股票市场时段运营。 量子向导相当活跃,每天可以交易多次 实时信号1:       点击 MT5版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 ***购买量子精灵EA即可免费获得量子皇帝!***更多详情请私聊 建议: 货币对:US30(也称为 DOW 或道琼斯) 时间范围:m5 最低存款:$500 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低。 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 重要的:     使用低点差账户以获得最佳结果非常重要! 账户类型:对冲 杠杆:至少1:100 规格: 交易 US30(道琼斯) 每笔交易均受到 30 点止损的保护 退出策略包含使用 M5 图表的追踪
4 999.99 USD
Big Forex Players MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (3)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the   Big Forex Players EA   designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. Only after all that work did we decide to add it to our list of products. We will not create additional EAs, instead, we are going to dedicate our time to the expansion of this EA, guided by
1 499 USD
lizhi fu
4.79 (38)
如遇到安装和EA回测问题,请发送信息;购买8天后,即可免费领取 Band trend indicator 指标 。 TopBottomEA的优势: 首款支持小本金工作的EA,实盘4年多了;本EA基于波动率自适应机制,一次只下一单,每单带止损,平均每天4单左右,持单时长12小时左右, 使用Dukascopy真实历史数据,以 20美元 极限本金挑战回测跑完了10年以上。 每间隔三天涨价$100元,涨价过程:  998--> 1098--> 1198 ...... 涨到目标价 $ 4999为止,购买后,EA工作期间,可以和我们的真实观摩账户交易记录比较。 对盗版说不:不要拿自已的本金试错,由于TopBottomEA包含一种算法来检测所有假冒版本,之后的所有激活都将无法正常工作,请小心。 挑战最小资金 真实账户1: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1575208   质量【可靠性】5格,在新冠病毒期间,EA交易中断了一年,服务器因故过期。 挑战最小资金 真实账户2: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1575241   质量【可靠性
1 198 USD
Sup 9 Martingale
Inrexea Limited
The Sup 9 Martingale Trading Robot – a cutting-edge, fully automated 2nd generation InrexEA DB system by OpenEA. This innovative solution learns from XAUUSD market trends and incorporates the best aspects of the retired Ea YOLO Diamond Hands. Fully protect the quality of trades. All trades are in private. Structure of InrexEA Database: Clients > InrexEA DB > OpenAI > InrexEA DB analysis > Clients  InrexEA DB is a cutting-edge database solution primarily built using the powerful Python programmi
2 800 USD
XG Gold Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
3.83 (6)
The XG Gold Robot MT4 is specially designed for Gold. We decided to include this EA in our offering after   extensive testing . XG Gold Robot and works perfectly with the   XAUUSD, GOLD, XAUEUR   pairs. XG Gold Robot has been created for all traders who like to   Trade in Gold   and includes additional a function that displays   weekly Gold levels   with the minimum and maximum displayed in the panel as well as on the chart, which will help you in manual trading. It’s a strategy based on  Price
799 USD
Undefeated Triangle MT4
Nauris Zukas
4.64 (11)
描述。 该产品是作为“ PULSE_OF_MARKET ”项目的一部分创建的。 EA“Undefeated Triangle”是一个先进的系统,利用澳元、加元和新西兰元货币之间的独特波动。历史结果表明,组合中使用的这些对总是在向一个方向快速移动后返回第一个移动的对。这种观察可以允许包含一个网格-鞅系统,该系统可以获得这些独特情况的最大点数。 EA“不败三角”仅使用 3 对:AUDCAD、AUDNZD 和 NZDCAD。 MT5 version 好处。 真实账户监控 ; 比类似的替代品便宜得多; 操作迷你账户甚至 1 美元; 没有复杂的针参数; 便于使用。 参数。 Short Name (In Comment Section) – 出现在评论部分的日记或帐户历史中;  Print Logs On Chart - 开/关信息面板;  Display Options – 允许调整 4K 显示分辨率;  One Chart Setup Pairs – 选定的交易对列表(必须更改后缀);  Magic - 交易头寸标识符;  No more Initial Trades (
1 099 USD
Nas100 Scalping EA
Moustapha Boulouz
contact me 为希望从NAS100指数的短期价格变动中获利的交易者介绍终极EA--NAS100剥头皮EA! 我们的剥头皮EA是一个自动交易软件,它利用纽约证券交易所的开放势头。该EA可以识别高概率的交易机会,并在几分钟内迅速执行交易,捕捉小的价格变动。 使用我们的NAS100剥头皮EA,您将享受到闪电般的快速执行,紧密的点差,以及先进的风险管理功能,以确保您的交易不会有太大的风险。您可以使用该EA进行不同手数的交易,并且可以根据您的喜好进行放大或缩小。 无论你是有经验的交易者还是刚刚开始,我们的NAS100剥头皮EA都是帮助你实现利润最大化和风险最小化的完美工具。不要错过机会,加入使用自动交易软件的精英交易员群体,发挥他们的优势。 今天就订购我们的NAS100剥头皮EA,让您的交易更上一层楼吧 向盗版说不 由于盗版  Nas100 scalping EA包含一个算法来检测所有的假版本,如LD,JD Environment, msimg32.dll等,如果你的激活被用于盗版,所有的激活后将不能正常工作,请小心。 特点 本EA只专注于Scalping
5 000 USD
Waka Waka EA
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.47 (45)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
2 200 USD
Aura Black Edition
Stanislav Tomilov
4.6 (10)
Aura Black Edition is a fully automated EA designed to trade GOLD only. Expert showed stable results on XAUUSD in 2011-2020 period. No dangerous methods of money management used, no martingale, no grid or scalp. Suitable for any broker conditions. EA trained with a multilayer perceptron Neural Network (MLP) is a class of feedforward artificial neural network (ANN). The term MLP is used ambiguously, sometimes loosely to any feedforward ANN, sometimes strictly to refer to networks composed of mult
1 750 USD
Perceptrader AI
Valeriia Mishchenko
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefra
2 000 USD
Mighty Makers EA MT4
Sergey Simakov
4 (4)
Introducing Mighty Makers - Your Path to Informed Investing. Investment decisions can often feel overwhelming for investors. However, with Mighty Makers, you can seize control and make well-informed choices. Our cutting-edge system is designed to provide you with up-to-the-minute information by analyzing vast amounts of real-time market data. Through advanced algorithms, we identify patterns and trends, delivering personalized recommendations that align with your unique investment preferences. O
1 299 USD
Aleksandr Shurgin
This scalper Expert Advisor is designed for trading the major currency pairs. The EA works on any timeframe. It uses dynamic pending orders with ability to filter them for their deletion. If necessary, this function can be disabled and the entries will be performed by market. The algorithm includes several scalping strategies. Orders are managed by means of a complex customizable trailing, which allows closing deals at the lowest cost. Reconfiguration of the EA parameters can significantly chang
2 800 USD
Darwin Evolution MT4
Guillaume Duportal
4.82 (11)
达尔文进化 !! 1490美元至990美元限时 (提供有效的抵达下一个更新,不要浪费时间) !!! 您无法恢复为此EA,因为MT4不处理同时多对。 达尔文需要28对计算指标! 描述:  - 了解操作,来读博客(这ea反映了我的外汇交易哲学......如果你喜欢我的方式看东西,那么你会喜欢我的ea。 花时间去做! (外汇不是一场比赛):https:// www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745790  - 在这里看到过去的性能是信号的链接 实时正常信号模式: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 实时信号风险模式 : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 演示版过去的性能: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/71748?source=site +market+main+ratting005# -tab =译文&page=2 解释 : 这种环境评估旨在更
999 USD
Best Definition MT4
Vitalii Zakharuk
Best Definition   is trend trading. The expert system goes through the whole history for most currency pairs with simple settings. The bot has a very developed internal architecture. Works with pending orders. Can work with trailing stop for pending orders. With trailing stop for real orders. For pending and real ones, you can set separately stop loss and take profit. The bot can also work with virtual top loss and take profit. The Expert Advisor can be launched on any hourly period, any curr
1 499 USD
Aleksandr Shurgin
5 (1)
The functionality of the expert-scalper "Argument" is provided by flexible parameter settings, well-thought-out protective functions, and the absence of dangerous money management methods. All positions have a stop loss and take profit, closing is carried out through flexible, customizable trailing. Spread and slippage control. The EA works on any timeframe. You can trade simultaneously on several different instruments by placing an Expert Advisor on the chart of each of them. When trading on s
5 000 USD
Bonnitta EA
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.67 (21)
Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。 不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。 Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。 结果 策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 202
5 750 USD
Darwin Swing MT4
Guillaume Duportal
4.77 (13)
达尔文-SWING 推出价格999美元,未来价格1490美元 描述: -- 要了解它的工作原理,请来阅读博客(该EA反映了我的外汇交易哲学......如果你喜欢我看待事物的方式,那么你会喜欢我的EA。 花时间去做吧! (外汇不是一场比赛): https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745790 -- 要看过去的表现,这里有信号的链接。 现场和演示信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 解释一下。 在达尔文进化论取得巨大成功后,我推出了达尔文摇摆,可以同时使用。 本专家的设计尽可能地接近手工交易。 这是一个为长期而设的专家,它不是一个快速黄牛,也不是一个夜间黄牛。 基本策略是波段交易,利用支撑位和阻力位来开仓。 这个系统的创新之处在于,它包含了虚拟职位。该EA平均计算每对货币在趋势中会有多少个S/R交叉。 由于这种计算,EA将在每个S/R(日/月/周....)上放置虚拟头寸(在仪表盘上可见的头寸,但不是真实开仓),当价格达到S/R交叉的数量(
999 USD
Celestia EA
5 (1)
Celestia - Your Stellar Companion in Automated Trading Real Account Celestia EA medium risk  https://www.mql5.com/de/signals/2051245 Description:   Introducing Celestia, your cutting-edge automated trading companion designed to illuminate your journey in the dynamic world of financial markets. Powered by advanced algorithms and state-of-the-art technology, Celestia stands as a beacon of precision and efficiency in the realm of algorithmic trading. Key Features: Galactic Algorithms:   Celesti
1 000 USD
Vyacheslav Izvarin
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO and MFF Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 700 USD
Night Hunter Pro
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.56 (50)
EA has a  live track record  with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown : Best Pairs   (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all t
2 200 USD
Vladimir Pokora
This robot uses an algorithm, that monitors and evaluates the situation in the market, its speed and power. At the appropriate time, it places pending orders on the market, and then moves them to better prices. It uses a money management with tight StopLoss and other functions. The default setting is for EURUSD M5, but it will have good results on other markets and other time frames. A fast ECN broker with minimal fees and precise quotations in points is recommended. Settings StartTrading - s
929 USD
璇玑龙EA是我的另一个全自动EA,专门从事黄金。EA 在 2019-2023 年期间的 H1 时间范围内表现良好。 璇玑龙EA基于几个交易指标:RSI(相对强弱指标),随机振荡器和我自己的自定义指标,以使其更有效。 作为确定合适入场点的初始信号,EA 使用 2 个级别的标准交叉:超买和超卖区域、随机指标和 my 指标来确定价格在特定水平变动的可能性。 指标的组合工作允许 EA 交易清除错误信号。准确的交易开仓和易用性使 璇玑龙 EA成为赚钱的绝佳工具。 售价将受销量已经实盘盈利率调整:每卖出一份售价增加100刀,实盘盈利率每增加100%售价增加100刀 请不要错过现在的价格!!! 实盘信号: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1989899?source=Site +Signals+From+Author 推荐: 工作对: XAUUSD 工作时间范围:H1 最低建议存款: $1000 推荐经纪商:ECN 特征: 可靠的回测和实时性能 使用动态止盈功能 用户友好,安装和使用 EA 无需特殊技能 与任何经纪人兼容 设置: 最大
3 000 USD
Chaos Algo Trading EA
Stefano Frisetti
3 (2)
DESCRIPTION With the CHAOS ALGO TRADING EA, You dont need anymore to guess prices direction, You can profit when prices move either in mark up or in mark down from the moment You activate the EA in Your trading account. The ALGO TRADING EA was created to fully automate the TRADING STRATEGY OF CHAOS, leaving the single TRADE OPEN and TRADE CLOSE to the EA, and keeping for the TRADER only the decision when to activate it or close it. The EA is best used in loops; so if USER activate it, and then
1 177 USD
Bonnitta Gold
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.8 (5)
Bonnitta Gold 基于个人 Bonnitta 交易指标和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta Gold 的策略结合了一个秘密的自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位以及前面提到的最重要的秘密交易算法。 BONNITTA GOLD 需要 400 及以上的更高杠杆 - 我用 10,000 美元和 1:500 的杠杆对其进行了测试,请查看下面的真实账户链接。 您需要更大的杠杆和更高的风险才能使用此 EA,并且仅使用您可以承受损失的金额。 如果您需要投资类型 EA,请获取 BONNITTA EA。 BONNITTA GOLD 极具侵略性。 Bonnitta Gold 是限量版。 最大具体销售数量:50。目前已售出:0 OUT 50。它将从 2023 年 4 月 19 日开始销售,仅销售几周。 起始售价 - 2,500 美元,最后售价 - 15,000 美元 价格很快就会上涨,现在就获取您的副本,因为之后不会有任何折扣。 由于在策略中使用人工智能,回测将不起作用,这就是您可以租用一个月或订阅信号的原因。 请不要忘记添加人工智能工作的链接。 您可以通过 Telegram 或直接
2 750 USD
Mikhail Senchakov
Perfection is a multicurrency, fully automated and secure trading robot. The robot is designed for both portfolio trading and trading a single instrument. The EA does not use averaging methods, the volume of positions is strictly regulated. Orders are opened only in the direction of market movement in a grid. Due to this, the robot operates efficiently on any strong movements. The decision making algorithm does not use indicators. Instead, the robot automatically calculates the key levels, which
2 900 USD
LazyBoy AI Trader Prob Firm Ready
Hesham Ahmed Kamal Barakat
NEW!  SEP 11 2023 - Now you can pay only $1000 a monthly installment and get full access to the EA. Trades; Currency pairs - Metals and more. Live Performance Passing a $300k Prob Firm Account Phase 1:  My Forex Funds account passing signal Get the US to manage your accounts for small fee with our Partner Program. Learn more at the bottom. The Strategy; Our Advanced Support/Resistance Trading Strategy is a powerful tool designed to help traders achieve consistent gains while effectively
4 999 USD
Osiris AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
你好,交易者,我严格按照真实结果设计了这个工具,基于我之前的几个策略,适应了外汇市场,因此它适应了机器学习的人工智能,也就是说,人工智能会读取参数,然后将它们咨询到我的策略,然后它会学习,以便条目质量更好,它还有一个可以恢复仓位的节点,您会发现的另一个创新之处是,一切都将以虚拟方式封装,即不会发送到服务器的数据止损、止盈等,都会以非常人性化的方式 其中最主要的两件事是我设计了 extractFeatures 和 trainModel 函数,这将负责设计蜡烛、解构 Slippage 并学习它如何移动以适应 Spread。 需要注意的是,我的策略开发是我作为专业交易员多年来设计的,加入了人工智能的自适应来优化性能,使其变得更好。 应该高度注意的是,这是真正的黄牛,利润将是真实的,通过止盈和止损进行控制 这样你的钱就会受到保护 您不需要有交易经验,我的工具是为初学者和专家设计的,只需两次简单的点击即可安装,因为它将像专业交易者一样完成工作 购买我的产品后,要求我获得最佳配置,您还可以在这里看到我的其他产品 MQL5 该人工智能主要针对那些想要替代方案并 24/5
2 499 USD
The Mars is set and forget Grid trading system. Advanced strategy employing multiple independent grid sequences of orders on trading against retail trading logics on the specific liquidity levels. EA is monitoring break of significant levels for inducements to suck retail traders to enter the market, exactly like it's thought in every stupid trading book. Then the EA trades against the retail trades with the targets where the liquidity of their stop losses is placed. If the entry on the liquidi
999 USD
Andrey Kolmogorov
5 (1)
Cherokee  - is a professional adviser based on a trend tracking system with an adaptive algorithm. New sets are in the "Comments" section comments #2-3. Signal: 6 currency pairs Main Advantages 6 currency pairs; The EA does not use Martingale; The minimum starting deposit is $300; No need to close the robot during news releases; It works with 4 and 5-digit quotes; A multi-level model of a quantum set. Working parameters Currency pairs : EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, USD/JPY ,  
799 USD
Atomic79 EA
Enrique Enguix
4.67 (24)
Meet ATOMIC79,专为黄金(XAUUSD)市场而设计的专家顾问! 1.       实盘账户快速链接:     --->     点击这里 2.       查看完整用户指南:     --->     点击这里 3.       探索我们的XAUUSD交易设置:     --->     点击这里 卓越特点: - 基于iTREND定制指标的四种市场入场策略,为您提供多种方法来最大化交易。 - 使用平均技术来减少风险并最大化利润,保护您的投资。 - 两种操作模式:TURBO和SAFE,适应您的偏好和风险水平。 - 能够限制交易日,并阻止超出每日价格范围的交易,提供对黄金市场特点的波动性的保护。 - 自动网格系统,优化您的利润,配合基于交易数量的动态获利系统和止损系统。 - 特殊的非农薪资(NFP)事件过滤器,使您能够在关键时刻高效管理操作。 - 先进的恢复模式,帮助您最大化盈利机会。 - 通过平仓和跟踪止损功能提供额外的利润保护。 - 集成的新闻和经济事件过滤器,随时让您了解最新信息。 卓越优势: - 不断更新的先进算法,让您始终领先市场。 - ATOMIC79比竞争
394.60 USD
Nexus EA Forex MT5
Enrique Enguix
5 (8)
与Nexus一起提升您的成功:您的MetaTrader专家顾问 Nexus为您在竞争激烈的金融世界中提供更多,而不仅仅是空洞的承诺。我们的方法现实、道德且可持续,标志着交易的真正革命。但是这是重要的一点:您不需要成为专家来受益!Nexus自动运行,根据您的指导做出明智的决策。 让我们向您展示Nexus如何灵活适应您的需求,为您提供平衡的安宁和稳健的结果,无论您的经验水平如何: 1. 智能连接,准确决策 Nexus不仅仅进行市场数据分析。它在指标、策略和趋势之间建立智能连接,确保全面分析和有效的交易决策。 2. 您的伙伴,您的成功:全自动化 您是交易新手吗?担心做出错误决策吗? Nexus消除了这些担忧。从交易开启到关闭,它完全自动化的方法使您能够在没有交易经验的情况下获得收益。 3. 利用波动优势 市场出现下行趋势时会发生什么? Nexus捕捉所有机会,无论是在上升趋势还是下降趋势中。这样,您可以在市场走向任何方向时都能获得利润。 4. 以小额投资开始 您是否认为需要大量投资才能开始? Nexus适应您的资金,并且甚至可以用于分账户,让您以适度的资本迈出第一步,并逐
789.21 USD
Atomic79 MT5 EA
Enrique Enguix
5 (2)
Meet ATOMIC79,专为黄金(XAUUSD)市场而设计的专家顾问! 1.       实盘账户快速链接:     --->     点击这里 2.       查看完整用户指南:     --->     点击这里 3.       探索我们的XAUUSD交易设置:     --->     点击这里 4.       下载7天免费样本副本 ---> 点击这里 卓越特点: - 基于iTREND定制指标的四种市场入场策略,为您提供多种方法来最大化交易。 - 使用平均技术来减少风险并最大化利润,保护您的投资。 - 两种操作模式:TURBO和SAFE,适应您的偏好和风险水平。 - 能够限制交易日,并阻止超出每日价格范围的交易,提供对黄金市场特点的波动性的保护。 - 自动网格系统,优化您的利润,配合基于交易数量的动态获利系统和止损系统。 - 特殊的非农薪资(NFP)事件过滤器,使您能够在关键时刻高效管理操作。 - 先进的恢复模式,帮助您最大化盈利机会。 - 通过平仓和跟踪止损功能提供额外的利润保护。 - 集成的新闻和经济事件过滤器,随时让您了解最新信息。 卓越优势: - 不断更
394.60 USD
Center EA
Enrique Enguix
4.56 (257)
体验 Center EA 的强大功能,称霸外汇市场! 基于价格行为的交易,对市场走势进行深入分析。 中心以其趋势特征脱颖而出。 即时下载: 加入超过 20,000 名已经利用此机会的人并立即下载 Center EA 已证实的盈利能力: 高达 80% 的交易可以通过 Center EA 获得成功! 基于价格行为的策略: 使用 Center EA 的策略准确地最大化您的收益。 易于安装:   按照我们的分步安装视频,使用 Center EA 快速开始交易 。 我们满意的用户怎么说? “Center EA 改变了我的外汇交易方式。推荐!” “感谢 Center EA,我现在对自己的交易更有信心了。太棒了!” “非常非常好,我什至会说太棒了。太棒了。   ” “我对性能和结果感到惊讶。祝贺开发者。” 你正在寻找一个 优秀 的专家顾问吗? 发现我们为您准备的内容 ! 我们为以下符号提供了4个特殊套装  EURUSD , USDCAD , AUDUSD  和  GBPUSD 。 点击这里下载它们! 建议: 推荐时间范围:M1、M5、M15 和其他设置适当的时间范围。 支持的
Center EA MT5
Enrique Enguix
体验 Center EA 的强大功能,称霸外汇市场! 基于价格行为的交易,对市场走势进行深入分析。 中心以其趋势特征脱颖而出。 即时下载: 加入超过 20,000 名已经利用此机会的人并立即下载 Center EA 已证实的盈利能力: 高达 80% 的交易可以通过 Center EA 获得成功! 基于价格行为的策略: 使用 Center EA 的策略准确地最大化您的收益。 易于安装:   按照我们的分步安装视频,使用 Center EA 快速开始交易 。 我们满意的用户怎么说? “Center EA 改变了我的外汇交易方式。推荐!” “感谢 Center EA,我现在对自己的交易更有信心了。太棒了!” “非常非常好,我什至会说太棒了。太棒了。   ” “我对性能和结果感到惊讶。祝贺开发者。” 你正在寻找一个 优秀 的专家顾问吗? 发现我们为您准备的内容 ! 我们为以下符号提供了4个特殊套装  EURUSD , USDCAD , AUDUSD  和  GBPUSD 。 点击这里下载它们! 建议: 推荐时间范围:M1、M5、M15 和其他设置适当的时间范围。 支持的
Loris4000 2023.08.01 02:56 

Nexus and Atomic are clearly among the best ea I've bought on mql5 ! Enrique is very serious and always answers my messages. I'm looking forward to seeing what Enrique has in store for us next.

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2023.08.01 08:04
Dear Loris, It is an honor and a pleasure to reach out to you to express my sincere gratitude for your kind and positive review. We highly value your time and effort in sharing your feedback about our service. Your support and recognition mean a great deal to us. We are delighted to know that we were able to meet your expectations and provide you with a satisfactory experience. Such positive feedback inspires us to continue working hard to deliver an even better quality of service.
Robert 2023.05.02 14:36 

I have been using this EA for several months now. I give this EA a 5-star rating. The consistency of the results are great on a live account. My backtest results and live results are very similar. Kudos great job Enrique. Thank you for your hard work.

Chawanan Musikadilok
Chawanan Musikadilok 2023.01.15 06:32 

I used Nexus for 2 weeks and feel that this EA is really remarkable. Less orders than other EAs I've used but same profit, with less DD too. Enrique is very nice and responsive. Great work!! Do not hesitate to try this EA.

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2023.01.15 07:22
Thanks, I'm glad you're happy and write a review to share your experience
Navig8tr 2023.01.05 18:20 

After using Center EA for about a month there was no doubt, I wanted to purchase NEXUS. I have been impressed with the thought and flexibility built into this EA and of course the results have been fantastic. Keep up the great work Enrique!

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2023.01.07 10:36
Thank you very much for your review. I like nothing more than a satisfied user!
711203 2022.12.18 19:52 

I've been testing Nexus on a demo account for a month now, it shows good results, then I start a real account

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.12.19 09:36
Nice! I'm glad that's the case, good luck!
cartra2022 2022.12.11 04:54 

I use Nexus and Atomic ,I should say especially about Nexus its really a great thing, many ways to adapt to any user of any style. and ofcourse about Enrique, He is very active and responsive to his job and users, supportive and humble Thanks to Enrique and whole Trendex team

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.12.11 07:45
Thank you very much for this great review. For us it is a pleasure. We continue working every day to provide a better product and service
studentspower 2022.09.14 22:06 

I am testing for two days now. I’m running it on MT4. The results are very promising. My questions in the beginning where answered quickly and satisfyingly from Enrique. So far very good. I can really recommend it. Excited to check out also his other EAs. 👍👏

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.09.14 22:18
I hope that your satisfaction continues to grow day after day just like your account!
Ivan Zaitsev
Ivan Zaitsev 2022.09.02 11:45 

the product that this person provided is simply incredible, it shows excellent results, I purchased 2 NEXUS and ATOMIC79 products, both products are unique and have their own strategy, they are all profitable, but with standard settings (sets) from the author, I did not get to make stable money on historical data, but with the help of a strategy tester, you can to pick up unique sets that match my deposit and trading style, which give a profit of 20 to 50 percent per month, it's a pity that I didn't meet this person earlier, I would have bought his products right away))) I would be very grateful if one day he could transfer the advisers to the MT5 terminal.

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.09.02 12:17
Thank you very much for this very good review. I hope that the product continues to meet your expectations, and we can even improve them, we work for it. Thank you
mangir 2022.08.18 18:29 

Very broker sensitive. Running with 3 brokers. Performance of each is day and night. More than a week did not take a single profit. Big DD.

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.08.18 23:53
I'm sorry about it. Other users have done well. But I understand your frustration. Nexus is a good product, obviously it's not perfect, no system is. If you need anything, write me privately
Riski McArif
Riski McArif 2022.06.21 04:16 

I can't say much about the EA because I'm just started to using it. I'm new in this trading stuff. but the author, Enrique, very humble and patience with me who dumb as fuck with this new thing EA. I've been dealing with a lot of error with my EA which is all my mistake. I like the author so I believe I will like all his product.

Ruben Tarrio Fernandez
Ruben Tarrio Fernandez 2022.06.17 17:39 

I´ve been using NEXUS for the last 2 months and I´m very satisfied with its outcome. Profitable and Safe, just follow the rules as they are, don´t mess anything and let it do the magic. Thank You Enrique and all the Trendex Team.

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.06.20 08:27
Thank you for writing. I hope your accounts continue to grow. I wish you much success!
jimdog 2022.06.04 09:01 

Thanks, working fine :-)

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.06.20 08:26
I hope it will be like this for a long time. Thanks for your review!
Ivan Anatol'emch Kataev
Ivan Anatol'emch Kataev 2022.06.01 16:51 

Yesterday I became the proud owner of this adviser, which simply has no analogues! It has 15 options for trading strategies and the possibility of flexible customization, the creator is always in touch and ready to help on any issue. There are also several trading SET attached, which is very convenient! Thanks to Enrique!

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.06.02 17:42
Thank you for your review, I hope we continue as well as so far!
Temi21 2022.05.27 19:06 

So i've been using Nexus now for 2 months - one on a demo account and one on a live account simultaneously. My conclusion, Nexus should be more expensive lol - especially with the latest update, V5. It has almost become guaranteed income for me (almost because you are always at risk of losing your investment when dealing with financial products). It has dealt with the crazy volatile market easily and I am not worried to leave it to do it's job - i literally leave it on autopilot without any manual intervention. I am currently using it on GBP/USD, EUR/USD & GBP/JPY. I am using pretty small lots and am still averaging around 25%-30% profit each month quite safely with very low drawdown. The last update is crazy and makes it close to complete. Enrique also provides set files, you really shouldn't need anything outside of these. I will keep monitoring but honestly I am super impressed. Well done Enrique!

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.05.27 20:30
For me, and for our team, it is a real pleasure to receive such an opinion. Thank you
MiguelEn 2022.05.14 15:18 

Enrique always is trying to improve a really solid product with meaningful updates, last one is crazy how complete it is! Keep the good work!

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.05.27 17:50
Thank you for writing your opinion. I hope to improve my EAs every day
Whip Saw
Whip Saw 2022.05.12 16:27 

Solid products and great support.

UPDATE: I am at 2 months of demo testing and 1 month live using Nexus. Continuous positive results on all accounts it runs on. Enrique and his team are top notch and very attentive to user questions and suggestions. Love the fact they are investors and constantly looking at long term sustainability from the system(s). NOTE: As good as it perfoms, this is not a get rich quick system. Read and listen to the information provided and use the tools to your risk and comfort levels.

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.05.27 17:49
Very very thanks for your review!
Anthony Ka-jiun Ng
Anthony Ka-jiun Ng 2022.05.10 12:53 

not as accurate as it claims. broker sensitive only shows demo accounts and even tell me there is no differences between demo and real accounts??? fake claims to have naturalization when DD more than 50% I used IC Markect, raw and standard accounts FBS standard accounts

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.05.10 13:19
It is not a scalper, nor is it sensitive to broker conditions. I attend you in a personalized way to each user, if you had a problem, you could write to me. I have never spoken with you. I'm sorry for your bad experience, but I think it's an excellent product
John Reece Colina
John Reece Colina 2022.05.05 05:17 

Great EA! Although they recommended it on 500 usd per currency, I highly recommend you put a little margin like 800 USD. From there, you can scale it out which is the very one thing I loved about this EA.

I also use the 5min-1hour combo since the 1 minute opens more trades and my broker only offers 75 open trades for the 500 leverage.

In comparison to Center, you can sleep soundly with Nexus since it has low drawdowns.

Thank you for this masterpiece, Enrique.

P.S. hope the recovery mode will be released soon, since it was greatly needed last month. And I promise, you need to get this before the price goes up. The price is way too cheap for the performance it gives.

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.05.05 08:26
Thank you very much. We are very close to the update, the last tests are being done before the launch. I think it's going to be really spectacular
Sebastien Simon
Sebastien Simon 2022.04.29 23:00 

Cela fait maintenant une semaine, que j'utilise Nexus... Je n'ai pas d'expérience dans le domaine du trading. J'ai commencé au début de la guerre ukrainienne, pour profiter de la montée de l'or et du pétrole. Et aujourd'hui, je loue mon premier robot... Nexus... C'est le genre de produit que tu mets en place et tu attends, au début c'est bizarre les premiers trades, il faud faire confiance, mais les testes et le demo ce passant bien, je suis passé en réel et ça marche super bien. Tellement bien que je ne connais pas beaucoup le développeur, je n'ai pas eu besoin de lui demander quoique ce soit, fichiers set ou autres requêtes, Nexus est prêt à l'emploi, tu lis le mode d'emploi, tu fais se qu'il y a de demander correctement ! tu observe puis tu regrettes de l'avoir louer parce que je vais acheter dans 3 mois.... J'ai envoyé quelques messages à Enrique sur telegram pour lui dire des trucs de débutant, Il ne manque pas de répondre et de redire ce qu'il a déjà écrit dans le mode d'emploi. Mais Nexus est prêt à l'emploi, parfait pour les débutants, essayez la demo, testez autant que vous voulez, sans rien modifier, vous comprendrez! Merci Enrique pour ton travail... J'adore Nexus...

Enrique Enguix
来自开发人员的回复 Enrique Enguix 2022.05.05 08:27
Merci beaucoup pour votre avis, j'espère que vous continuerez à avoir une aussi bonne idée de Nexus pendant longtemps
Felix Yuwono
Felix Yuwono 2022.04.01 07:57 

Positive Feedback

版本 6.41 2023.03.02
Fixed MarketOrders out of range bug. Apparently the error occurred when the magic number had more than 4 digits, so if you are not using a magic number with more than 4 digits or do not have a special interest in doing so, it is not necessary to update
版本 6.40 2023.02.06
Input logic data flow optimization: Data processing has been optimized to improve speed and efficiency.

Removal of old input logics: Input logics that are no longer used have been removed to simplify the code and free up resources.

Integration of external logic libraries: All external logic libraries have been integrated into the main code for better performance and maintainability.

6.30 Input Logic Improvements: Improvements have been made to Strategy 7 and it has been brought in line with Logic E from previous versions for more consistency and efficiency.

Equal Weighting of Signals: A new technique has been introduced that allows a more equal weighting of the intensity of the input signals, improving the accuracy of the results.

Signal repetition control: A counter has been implemented that allows knowing the number of times a signal is repeated and which ones are combined more frequently to equalize them.

Recovery of MinTradesGridActivation and MaxTradesCycleActivation: These inputs have been recovered that allow better control of grid activation.

Temporary removal of special dates filter: The special dates filter has been temporarily removed to simplify the process and improve efficiency.

Grid input logic swapping and simplification: Grid input logic swapping has been done to get the same effect with a single "RelationTrendContra" input, making it clearer for the user and easier to optimize.

Recovery of the news importance input: This input has been recovered, which allows better decision-making based on the importance of economic news.

Removal of recovery mode logics: The recovery mode logics have been removed since they were consuming a lot of resources and were not being used in any set. The same procedure can be achieved using WeekBenefitsToKeep.

Recovery Mode improvement and small bug fixes:

In addition, the Recovery Mode has been improved for a more efficient and effective operation in recovering losing positions. Fixed a number of minor bugs that had affected its performance in previous versions.

Additional controls have been introduced to ensure system stability and security. For example, error handling has been implemented in case the operations do not exist or cannot be selected. In this way, a continuous and uninterrupted operation of the system is ensured.

The volatility filter has been brought in line with the MT5 version where a slightly different filter was introduced which is giving better results in all tests

Sets have been improved, making it easier for the user to manage risk and capital with fewer options that can be confusing.
版本 6.30 2023.01.06
Fixed a bug in which the input logics of the operations were not being processed correctly. The error has been occurring mainly when using sets with Entry Logic = NONE
版本 6.20 2022.12.09
In a few hours NEXUS will be updated to version 6.20. Fuzzy logic has been reinstalled in the code and minor bugs from version 6.00 have been fixed.

Due to messages about confusing set names in version 6.00, and not making it clear what the differences were between them, I have made some changes, both to the name of the sets and the way they work, to be used in the version 6.20

▶️ These are the new sets:
1. NEXUS STOP LOSS SET (Max 10 Trades)
3. NEXUS ALTERNATIVE SET (Stop Loss Opposite Close)

▶️ The sets are accompanied by a blog where you can see the sets I use and what symbols I use them on. You can view the blog here, and download the new sets: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/751227

* Remember that before you upgrade Nexus, you shouldn't have trades open.
* The web may take time to notify the new version.
* Remember that (once it is uploaded to the web), you must manually update Nexus from your terminal, accessing Market> Purchases> Update.
* Once updated, it should close the active charts, and open a new one where it will repeat the initial update process
* For reasons of our own organization, and your help, the previous sets are no longer treated as official sets, and will not be supported. I urge you to update both Nexus and your sets.
Previous version sets have not been tested on Nexus 6.20, so results may be unpredictable
版本 6.0 2022.11.17
1. New entry strategies. 9 strategies based on real market inefficiencies have been introduced.
2. The strategies of previous versions can be used, the sets have been preserved and adapted for those who do not want to change
3. Select how many strategies must be met to open a trade.

4. Separation of Martingale Loss Multiplier into two blocks
Operations 2,3 and 4 and rest

5. User Selectable Blackout Dates

6. Selectable between panel or comments (less VPS processing load)

7. Removed dynamic Step and Take Profit functions

8. One of the most interesting news for me:
Output by selectable contrary condition (long term)
If we are buying, and the market reverses, the purchases will be closed, even if it is at a loss
This option works as a logical Stop Loss

9. A ratio input between the Grid For and the Grid Against has been introduced.
This makes it possible to optimize the power ratio necessary to open a grid operation against or for
版本 5.0 2022.05.11

Complete code restructuring
Resource Optimization
Configurable Recovery Mode additions
Incorporation of new logics and strategies
New time filters
New volatility filter based on US500
Dynamic and extrapolated values

版本 4.1 2022.03.23
Added and fixed input to change the name of the NEXUS trade opening and closing comment
Logging improvements to locate bugs and user errors and possible bugs or broker errors
版本 4.0 2022.03.22
Replaced graphical objects with mobile and collapsible Cdialog box
Added input Minutes Before News.
Added NEW CYCLE button --> What is this button for? When the button is green, that is, as we find it by default, Nexus will work normally. When we press the button (it will remain red) and there are open operations, when these are closed by TP or SL, a new cycle will not be opened.

Reminder: the news does not work by local or broker time, but by GMT time
版本 3.0 2022.01.25
1. Minor panel changes (removed name, login, broker, to preserve privacy)
2. Added: Earnings in percentage
3. Change in strategy: Retain technical analysis, but change price action analysis to H1
4. The margin requirement is reduced by 50%
5. The statistical DD in the 5-year backest is reduced by more than 30%
6. Better news filter accuracy
7. Improved profit count and code optimization
8. More adaptive automatic steps
9. Minor precision changes of the digits
版本 2.30 2021.11.03
1. Improvements in strategy: the EA solves cycles faster and more efficiently.

2. Moderator filter included in the algorithm: trades in favor of trend are enhanced, and trades against trend are reduced. This significantly reduces the DD, and also the benefits. It can be turned on and off. It is enabled by default.

3. Built-in quick closing order panel.

4. Improved the probabilistic algorithm of the Expert Advisor: it determines the direction and the probability of reversal with the best rate, which in turn increases the Profit Factor
版本 2.0 2021.09.13
Improved product profile
Improved and debugged code
Improvements related to homogenization of brokers requirements
Fix minor bugs
版本 1.20 2021.08.22
Small changes in strategy:

- Cycle exit due to opposite condition: if a buy cycle is opened, and before reaching the Take Profit, the sellcondition occurs, as long as the cycle is at profit or break-even point, the current cycle will be closed, waiting for the trend to resolve and a new cycle to open.

- Reduction of trades: the grid takes into account the last 2 trades, not just the last one.

Objectives of the update: increase in profitability, decrease in the number of trades, reduce DrawDown, increase the percentage of winning positions.
版本 1.10 2021.06.07
Added Breakeven line in the graph, to have a reference of the situation