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如遇到安装和EA回测问题,请发送信息;购买8天后,即可免费领取 Band trend indicator 指标
TopBottomEA的优势: 首款支持小本金工作的EA,实盘4年多了;本EA基于波动率自适应机制,一次只下一单,每单带止损,平均每天4单左右,持单时长12小时左右, 使用Dukascopy真实历史数据,以20美元极限本金挑战回测跑完了10年以上。
每间隔三天涨价$100元,涨价过程:  998--> 1098--> 1198...... 涨到目标价 $ 4999为止,购买后,EA工作期间,可以和我们的真实观摩账户交易记录比较。
挑战最小资金 真实账户1:https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1575208  质量【可靠性】5格,在新冠病毒期间,EA交易中断了一年,服务器因故过期。

挑战最小资金 真实账户2:https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1575241  质量【可靠性】5格。

支持货币:GBPCAD ,EURSGD  ,其它品种以后再陆续增加,大家目的是为了赚钱,只选最优,货币不在多在精,让收益更稳定。
仓位建议:对于回撤敏感的朋友建议 1000的仓位两个货币分别挂0.03手; 对于回撤不敏感的朋友,建议 1000仓位两个货币分别挂0.05手。
3,不要对交易抱着急功近利的心态,一款好EA并非每天都有盈利,每个EA都有它特定最合适的行情,在80%不合适的行情中可能是盈亏持平或小盈,在 20% 合适的行情中可能是快速拉升式盈利, 耐不住80%的磨难,就没有20%快速拉升收益。
5,手工操盘需要心态,使用EA同样需要好心态, 使用EA就如种菜,关注得越频繁越不见成长,因为你在慢慢体会这个时间过程,总认为太慢。当你不在意时不知不觉中成长很高了,请竖立正确的投资心态,不要浮燥。
6,慢=快 :是指当EA框架在 【一次只下一单,严格止损】的约束条件下,能稳住成长,就说明风险是可控的,即慢等于快。

7,快=爆仓 :是指当EA框架在【不设止损,死扛单】的宽松条件下,就说明风险是不可控的,即快等于爆仓


Lots //手数
Compoundinterestswitch //复利开关,默认是关闭。
Risk //复利仓位值,数字越大仓位越大。
ParameterSwitching //false状态是自动参数,true状态是可调参数(开关控制的参数是:Volatility ,StopLoss,Profit)
Volatility //波动率参数,参数越大单量就越少
StopLoss //止损参数
Profit //止盈参数
Pointdifferencelimit //点差参数,当平台点差超过它时就不工作
Displayswitch //数据面板开关,默认是关闭的
Magic //磨术号
CommentName //注释参数,可以自已随意起名字

评论 20
Cao Ze Hao
Cao Ze Hao 2023.09.16 16:17 

I bought the EA in April this year and have been trading for a few months. I really like the solid performance of this EA! Thanks ~

xpforex 2023.08.09 17:55 

Extremely good EA entry same as backtest

Hao Lin Zhu
Hao Lin Zhu 2023.07.31 16:34 


Phoenix Alpha Pro EA
Justice Chinemelum Clement
Phoenix Alpha Pro EA is based on Price Action combined with some powerful strategy and a very advanced secretive trading algorithm. The strategy of  Phoenix Alpha Pro EA is a combination of a secretive custom indicator, price action, and most important secretive trading algorithm mentioned previously. Phoenix Alpha Pro EA can trade any account size it does not use any risky strategy like martingale or grid. It uses a fix stop loss for every trade. However, an ECN BROKER with Low spread Is highly
2 300 USD
LazyBoy Scalper Scrapper
Hesham Ahmed Kamal Barakat
From the makers of the Successful               Gold Super Trends AutoTrader Robot               - Comes this unique opportunity at a low price The Idea You think the days of scrapper scalping ended?! Think again. This Expert Advisor which is made for Gold trading is perfected to scrape ever tick by the second, timeframe independently. Comes along with account management and 6 safety settings for the most satisfied to the most greedy of us to choose from. Not based on indicators which most
1 999 USD
NoLoserMult是根據信號產生器做出交易決定後再根據現有的資金量調整下單的單量  設計目的希望所有參與交易的交易者,都能夠獲取合理的利潤 值得注意的是,過去的歷史回測匯或許會有相當大的利潤發生.但是將來的行情型態是不可知的.所以不要盲目地相信EA會創造出絕對的利潤,但也不要一昧地認為自動交易就是不可取的 特點 自適應的交易信號: 根據市場狀況自動調節信號產生的條件 自適應的單量計算: 根據現有資金狀況調整可以進場的單量.資金量高的時候,獲利隨之增加,反之資金量減少時,虧損隨之減少. 簡單的設定方式: 只需簡單的設定即可. 熱門多品種交易:   根據信號產生器做EURUSD GBPUSD JPYUSD多品種的交易 無華麗顯示面板:   將算力完全用在交易程序的計算 可以更高效續的執行工作 中期交易策略:   開單頻率及持倉時間約一兩週 環境 使用時間框 H1 交易品種 EURUSD GBPUSD USDJPY (三個品種必須列在報價清單上) 啟動資金建議使用1000美金以上 可同時運作多個品種 購買或是測試可以聯繫我取得適當的參數設定 注意  有後綴名的不適用
1 200 USD
Quantum Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.88 (25)
介绍     QuantumEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 ***购买量子皇帝EA,即可免费获得量子贸易EA或量子金皇!*** 详情请私聊 实时信号1:       点击 MT5版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 促销价仅   9 99.99 美元 ! 每购买 10 次,价格将上涨 100 美元!最终价格 4999.99 美元 量子皇帝EA     采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为七个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为七个较小的头寸。 量子皇帝EA     因其处理亏损交易的出色方法而从其他专家顾问中脱颖而出。与传统方法单纯依靠止损订单来限制损失不同,量子皇帝 EA 采用先进的技术来有效管理亏损仓位。当面对亏损的七笔交易时,量子皇帝 EA 不会立即平仓,而是将下一个仓位划分为七个较小的。然后,它有策略地利用盈利交易的利润,逐步将亏损的头寸一一平掉,直到全部成功放弃。 这
999.99 USD
Neural Odin
Vladislav Filippov
Neural Odin is a fully automated trading advisor. The advisor's algorithm was formed and customized in the context of working on a scalping trading strategy, which implies the use of an implicit neurocomponent that allows you to catch a transparent trend in chaotic market processes. The advisor's settings were designed according to the principle of the prevalence of the security aspect in opened deals. When the minimum profitability ratio is reached, the calculation of which includes deductions
1 125 USD
Vadim Podoprigora
Forest is a Trend Expert Advisor based on the analysis of a unique mathematical model of trend lines, which allows you to determine the trend movement. The Expert Advisor is most suitable for the currency pair "USDCHF" on period "H1". The EA can work on any type of accounts, and with any brokers. The EA uses mathematical analysis to open trades and applies loss control to open trades. At its core, the EA does not use any risky systems with the increase in the volume or increase in the number of
1 000 USD
Hossein Davarynejad
//// SATAN//// This Expert automated scalping robot that uses a breakout strategy, for  USDJPY ,  EURUSD  , AUDUSD   This is Breakout Strategy  Working on EUR USD , USDJPY . AUDUSD  M1  Working Hours   from 01:00 until 23:00     One Shoot Trade  Live Signal 1 =    https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2039543    Requirements Trading pairs            USDJPY, EUR USD , AUDUSD Timeframe                  M1 Minimum deposit    $100 Leverage                  1:500 Brokers  Low spreads and
30 000 USD
Legends EA
Philip Effiong Philip
LEGEND EA   is an Open and Fully Automated Daily Trading System with minimum risk experience. Risks less than 20 percent of your account. Next Price -->   $ 300 Default   Settings for  EURUSD and USDJPY M15    It enables both safe aggressive trade The Algorithm uses a background analytics of BB bands and EMA, accompanied with invisible pending orders, which significantly reduces broker manipulation. The Strategy has built-in virtualization and profit tracking for several positions at once. The
15 000 USD
ATTENTION : The Tiger Locker EA can not be tested in the MT4 strategy tester !!!  Tiger Locker EA  robot is a very Powerful tools and a fully automated robot for  Forex trade.  Tiger Locker EA  is a combination numerous special trend strategy ,that It provides the possibility the best entries of the trade . Tiger Locker EA robot is designed  for medium and long term trading ,the robot will help you deal with and manage emotions ,and you don't need worry about news release any more !!  The tre
1 199 USD
Bitcoin BullRun Wizard
Paschal Uchenna Ugwu
5 (1)
发行的专家顾问(BBRW)是对数以千计的策略,多种预测指标进行多年外汇交易研究实践的结果,旨在通过结合我们的专家顾问中的几种策略和算法来创造完美的在线交易之美。每个报价价格,具有最高的精确度和减轻速度。交易员希望您在几秒钟内将其付诸实践,我们采用最佳技术分析来交易股票市场,加密货币资产等 此EA的重要优点是您可以以最低200美元的初始存款开始交易,它仅支持在比特币上进行手动交易,并且可以按200美元的最低价格,200美元的0.01手的比例自定义手数。将手数定为0.02,您需要至少有400美元,依此类推,这是推荐的方式,但不是强制性的,以其他方式仅用您1%的股权进行交易,那么您需要至少存入1000美元,但这不是必须!,每次赚取合理利润时,也建议将利润提取或转移到另一个帐户。 该EA的最低亏损额不超过您的权益的50%,并且可以取得巨大的成就,它还具有应对新闻和市场高波动时期的能力,并具有止损,高利润确保高获胜率,根据回测,它的获胜率超过99%。 运作方式 该机器人通过专注于以下4个流程来管理您的帐户 1,交易前的活动(购买) 该措施包括资本管理
30 000 USD
HedgeFund Forex Wizard 是一种非常适合趋势市场的剥头皮策略,它占用了高达 50-90% 的时间。 HedgeFund 外汇向导 EA 针对 currencies 进行了优化,如 gbpusd, eurusd、usdcad、etc 和 xauusd (gold) 这是一种趋势趋势策略,使用内置指标和高线金融 Ai 作为输入信号。 EA 在高线人工智能的信号下打开第一个订单并将利润固定在给定水平,EA 不执行 martigal,它每次打开一个交易并使用严格的止损来管理账户, 由于内置的​​ DrawDown Reduce 功能,一个订单总是以盈利平仓,该功能关闭其他订单中无利可图和最有利可图的订单,以形成一个共同的利润点。 EA 自动打开的所有交易都将使用 DrawDown Reduce Function 设置获利平仓。此功能将自动关闭系列中最不盈利和最盈利的订单,减少账户的回撤 对冲基金外汇向导的优势: 您每天都从交易中获利 它可以与其他 EA 和交易系统一起使用 EA 允许交易者手动开仓。 通过交易 EA 开启的所有交易均由
30 000 USD
Multi Gold30 Ai Robot
Nirundorn Promphao
Multi Gold30 Ai Robot is a safe system for Forex and Crypto currencies trading. Developed exclusively for the XAUUSD pair(GOLD) and any currency pairs. Try now! Most Profitable Strategies Inside Close Order with Money Profit, CutOff technology, Cutloss by amount of trades. Super Special Edition for traders and Introducing Broker and Partners The Ai Robot is designed to operate in the XAUUSD (GOLD) and any currencies market, entering only when there are high probabilities of success and certai
1 800 USD
InfinX Classic MT4
Stanislav Shtiliyanov
For test Activate Power from False to True. Automatic and semi-automatic trading robot No grille Without Martingale Low management Long-term perspective Our priority is to keep capital with a long-term money management plan Semi-automatic and automatic control of daily trend trading with swing trading and price action. InfinX provides a balanced risk / reward ratio and survives easily in all market circumstances - even the most critical ones such as Corona, Brexit and others. This is a long-te
1 200 USD
Crypto Risk Master is a state-of-the-art breakout system that has already stably generated profit for our funds for years. We respect imperfection, and there is no risk-free trading strategy in the financial markets, particularly in Cryptocurrency. The Risk Master is designed as the heart of the system to manage account drawdown as long as the market breakout happens. The system can automatically preserve your profit by optimizing its allocation to future trades. Advanced statistics are applied
30 000 USD
he expert works on the Zigzag levels on the previous candle With some digital way to enter the deal On the five minute frame Work on currency pairs only Do not use TakeProfit or Stop Loss How the expert works It is placed on the three currency pairs GBPUSD GBPJPY GBP AUD Same settings without changing anything When he works, he will work on only one currency of them until it closes on a profit Profit is only seven points Please watch the video Explains how the expert works. Max Spread = 0.3 Bro
600 USD
GerFX Forex Cyborg
Exler Consulting GmbH
4 (2)
Forex Cyborg is a established expert advisor since 2017 on the market. There is a huge number of customers that trust in Forex Cyborg already and now it's newly available here on the MQL Store. Before you buy a night scalper please be aware of the risks involved: Past performance is no guarantee of future profitability.  The backtests shown (e.g. in screenshots) are highly optimized to find the best parameters but therefore do not give a realistic prediction of future profitability. Any mean re
650 USD
The trend triangle is quite complex. It is a hedge between two straight currencies and one cross currency, or between two cross currencies. Traders are often affected by external factors and cannot strictly execute it, resulting in losses. After a large number of data statistical analysis and strict scientific demonstration calculation, the system can achieve stable profits through many years of real transaction verification. Traders are expected to strictly follow the trading rules. Viewing acc
1 200 USD
Bitcoin guru
Paschal Uchenna Ugwu
3 (4)
发行的机器人(BTCG)是对数以千计的战略进行多年贸易研究实践的结果,具有多种预测指标,旨在创造完美的在线交易之美,通过结合该机器人中的几种策略和算法来改变每个报价价格,具有最高的精确度和闪电速度。交易员需要什么,机器人在几分之一秒内就能完成 此EA的重要优点是您可以以最低25美元的初始存款开始交易,仅支持在比特币上进行手动交易,并且可以按25-100美元的最低价格,25美元至100美元的0.01手的比例自定义手数,这意味着要将手数增加到0.002,您需要至少有50美元,依此类推,这是一种建议,但不是强制性的,以其他方式只用您1%的股权进行交易,那么您至少需要存入200美元,但是建议不要在每次赚取合理利润时将利润提取或转移到另一个帐户。 该EA的最低亏损额不超过您权益的50%,并且可以取得巨大的成就,它还具有响应新闻和市场高波动期的能力,并具有止损,高利润确保高获胜率,胜率高达99%。 运作方式 该机器人通过专注于以下4个流程来管理您的帐户 1,交易前的活动(购买) 该措施包括资本管理,手数大小,预测并发现有利的分歧和趋同来进入交易并获利。
30 000 USD
This is a fully automatic trading robot for the EURCHF currency pair.  But this robot can be configured to trade for other currency pairs. TURBO SCALPER PRO using a trend following strategy based on MACD, Parabolic SAR and Moving Average indicator. The robot works in full automatic mode, on the M1 timeframe. The trader does not need to set it up for trading. Open EURCHF and attach TURBO SCALPER PRO only to EURCHF M1 using the default settings. Advantages of the TURBO SCALPER PRO :  We show y
1 000 USD
Theranto V1
Hossein Davarynejad
Theranto V1    Strategy basic on support and Resistance  and candle pattern also check the value of the market before open Price . Multicurrency Expert Can work on 20 Forex pairs  Shoot Trade All Trade have 35 pip SL Always Behind Market  Time Farm = M5  , M15 Minim Deposit = 100$              No Need set File for this Expert  Multicurrency Expert working very well on ecn Account but is not sensitive to Spread  Working in 20 Forex Pairs  Fast Scalper is not Hold Trade more than 1
1 200 USD
Evgeniy Zhdan
3.5 (4)
SolaceSystem is a trend scalper. The Expert Advisor algorithm calculates price consolidation levels and opens trades if a strong market movement is expected. The Parabolic SAR standard indicator is used to filter trade opening. Distinctive features Martingale is not used. Does not accumulate loss. Uses take profit and stop loss. Trades are closed either by TP and SL, or using a unique trailing stop algorithm. Automatic lot calculation. The Expert Advisor is fully ready for long-term automated
1 500 USD
The Arrow Scalper
Fawwaz Abdulmantaser Salim Albaker
1 (2)
Dear Friend..  I share with you this simple Expert Adviser .. it is full automatic  this Expert Adviser following the trend of the pair you install on or any stocks or indices , it is works like that: - when the trend on H4 chart show a start of up trend the expert will wait till the 15M & 1H charts show an up trend the EA will open a buy order directly , and do the same for down trend and open a sell order the buy or sell  order lot size and take profit and stop loss will measured manually  by
Faa Trend EA
Arvin Arce Gatus -
Type:  Expert Advisor (EA) - Unlimited for MetaTrader 4 Account Strategy:  The system does Not use Grid, does Not use Martingale and other risky strategies. FAA TREND EA is a fully automated based on Trend Line breakouts.  Timeframe:  From M1 to H1. M5 is a healthy choice  Symbols To Trade:  Any Forex pair, BEST in EURUSD...  Features:  Automatically calculates and draws trend line on your chart.  Full safety options. All trades are protected by Stop Loss with Trailing Stop. Each trad
599 USD
Hfx61 Starter
PT Hastinapura Makmur Sejahtera
HFX 6.1 启动器 此 EA 可以尝试扫描所有时间范围内所有可能的市场早期趋势,但它足以将 EA 置于 M15 时间范围内, 一些内置指标的振荡器用于预测市场价格将走向何方,如果早期趋势失败,EA 将使用受控订单距离的平手对冲, 下面是 EA 参数:     Trade_Set_AUTO,默认为## AUTO 交易设置##,以下参数的平均注释。     LOT_SIZE_AUTO_TRADE,默认为 0.01,要交易的平均手数为 0.01 手,可以根据您的账户余额进行更改。     ACTIVATE_AUTO_TRADE_,默认为 true,表示 EA 将自动开仓,设置为 false 将关闭自动交易。     Not_Reverse_At,默认为 7,平均低于或等于总订单 7,EA 将放置类似订单类型。     Reverse_At,默认为 8,平均高于总订单 7,EA 将打开反向订单。     TP_SL_IN_MONEY,默认为## TP & SL in Currency ##,以下参数的平均注释。     __AUTO_CLOSING__
350 USD
Evgeniy Zhdan
The Expert Advisor uses the dissonance analysis strategy between the wave formation of the price movement of the lower level and the fractals of two consecutive upper levels. The data of the Stochastic indicator are confirmatory and decisive when making a decision to enter a transaction. Each trading position has a stop loss and take profit. Dangerous trading methods are not used. The Expert Advisor has a non-linear trailing stop system. Recommended trading tools for defaults: 15M: EURGB
1 339 USD
Range Out
Sergej Batz
It is an outbreak EA. He trades the breakout of the range. The times of the range can be set manually. The Take Profit and Stop Los are given with 100% but can also be used here adjust the values ​​manually. The EA also has a trailing stop, the steps can also be set manually here. The EA also draws the range live, so it also provides an optical effect. You can trade everything there is with the EA.
999 USD
ItradePeriod MT4
Nestor Smill Soler Olivero
ItradePeriod is an advanced and highly customizable trading software that allows traders to automate their trading strategies with ease. With ItradePeriod, traders can execute trades using six different strategies that can be customized to fit their specific trading style. The software features a unique scheduling system that allows traders to schedule trades at specific times, ensuring maximum efficiency and profitability. Each strategy can be customized with a range of trades management optio
1 000 USD
Quang Nguyen Dien
1 (1)
ZeryEA is a fully automated Expert Advisor based on scalping when indicated the market makes a fast movement. EA can work with any pairs, but It is recommended for GBP/USD, EUR/USD, EUR/JPY with M1. Expert Advantages NO: Grid, martingale, hedge & arbitrage. YES: Stop loss is always for every orders. LOW: Average position holding time. MIN: Drawdown, initial deposit. Parameters Auto lot enable (true/false): Auto lots calculate on margin account. Risk percent: when enable auto lot. Fix Lot Min
30 000 USD
Breakthru Bot
Matthew Jacob Glinsmann
This robot will change the way you invest forever. Why? I'm going to show you how you can begin to make money while you sleep, work, eat, anytime... anywhere! In short: if you want to make the in Investing easier, you'll love this robot. Let's get started. Please leave 5 stars, thank you. :) https://youtube.com/shorts/G5Dk1hnaTh4?feature=share 9-TimeFrame-signal moving average strategy.  TRADES AUTOMATICALLY!  https://www.fiverr.com/share/lA95DR Breakthru Forex's Fiver service is now ope
2 500 USD
TradingGod XAUUSD
Raphael Schwietering
This fully automated EA called TradingGod is designed to trade XAUUSD (GOLD) in H1 only. It uses advanced machine learning cluster analysis and genetic algorithms to adapt to changing market conditions and maximize profits. TradingGod's self-adaptive market algorithm uses price action patterns and standard trading indicators to find the best entry and exit points in the market. It operates solely on Bar Close, filtering out market noise and ensuring reliable operation at any broker with a reaso
499 USD
Quantum Wizard MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
Quantum Wizard 是一款先进的 Expert Advisor,用于在 M5 时间范围内交易道琼斯和纳斯达克指数,具有前所未有的准确性和性能。您现在终于可以通过指数交易来实现投资组合的多元化。 所有交易均受到严格止损的保护,并使用三角止损退出盈利交易。 它在纽约股票市场时段运营。 量子向导相当活跃,每天可以交易多次 实时信号1:       点击 MT5版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 ***购买量子精灵EA即可免费获得量子皇帝!***更多详情请私聊 建议: 货币对:US30(也称为 DOW 或道琼斯) 时间范围:m5 最低存款:$500 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低。 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 重要的:     使用低点差账户以获得最佳结果非常重要! 账户类型:对冲 杠杆:至少1:100 规格: 交易 US30(道琼斯) 每笔交易均受到 30 点止损的保护 退出策略包含使用 M5 图表的追踪
4 999.99 USD
Big Forex Players MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (3)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the   Big Forex Players EA   designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. Only after all that work did we decide to add it to our list of products. We will not create additional EAs, instead, we are going to dedicate our time to the expansion of this EA, guided by
1 499 USD
Sup 9 Martingale
Inrexea Limited
The Sup 9 Martingale Trading Robot – a cutting-edge, fully automated 2nd generation InrexEA DB system by OpenEA. This innovative solution learns from XAUUSD market trends and incorporates the best aspects of the retired Ea YOLO Diamond Hands. Fully protect the quality of trades. All trades are in private. Structure of InrexEA Database: Clients > InrexEA DB > OpenAI > InrexEA DB analysis > Clients  InrexEA DB is a cutting-edge database solution primarily built using the powerful Python programmi
2 800 USD
Nas100 Scalping EA
Moustapha Boulouz
contact me 为希望从NAS100指数的短期价格变动中获利的交易者介绍终极EA--NAS100剥头皮EA! 我们的剥头皮EA是一个自动交易软件,它利用纽约证券交易所的开放势头。该EA可以识别高概率的交易机会,并在几分钟内迅速执行交易,捕捉小的价格变动。 使用我们的NAS100剥头皮EA,您将享受到闪电般的快速执行,紧密的点差,以及先进的风险管理功能,以确保您的交易不会有太大的风险。您可以使用该EA进行不同手数的交易,并且可以根据您的喜好进行放大或缩小。 无论你是有经验的交易者还是刚刚开始,我们的NAS100剥头皮EA都是帮助你实现利润最大化和风险最小化的完美工具。不要错过机会,加入使用自动交易软件的精英交易员群体,发挥他们的优势。 今天就订购我们的NAS100剥头皮EA,让您的交易更上一层楼吧 向盗版说不 由于盗版  Nas100 scalping EA包含一个算法来检测所有的假版本,如LD,JD Environment, msimg32.dll等,如果你的激活被用于盗版,所有的激活后将不能正常工作,请小心。 特点 本EA只专注于Scalping
5 000 USD
Waka Waka EA
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.47 (45)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
2 200 USD
Aura Black Edition
Stanislav Tomilov
4.6 (10)
Aura Black Edition is a fully automated EA designed to trade GOLD only. Expert showed stable results on XAUUSD in 2011-2020 period. No dangerous methods of money management used, no martingale, no grid or scalp. Suitable for any broker conditions. EA trained with a multilayer perceptron Neural Network (MLP) is a class of feedforward artificial neural network (ANN). The term MLP is used ambiguously, sometimes loosely to any feedforward ANN, sometimes strictly to refer to networks composed of mult
1 750 USD
Perceptrader AI
Valeriia Mishchenko
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefra
2 000 USD
Mighty Makers EA MT4
Sergey Simakov
4 (4)
Introducing Mighty Makers - Your Path to Informed Investing. Investment decisions can often feel overwhelming for investors. However, with Mighty Makers, you can seize control and make well-informed choices. Our cutting-edge system is designed to provide you with up-to-the-minute information by analyzing vast amounts of real-time market data. Through advanced algorithms, we identify patterns and trends, delivering personalized recommendations that align with your unique investment preferences. O
1 299 USD
Aleksandr Shurgin
This scalper Expert Advisor is designed for trading the major currency pairs. The EA works on any timeframe. It uses dynamic pending orders with ability to filter them for their deletion. If necessary, this function can be disabled and the entries will be performed by market. The algorithm includes several scalping strategies. Orders are managed by means of a complex customizable trailing, which allows closing deals at the lowest cost. Reconfiguration of the EA parameters can significantly chang
2 800 USD
Best Definition MT4
Vitalii Zakharuk
Best Definition   is trend trading. The expert system goes through the whole history for most currency pairs with simple settings. The bot has a very developed internal architecture. Works with pending orders. Can work with trailing stop for pending orders. With trailing stop for real orders. For pending and real ones, you can set separately stop loss and take profit. The bot can also work with virtual top loss and take profit. The Expert Advisor can be launched on any hourly period, any curr
1 499 USD
Aleksandr Shurgin
5 (1)
The functionality of the expert-scalper "Argument" is provided by flexible parameter settings, well-thought-out protective functions, and the absence of dangerous money management methods. All positions have a stop loss and take profit, closing is carried out through flexible, customizable trailing. Spread and slippage control. The EA works on any timeframe. You can trade simultaneously on several different instruments by placing an Expert Advisor on the chart of each of them. When trading on s
5 000 USD
Bonnitta EA
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.67 (21)
Bonnitta EA 基于挂单策略 (PPS) 和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta EA 的策略是秘密自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位(价格行动)和上述最重要的秘密交易算法的组合。 不要在没有超过 3 个月的任何真实货币测试的情况下购买 EA,我花了超过 100 周(超过 2 年)在真实货币上测试 BONNITTA EA 并在下面的链接中查看结果。 BONNITTA EA 由爱和力量组成。 仅适用于少数买家,这是盗版算法的价格和实施的原因。 Bonnitta EA 在 22 年的时间内使用质量为 99.9% 的真实报价成功通过了压力测试,滑点和佣金接近真实市场条件。 Expert Advisor包含统计采集和滑点控制的算法,具有完整的统计控制; 此信息用于保护您免受经纪人的欺骗。 Bonnitta EA 在下订单之前控制经纪人执行的质量,它还成功地通过了历史数据和不同数据馈送的蒙特卡罗模拟方面的严格标准。 结果 策略测试器的 Expert Advisor 结果:初始存款为 1000 美元的 Bonnitta EA 在 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 202
5 750 USD
Vyacheslav Izvarin
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO and MFF Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 700 USD
Microlab Forex  is a trending analytical bot. An expert system based on geometric virtual pattern algorithms specially designed for time series. For this version of the Expert Advisor to work, there is no need to download any indicators or additional products, the bot is an independent finished product. Microlab Forex  is a tool for trading in the foreign exchange market. The minimum recommendation is $1000. While the recommended minimum deposit is between $1,000 and $10,000 for one curre
1 199 USD
Night Hunter Pro
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.56 (50)
EA has a  live track record  with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown : Best Pairs   (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all t
2 200 USD
璇玑龙EA是我的另一个全自动EA,专门从事黄金。EA 在 2019-2023 年期间的 H1 时间范围内表现良好。 璇玑龙EA基于几个交易指标:RSI(相对强弱指标),随机振荡器和我自己的自定义指标,以使其更有效。 作为确定合适入场点的初始信号,EA 使用 2 个级别的标准交叉:超买和超卖区域、随机指标和 my 指标来确定价格在特定水平变动的可能性。 指标的组合工作允许 EA 交易清除错误信号。准确的交易开仓和易用性使 璇玑龙 EA成为赚钱的绝佳工具。 售价将受销量已经实盘盈利率调整:每卖出一份售价增加100刀,实盘盈利率每增加100%售价增加100刀 请不要错过现在的价格!!! 实盘信号: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1989899?source=Site +Signals+From+Author 推荐: 工作对: XAUUSD 工作时间范围:H1 最低建议存款: $1000 推荐经纪商:ECN 特征: 可靠的回测和实时性能 使用动态止盈功能 用户友好,安装和使用 EA 无需特殊技能 与任何经纪人兼容 设置: 最大
3 000 USD
Bonnitta Gold
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.8 (5)
Bonnitta Gold 基于个人 Bonnitta 交易指标和非常先进的秘密交易算法。 Bonnitta Gold 的策略结合了一个秘密的自定义指标、趋势线、支撑和阻力位以及前面提到的最重要的秘密交易算法。 BONNITTA GOLD 需要 400 及以上的更高杠杆 - 我用 10,000 美元和 1:500 的杠杆对其进行了测试,请查看下面的真实账户链接。 您需要更大的杠杆和更高的风险才能使用此 EA,并且仅使用您可以承受损失的金额。 如果您需要投资类型 EA,请获取 BONNITTA EA。 BONNITTA GOLD 极具侵略性。 Bonnitta Gold 是限量版。 最大具体销售数量:50。目前已售出:0 OUT 50。它将从 2023 年 4 月 19 日开始销售,仅销售几周。 起始售价 - 2,500 美元,最后售价 - 15,000 美元 价格很快就会上涨,现在就获取您的副本,因为之后不会有任何折扣。 由于在策略中使用人工智能,回测将不起作用,这就是您可以租用一个月或订阅信号的原因。 请不要忘记添加人工智能工作的链接。 您可以通过 Telegram 或直接
2 750 USD
Mikhail Senchakov
Perfection is a multicurrency, fully automated and secure trading robot. The robot is designed for both portfolio trading and trading a single instrument. The EA does not use averaging methods, the volume of positions is strictly regulated. Orders are opened only in the direction of market movement in a grid. Due to this, the robot operates efficiently on any strong movements. The decision making algorithm does not use indicators. Instead, the robot automatically calculates the key levels, which
2 900 USD
LazyBoy AI Trader Prob Firm Ready
Hesham Ahmed Kamal Barakat
NEW!  SEP 11 2023 - Now you can pay only $1000 a monthly installment and get full access to the EA. Trades; Currency pairs - Metals and more. Live Performance Passing a $300k Prob Firm Account Phase 1:  My Forex Funds account passing signal Get the US to manage your accounts for small fee with our Partner Program. Learn more at the bottom. The Strategy; Our Advanced Support/Resistance Trading Strategy is a powerful tool designed to help traders achieve consistent gains while effectively
4 999 USD
Osiris AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
你好,交易者,我严格按照真实结果设计了这个工具,基于我之前的几个策略,适应了外汇市场,因此它适应了机器学习的人工智能,也就是说,人工智能会读取参数,然后将它们咨询到我的策略,然后它会学习,以便条目质量更好,它还有一个可以恢复仓位的节点,您会发现的另一个创新之处是,一切都将以虚拟方式封装,即不会发送到服务器的数据止损、止盈等,都会以非常人性化的方式 其中最主要的两件事是我设计了 extractFeatures 和 trainModel 函数,这将负责设计蜡烛、解构 Slippage 并学习它如何移动以适应 Spread。 需要注意的是,我的策略开发是我作为专业交易员多年来设计的,加入了人工智能的自适应来优化性能,使其变得更好。 应该高度注意的是,这是真正的黄牛,利润将是真实的,通过止盈和止损进行控制 这样你的钱就会受到保护 您不需要有交易经验,我的工具是为初学者和专家设计的,只需两次简单的点击即可安装,因为它将像专业交易者一样完成工作 购买我的产品后,要求我获得最佳配置,您还可以在这里看到我的其他产品 MQL5 该人工智能主要针对那些想要替代方案并 24/5
2 499 USD
Scalper Warrior
Sevgi Bahtiyar Lyutfi
We are happy to show you our scalping EA - "Scalper Warrior". Based on the specific behavior of pair in combination with price action, RSI and generic algorithms we were able to extract one of the best scalping strategies possible for forex market. We don't use Martingale or Grid strategies when trading. We count on our decision algorithm for opening, tracking and closing the trades. We help him to this with tight stop-losses which leads to a very low drawdown of the EA and stable account growth
2 000 USD
Marek Kvarda
This trading robot has advanced methods of measuring volatility and measuring the standard price range. It places a trading order when the market breaks through the "standard price range" and other trading conditions are met. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TOP PRODUCTS   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/30353 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Only one trade is always open
1 380 USD
Snowballed MT4
Xingming Chen
1 (1)
Strategy Summary & Advantages: - It's a full-automatic short-term trading EA based on the advanced technic,   it sells out when overbought  and buys in when oversold , and makes profit while the market is rolling back. - N o Martingale, no Grid, no Hedging, no Averaging, u sing low stoploss for all trades (defaults from 30 pips to 100 pips). - It is especially designed to avoid slippage,  no Breakout, no Night Scalper,  it can makes the large lot of trade. -   Using default settings and buid-in
1 499 USD
Trader Station MT4
Gennady Sergienko
5 (1)
Save 25% of your funds when choosing the   MT5 version ! new technologies in MT5, such as cloud, hardware computing, API support with other languages and much more make the development of complex projects much easier, so MT5 will always be cheaper; Trader Station: A wave expert using bitwise analysis of an array of price data, confirmed performance by a real account since 2019; Back Testing the Expert: By default, the settings that are included in the SET 1; Only for EURUSD M5 ; Sett
1 250 USD
GerFX Density Scalper
Exler Consulting GmbH
4.43 (7)
IMPORTANT: Please contact me after buying or renting for the correct key paramter.  Before you buy a night scalper please be aware of the risks involved: Past performance is no guarantee of future profitability (the EA could also make losses).  The backtests shown (e.g. in screenshots) are highly optimized to find the best parameters but therefore results cannot be transferred to live trading. Any mean reversion can get caught on the wrong side of a fast movements due to unexpected news or flas
2 000 USD
Aldo Marco Ronchese
Secret of success. Keep it secret. HedgeRock represents 4 years of trading experience and 40 years of experience in automated systems. HedgeRock is designed to trade using:  price action technical analysis risk management  HFT HedgeRock uses configurable indicators and trades when conditions are met.(Default is for EURUSD and there are sets for 30 pairs) . HedgeRock is made with love for trading .  The following indicators are configurable: Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) Fractals
2 500 USD
Algo v3 ea robot
Sharif Khatib Said
1 (1)
Aglov3 ea base treding strategytrade all   currency pairsall mt4 broker low drawn downused to  pass prop challengespairs used aregold,nas100 and us30 to pass the challenges this ea was tested for more than two yers so as to meet the need of client the ea is smt,(strategical smart move trading ea)makes 5 to 10% daily. The EATrade all currency pairsTrade all timeframeMinimum capital is $50 to 75 but I recommend to start withrade gold, nasdaq and us30 $100 to $150Drawdown is maximum 0.5 to 2% daily
2 650 USD
Gold Renko EA
Jaime Trujillo Segui
Gold Renko EA is an Expert Advisor for trading Gold (XAUUSD). Recommendations: Only use the EA on Renko Flip Chart. 5 Type of Strategy: Intraday and Medium Term. Risk Management: Auto Lot Size based on the % risk. Be patient, try the EA for at least 1 month. It is a trend EA so we need some trend. All trades have a Stop Loss No grid, No martingale Must work 24/7. Using VPS is recommended. MQL5 Channel Group:    To download all the files needed for create Renko Chart, backtesting and presets
5 000 USD
MyGrid Scalper Ultimate
Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
2 (1)
168 美元的价格是仅限盛大开业的特价。正常价格变为$1,688 MyGrid Scalper Ultimate 是一款功能强大且令人兴奋的外汇、商品和指数交易机器人。 MyGrid Scalper Ultimate 是 MyGrid Scalper EA 的付费版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/87277 经数千名用户使用证明。 MyGrid Scalper Ultimate 是衍生产品,是 Super Grid Scalper EA 的一部分。 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/85399 MyGrid Scalper Ultimate 是先进的网格系统,已经有数千名用户使用免费版本在真实账户上运行。因此我建议在购买前先试用免费版。 特征: 多种手数模式:固定手数、斐波那契手数、Dalembert 手数、Labouchere 手数、Martingale 手数、序列手数、Bet 1326 系统手数 汽车手数。 平衡风险,与汽车手数有关 手动 TP 或使用 A
1 500 USD
EA Sky7 Golden
Maulana Bin Ibrahim
For Pair Gold Only Martingle or Single Entry Type. Setting : Layer Entry Style : 1. Pip Step Entry (Recommended for Martingle type) =  Recommended  250 points 2. Instant Entry (Recommended for Single Entry type but no SL) Take Profit option : 1. By Golden Ratio Fibonacci Retracement 2. By Smart Averanging PIPS Lot Size Style : 1. Lot Size Auto 2. Lot Size Manual (Recommended) 3. Lot Size Percentage (Still Working on it) TimeFrame Signal Switch (Auto Scanning) : 1. M5 2. M15 3. M30 4. H1 I'm us
2 000 USD
TopBottomEA MT5
lizhi fu
5 (6)
如遇到安装和EA回测问题,请发送信息;购买8天后,即可免费领取   Band trend indicator 指标 。 TopBottomEA的优势: 首款支持小本金工作的EA,实盘4年多了;本EA基于波动率自适应机制,一次只下一单,每单带止损,平均每天4单左右,持单时长12小时左右。 新上架EA活动价:$598元,每三天涨价 $ 100元,涨价过程:  398--> 498--> 598 ...... 涨到目标价 $ 4999为止。 MT4版本进入 对盗版说不:不要拿自已的本金试错,由于TopBottomEA包含一种算法来检测所有假冒版本,之后的所有激活都将无法正常工作,请小心。 挑战最小资金 真实账户1: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1575208   质量【可靠性】5格,在新冠病毒期间,EA交易中断了一年,服务器因故过期。 挑战最小资金 真实账户2: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1575241   质量【可靠性】5格。 支持货币:GBPCAD ,EURSGD  ,其它品种以后再陆续增加,大家目的是为了赚钱,只
598 USD
Band trend indicator
lizhi fu
4.55 (22)
一款可以直观识别波段趋势的顶底指标,手工交易最佳选择,不重绘不漂移。 如何免费获得此指标: 了解更多信息 每间隔三天涨价$20元,涨价过程: 79--> 99 --> 119...... 涨到目标价 $ 1000为止。 适应任何新手和量化交易的朋友,可以把信号写入到EA中自由发挥,数组3和数组4,例:3>4为变绿,3<4为变红,如有不懂的请联系我。 参数简介: KQuantity  显示历史K线的数量 InpPeriod_3 指标获取范围参数 Popupalarm 弹窗报警开关 Mailalarm 邮件报警开关 AlarmTimeinterval  每报警一次的间隔时间 Upperhorizontalline 上方水平线参数 Lowerhorizontalline 下方水平线参数 ===================分析方法:===================== buy: 指标绿柱在下方水平线下,由红柱变成绿柱确定做buy。 sell:指标红柱在上方水平线上,由绿柱变成红柱确定做sell。
99 USD
Kwok Joshua
Kwok Joshua 2023.09.21 15:24 

Just bought this EA, and want to get the Band trend indicator

lizhi fu
来自开发人员的回复 lizhi fu 2023.09.21 15:34
Hi, please contact me for collection after 8 days of purchase, thank you!
Cao Ze Hao
Cao Ze Hao 2023.09.16 16:17 

I bought the EA in April this year and have been trading for a few months. I really like the solid performance of this EA! Thanks ~

xpforex 2023.08.09 17:55 

Extremely good EA entry same as backtest

Hao Lin Zhu
Hao Lin Zhu 2023.07.31 16:34 


Mike Goldman
Mike Goldman 2023.07.14 16:17 

Good EA so far. Quite stable and does not use any dangerous methods like martingale etc..

raymondng-cm 2023.07.10 20:17 

Hi ! At the beginning, EA keep working to trade in first few days and got profit. Now the problem of the EA is that I dont know it is working or not......I keep waiting the EA to trade, but no any trade in last 5 days. And I reset and restart everything , nothing change so far. pls help !

lizhi fu
来自开发人员的回复 lizhi fu 2023.07.11 01:09
Hi, please make sure your EA is working, just look in the top right corner for the EA smiley face, if the EA is crying or doesn't have any EA emoticon, it's not working right. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Philippe Gerard De Paix De Coeur
Philippe Gerard De Paix De Coeur 2023.05.28 20:04 

EA stable dans ses profits, il s'agit d'un systeme à utiliser sur du long terme. Bravo !

crypto.shamsi3802 2023.05.10 14:04 

Backtesting Expert has been profitable with a quality of 99%. But past results do not guarantee future results in any way! For now, I have bought and run it on a real account with a balance of $4000 to see what the result is. The most important positive feature of this expert is setting a loss limit and not adding to the size of the position in loss

lizhi fu
来自开发人员的回复 lizhi fu 2023.05.10 15:36
You are right, live trading says it all, you can use icmarkets platform original spread account so that you can compare with my real account if it is the same.
Nicolas Folino
Nicolas Folino 2023.04.24 19:32 

Big lose starting week, error from ICMarkets, The seller explained everything correctly, I will support this project

Aceman123 2023.04.24 16:19 

For the time being, the EA has bugs and cost me money. Will update if necessary.


Edit: I give it 3 stars. The bug has been addressed, the author is good at that, but I don't particularly like how it trades. At the end of the day, it's just a regular Asian scalper that operates on a couple of exotic pairs with an unfavourable R:R ratio.

lizhi fu
来自开发人员的回复 lizhi fu 2023.04.26 02:15
Hello, for the first time in 5 years, I encountered this kind of abnormal market; after investigation only the K-line of IC platform is abnormal, which means that it is caused by IC platform accident. Any other platform is no such data. The most important thing is that this bug has now been upgraded to deal with, and this problem will not occur in the future.
plainzw 2023.04.20 17:37 


Yongfeng Huang
Yongfeng Huang 2023.04.20 15:40 


nicoPM 2023.04.18 22:47 

all good with the EA

azhe402 2023.04.17 16:58 


longfei 吴
longfei 吴 2023.04.17 15:23 


guan5 2023.04.17 15:17 


Qiu Bo Hu
Qiu Bo Hu 2023.04.17 06:04 


Pei Yu Chi Xing Ming Pei
Pei Yu Chi Xing Ming Pei 2023.04.14 03:21 


Yan Wen Feng
Yan Wen Feng 2023.04.13 17:07 


Hoi Chak Tse
Hoi Chak Tse 2023.04.13 10:39 


版本 1.21 2023.04.24