适用于MetaTrader 4的EA交易和指标 - 3
通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert - Risk reward indicator Video tutorials and manuals here . Find contacts on my profile .
1. Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extender or trendline extender. 2. Price touch alert
78 USD
介绍 OrderManager :MT4的革命性工具 使用全新的Order Manager实用程序,像专业人士一样管理您在MetaTrader 4上的交易。Order Manager设计简单,易于使用,可让您轻松定义和可视化每笔交易的风险,从而做出明智的决策并优化您的交易策略。有关OrderManager的更多信息,请参阅手册。 [ 手册 ] [ MT5版本 ] [ Telegram 频道 ]
主要功能: 风险管理:快速轻松地定义您交易的风险,让您做出更好的决策并提高交易性能。 视觉表示:图形化地查看您的交易和相关风险,以清晰简洁地了解您的开放头寸。 订单修改:只需几次点击即可轻松修改或关闭您的订单,简化您的交易过程,为您节省宝贵的时间。 掌握新闻:一键获取最新市场新闻。
不要错过这个MT4交易员的必备工具。用Order Manager提升您的交易体验,将您的交易游戏提升到新的水平。
OrderManager在startegyTester中 不 工作! OrderManager 仅与 Windows 兼容。
49 USD
支撑位和阻力位长期以来一直是市场分析的有力工具。 强支撑指标绘制基于本地价格最低值的支撑水平,以及基于本地价格最大值的阻力水平。
传入参数 -
支撑位和阻力位长期以来一直是市场分析的有力工具。 强支撑指标绘制基于本地价格最低值的支撑水平,以及基于本地价格最大值的阻力水平。
传入参数 -
50 USD
Aura Superstar is a fully automated EA designed to trade currencies during rollover time . It is based on machine learning cluster analysis and genetic scalping algorithms. The first multi-currency scalper using deep machine learning mechanism, a multi-level perceptron and an adaptive neuro filter combined with classic indicators. Expert showed stable results since 2003 year. No dangerous methods of money management used, no martingale, no grid, or hedge. Suitable for any good ECN broker. I
495 USD
当市场的价格走势逆转并改变方向时,我们的支撑位或阻力位就形成了,在市场上留下了一个高峰或低谷(摆动点)。支撑位和阻力位可以划出交易区间。该指标根据指标集中定义的 X 根柱线数 (Period) 识别摆动高点和摆动低点。
注意:如果您喜欢我们的价格行为指标,请尝试我们的多合一趋势指标(趋势筛选器、趋势线、强趋势和趋势反转信号等)。 要获取它, 请单击此处
主要特点 技术分析的一个关键概念是,当阻力位或支撑位被突破时,它的作用就会逆转。如果价格跌破支撑位,该位将成为阻力位。如果价格升至阻力位以上,则通常会成为支撑位。 水平支撑和阻力水平是这些水平中最基本的类型。它们只是由一条水平线标识:
图表中的绿色水平,是阻力水平。 图表中的红色水平,是支撑水平。
文件(说明) 所有 PR 支撑和阻力指标、文档(说明)均可在我们 MQL5 博客的这篇文章中找到: 单击此处。
优势 处理所有货币对(外汇、加密货币、指数和商
Professional robot Star Bot, which implements a trading strategy with different indicators and at different time intervals. It goes through the whole history and many currency pairs with a single setting. Unique trading system! You can work on any hourly period, any currency pair and on the server of any broker. It is recommended to work on liquid forex pairs, with a low spread. The smaller the commission and spread, the greater the profit. You can start using it with 10000$ and 0.01 lot. The E
777 USD
Pytamiding 增加了趋势方向的数量。 订单根据以存款货币计的总获利来平仓。
重要的! 购买后立即联系我以获得说明和奖金!
实际工作的监控以及我的其他进展可以在这里查看: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/mechanic/seller
· 打开新系列 - True/False - 在所有订单关闭后启用/禁用新系列的开始。
· 贸易购买 – 正确/错误 – 允许开始购买系列。
· 贸易销售 – 对/错 – 允许开始一系列销售。
· 管理手动订单 – True/False – 启用/禁用手动订单维护。
· 使用对冲 - True/False - 允许 EA 在相反方向开仓。
· 订单评论 – 对 EA 订单的评论。
· 最大点差(0-不使用)——允许 EA 开仓和平仓的最大点差。
· 开始时间 – EA 开始工作的时间。
· 结束时间 – EA 的结束时间。
· Magic - EA 为其订单分配的数字。
· 最大买单 – 允许的最大买单数量。
· 最大卖单 – 允许
30 USD
自动恢复管理器是一个用于跟踪和恢复其他 EA 的回撤的系统。如果另一个 EA 生成指定的回撤,ARM 将关闭它,锁定仓位并开始使用部分平仓恢复仓位的过程。 EA 在其交易中使用智能平均、锁定和部分平仓。 它有一个自动动态调谐系统。这意味着交易者需要选择要使用的风险水平,而 EA 将自行调整变量。为了计算变量,EA 使用存款的可用保证金以及当前市场波动的数据。当部分回撤恢复时,EA 将继续更新输入设置数据,以使活动与当前的波动率和开仓机会相匹配。也可以在不使用自动调整的情况下自行调整所有值。 Instruction - https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/749927 优点: ARM可以自己设置变量,你只需要选择想要的风险等级 可以恢复单个 EA 交易或手动打开的订单 可用于自动跟踪、平均和关闭手动打开的订单作为跟踪系统 能够关闭其他顾问并在回撤待机模式下工作 没有不必要的设置,易于运行,具有巨大的自动化功能 如何运行顾问: 如果 ARM 将与另一个 EA 一起启动 - 将它们放在同一个终端或 VPS 上。如果您将在回撤期间启动 EA 交易,请在将 A
199 USD
EA Spectr is an automated professional multi-currency expert advisor that designed for long-term profitable trading. The EA continuously controls price movements and makes accurate trades based on market patterns, trend and technical indicators. The Ea contains a flexible news filter, high spread protection, separate time and days trading filters and allows to work with automatic and fixed trading lots. Each Ea trade is covered by stop loss and take profit levels. The EA does not use grid, mart
149 USD
矩阵箭头指标 MT4 是一种独特的 10 合 1 趋势,遵循 100% 非重绘多时间框架指标 ,可用于所有符号/工具:外汇、商品、加密货币、指数、股票。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一根蜡烛/柱线开盘时,指示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 仅从选定的指标中收集信息,并仅根据其数据打印箭头。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 还可以为所有新信号发送终端、推送通知或电子邮件警报。无论您是黄牛、日内交易者还是波段交易者, Matrix Arrow Indicat
75 USD
AW Double Grids MT4 智能交易系统是一款激进的、全自动的基于网格的智能交易系统,具有信息交易面板和简单的设置。该策略包括同时进行的两侧工作,将一个方向的体积相乘。内置自动计算手数,以及订单乘法的变化。 Problem solving -> HERE / MT5 version -> HERE 顾问如何交易: EA 通过打开两个相反的订单开始交易。关闭盈利订单后,EA 再次打开两个订单,将打开方向的交易量相乘。如果有未结订单,则 EA 以点为单位更改止盈。 TakeProfit 是动态的,根据相反方向的未平仓订单数量进行调整
订单网格的额外开仓也有一个动态步骤,根据当前方向的开仓订单数量而变化 输入参数: Main settings Size of the first order - Variable defining the size of the first order Enable Autolot calculation -Use automatic lot calculation. This feature allows you to save
75 USD
Apollo BuySell Predictor 是一个包含多个模块的专业交易系统。该指标为交易者提供价格突破区、基于斐波那契的支撑和阻力位、趋势反转线、交易量信号、回调和任何交易者每天都需要的其他有用功能。该系统将适用于任何一对。推荐的时间框架是 M30、H1、H4。尽管该指标可以与其他时间范围一起使用,但 H4 以上的时间范围除外。 该系统是通用的,因为它提供了任何交易者成功交易所需的一切。该系统可以多种方式使用。该指标可用于日内交易、波段交易甚至剥头皮交易。无论您喜欢哪种交易方式,系统都会帮助您以真实的形式看待市场。所有系统信号都不会被重绘! 您可以根据您的交易偏好和任务启用/禁用各种系统模块。系统提供所有类型的通知,包括PUSH通知。您可以打开/关闭您需要的通知。 购买后请给我发电子邮件。我将与您分享交易说明和重要的红利指标,它们将使您的交易更加有利可图!
45 USD
Please check the " What's new " tab regularly for a complete and up-to-date list of all improvements + parameters. Take a Break has evolved from a once simple news filter to a full-fledged account protection tool. It pauses any other EA during potentially unfavorable market conditions and will continue trading when the noise is over. Typical use cases: Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close my trades before). Stop trading when Account Equity, Balance or Margin is low. Only trade on s
70 USD
Introducing: The Trend Catcher
We are excited to announce the launch of the SECRET SENTIMENT TREND CATCHER! Our team has developed and tested this automated trading software to make trading easier and more efficient for the Secret Sentiment Community !
The TrendCatcher is designed to analyze the market and execute trade setups on behalf of the user. With its unique features, the user can experience a complete and hassle-free trading experience.
The TrendCatcher is easy to configure and
187.50 USD
Exp-TickSniper 是一种快速滴答剥头皮器,可以分别为每个货币对自动选择参数。
EA 是根据近 10 年的 EA 编程经验开发的。 EA 使用智能追踪止损并基于当前货币对数据、其报价、规格和点差来执行短期交易。 平均策略用于防止信号检测算法造成的损失。 如果未平仓头寸出现一定的亏损,则触发平仓功能。 在极端情况下,TickSniper 开设的头寸都伴随着止损。如果自动交易系统无法获得最低利润,则通过止损一一平仓。 系统自动定义有利的止损和获利水平,以及平均持仓距离、追踪止损距离等。 EA 从货币对规范、当前价格和作为我们策略一部分的其他因素中获取有关这些参数的数据。 完整的 MetaTrader 5 版本: Exp-TickSniper MT5 PRO FULL TickSniper - 完整说明 + 演示 + PDF 推荐交易账户: 建议存款 LOW RISK 1,000 美元,最低手数 0.01 3 个货币对(例如 EURUSD USDCHF USDJPY); 建议存款 300 美元的中等风险 ,1 个货币对(例如 EURUSD)的最小手数为 0.01; 建议
200 USD
交易顾问 Ice Cube Scalper - 这是一天的黄牛 , 每天进行大量交易,每笔交易拿几个点。 EA 的策略是使用 RSI 指标与趋势进行交易。 EA 使用乘数平均,您需要在使用 EA 之前了解这一点,但是该策略在回测和实时交易中表现良好。 购买前,请务必在策略测试器中测试顾问的工作。 为了控制 EA 交易中的风险,您可以限制平均订单的最大数量以及股权风险。 为了了解顾问的工作方式,您可以订阅免费信号,这样您就可以了解顾问的工作方式及其潜力。 购买后,请务必联系我, 我会一直帮助设置。此外,对于所有买家来说,其他顾问的形式也将获得宝贵的奖金。 顾问的在线监控 - https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/batudaev?orderby=gain
很多 _ 乘数 - 手数乘数 参展时 平均订单 起始批次 - 起始批次 命令
139 USD
Join telegram group by clicking on the link you will find below my picture's profi le
Artificial positions is an EA that opens a number of positions that YOU WILL SET, BASED on artificial intelligence and all will be same lot sized. After that number the EA will start to martingale - NOT PURE BLINDLY - but based on number of indicators for better entries.
3000$ balance or 30$ in CENT accounts.(the more the better always) 1M or 5M timef
99 USD
Dark Gold is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for Scalping Trading on Gold , Bitcoin , Eurusd and Gbpusd. This Expert Advisor needs attention, in fact presents highly customizable. Dark Gold is based on Dark Support Resistance indicator (owning it is not necessary) , these Trades can be manage with some strategies. If you Buy this Expert Advisor you can write a feedback at market and get Dark Support Resistance indicator for Free , for More info contact me The basic strategy st
99 USD
South EAst EA uses virtual trade in determining position entry and does not use indicators, and it doesn't require complicated settings because user just needs to upload the already available setfile. Currently there are setfiles for more than 20 fx pairs and 2 setfile for GOLD and SILVER IMPORTANT! for a full support and to get instructions on how to set up, pls leave a message on comment tab after making a purchase Signals: here | MT5 version : here
Needs: + VPS with good internet con
600 USD
Contact me after payment to send you the User-Manual PDF File. Monitoring signal 1 Monitoring signal 2 Monitoring signal 3 Monitoring signal 4 Full Automated trading robot, for the first time on the market, an Expert Advisor is designed based on divergence. Using divergences is one of the most common and practical trading methods. Because we see a divergence in most places where there is potential for price return. Diagnosis and trading based on them has a higher efficiency than many methods ba
99 USD
Please contact us after your purchase and we will send you the complimentary indicators to complete the system. Cycle Sniper is not a holy grail but when you use it in a system which is explained in the videos, you will feel the difference. If you are not willing to focus on the charts designed with Cycle Sniper and other free tools we provide, we recommend not buying this indicator. We recommend watching the videos about the indiactor and system before
200 USD
ICT Silver Bullet
If you are searching for a reliable indicator to trade the ICT Silver Bullet concept, or ICT concepts, Smart Money Concepts, or SMC, this indicator will respond to your need! This indicator will help you identify the following: FVG - fair value gaps Market structure: BOS and CHOCH. It is based on ZIGZAG as it is the most subjective way to do it. ICT Silver Bullet windows and related notifications when it starts and when an FVG appears Swing High and low that are potential b
39 USD
BUY INDICATOR AND GET EA FOR FREE AS A BONUS + SOME OTHER GIFTS! ITALO TREND INDICATOR is the best trend indicator on the market, the Indicator works on all time-frames and assets, indicator built after 6 years of experience on forex and many other markets. You know many trend indicators around the internet are not complete, does not help, and it's difficult to trade, but the Italo Trend Indicator is different , the Italo Trend Indicator shows the signal to buy or sell, to confirm the signal t
65 USD
The top-selling EAs on the market cost a lot and one day they are suddenly gone. This is because one strategy will not work in the forex market all the time. Our product is unique from all others in the MQL Marketplace because our EA comes with 34+ built-in indicators that allow adding more strategies every time. You build your strategy and keep updating it. If one strategy does not work, simply build another all using only one EA. This is All-In-One EA in this market place. You can use as trad
49 USD
通过 mql5 和 Telegram 上 的晨间简报获取每日市场更新,包括详细信息和屏幕截图 ! FX Power MT4 NG 是我们长期以来非常受欢迎的货币强度计算器 FX Power 的下一代产品。 这款下一代强度计算器能提供什么?您所喜爱的原版 FX Power 的所有功能 附加功能 黄金/XAU 强度分析 更精确的计算结果 可单独配置的分析周期 可自定义计算限制,以获得更好的性能 为希望查看更多信息的用户提供特殊的多实例设置 无尽的图形设置,可在每个图表中设置您最喜欢的颜色 无数的通知选项,让您再也不会错过任何重要信息 采用 Windows 11 和 macOS 风格的全新圆角设计 神奇的移动指标面板
FX Power 主要功能 所有主要货币的完整强势历史 所有时间框架内的货币强弱历史 所有经纪商和图表的计算结果完全相同 100% 可靠的实时计算 -> 无重绘 可通过下拉列表选择分析时段
通过自定义模式单独配置分析时段 可在一个图表中使用多个实例 可移动 FX Power 显示屏(通过拖放) 适用于高分辨率 QHD、UHD 和 4K 显示器 自动终端配置 针对平板电脑
99 USD
该机器人使用趋势波浪指标,它可以识别新波浪趋势运动的开始和结束。 作为一个振荡器,该指标识别超买和超卖区域。 捕捉短期价格反转并使用鞅策略关闭所有获利交易非常有效。 在任何货币对上使用 m15 或更高时间范围的默认设置以获得更准确的交易! 您需要一个允许对冲的帐户! 我的信号和您可以 找到的其他产品 购买后请联系我。 参数: Max Buys - 交易顾问可以打开的最大买单数量。 Max Sells - 交易顾问可以开立的最大卖单数量。 Comment - 评论订单。 Lot - 起始批次。 Use dinamic lot - 使用动态手数。 Martin - 增加手数的系数 Grid distance - 订单之间的距离。 Maxlot - 最大手数。获利 - 获利。 Stop Loss points - 止损点。 Stop loss 5 - 止损占存款的百分比。 Overlap - 启用算法以减少关闭最后一个盈利和第一个不盈利订单的回撤 Overlap after X trade -将从哪个顺序启用回撤减少算法。 Maperiod - 马使用彩虹指示器进入。 接下来是绘制图形的
45 USD
Celestia - Your Stellar Companion in Automated Trading
Real Account Celestia EA medium risk https://www.mql5.com/de/signals/2051245
Description: Introducing Celestia, your cutting-edge automated trading companion designed to illuminate your journey in the dynamic world of financial markets. Powered by advanced algorithms and state-of-the-art technology, Celestia stands as a beacon of precision and efficiency in the realm of algorithmic trading. Key Features: Galactic Algorithms: Celesti
1 000 USD
MetaBands使用强大且独特的算法绘制通道并检测趋势,以便为交易者提供进出交易的潜在点。它是一个通道指标和强大的趋势指标。它包括不同类型的通道,可以通过使用输入参数简单地合并以创建新通道。MetaBands使用所有类型的警报通知用户市场事件。 功能 支持大多数通道算法 强大的趋势检测算法 能够合并不同类型的通道 多时间帧和多货币(信号矩阵) 所有类型的警报功能(声音、屏幕闪烁、推送通知、电子邮件、弹出窗口、箭头) 它永远不会重绘
趋势检测 MetaBands使用在通道内振荡的蓝色线来检测趋势。当该线遇到通道的上界时,表明开始下跌趋势,当它遇到下界时,表明开始上涨趋势。如果蓝线接近中线,则市场处于整理期。 该指标使用独特的方法来检测趋势。一开始可能看起来有些复杂,但如果您观看视频教程,您就会意识到它是多么强大且易于使用。
入场和出场信号 当趋势变化或价格穿过上下通道时,MetaBands会立即通过不同的方法提醒交易者,这些方法可以在指标设置中启用。
信号矩阵 要监视来自不同时间框架的多个符号并在一个地方查看信号,请单击右上角按钮或按键盘上的M键以打开信号矩阵。该矩阵可以
69 USD
使用该指标的建议,您可以在评论 #8 中下载
易于使用,不会因不必要的信息而使图表过载; 可用作任何策略的过滤器; 具有内置的动态支撑和阻力水平,可用于获利和设置止损; 指标在烛台关闭后不会改变颜色; 适用于股票市场、指数、石油、黄金和所有时间范围; 具有吐司通知、邮件通知、推送通知和声音提醒功能。 我的其他开发可以在这里找到: https://www.mql5.com/zh/users/mechanic/seller 输入参数 Alert - 开/关。警报; Push Notification - 开/关。推送通知; Mail - 开/关电子邮件通知; Fibo 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,21,31,41,51,61,71 - 动态支撑和阻力位的设置。
30 USD
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO and MFF Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology
Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3 Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 700 USD
Auto Order Block with break of structure Detect Break of Structure , Mark Order Block and draw Entry / Stop and Risk to Reward lines when Order block is touch by price with Alert. Trend is Manually set to filter signals in a direction by a button on the chart. Entry / Stop and Risk to Reward lines can also be switch on / off by button on chart.
Futures Auto Mark Break of Structure Auto Mark Order block Auto Mark higher time frame Point Of Interest ( POI ) Popup Alert when BoS , Order block a
65 USD
Please note that this EA is programmed specifically for EURUSD . The Expert Advisor Power of EURUSD uses a multi-currency and multi-timeframe strength correlation strategy to identify EURUSD trading signals. Entry strategy with the strength of each currency EUR and USD with: + The strength of EUR is based on the correlation of 6 currency pairs with EUR: EURGBP, EURCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURNZD, EURJPY. + The strength of USD is based on the correlation of 6 currency pairs with USD: AUDUSD, GBPUSD
45 USD
We are proud to present our newest expert advisor developed by our trading specialists and programmers who found the most probable price levels the istitutional firms , banks , hedge funds and other large companies place their orders . The expert advisor is preset to launch a grid order system at those special levels , using a built-in smart algorithm to detect those leveles . The expert can also be used when important news are about to come out , because it can pe programmed to launch the
777 USD
本程序包含基于经济日历新闻的灵活交易设置功能。不支持策略测试器检验。仅可进行实际操作。需在终端设置允许URL 列表中添加新闻网站。点击服务 > 设置 > 智能交易系统。选中“允许WebRequest对下列URL发出请求:”。添加下列(删除空格):https:// ec.forexprostools.com/ 全自动模式下默认设置监控: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1447007 。请将交易系统与任意时间框架(时间框架无影响)英镑美元/GBPUSD图表绑定,以获得类似结果。 请参考博客中各类参数说明自行实现个性化设置 : https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/748545 。
主要默认设置说明 单一图表英镑/GBP(英镑美元/GBPUSD、欧元英镑/EURGBP、英镑日元/GBPJPY、英镑加拿大元/GBPCAD、英镑澳大利亚元/GBPAUD、英镑瑞士法郎/GBPCHF)货币对操作。英镑/GBP是波动性最大的货币,能够为用户
97 USD
Microlab Forex is a trending analytical bot. An expert system based on geometric virtual pattern algorithms specially designed for time series.
For this version of the Expert Advisor to work, there is no need to download any indicators or additional products, the bot is an independent finished product.
Microlab Forex is a tool for trading in the foreign exchange market.
The minimum recommendation is $1000. While the recommended minimum deposit is between $1,000 and $10,000 for one curre
1 199 USD
Only 5 copies for $220, next price: $240(3 copies left) For testing, in the settings, it is better to enable the full trade option. An expert based on artificial intelligence ( AI )
For USDCAD in time frame 15 and 30 minutes, 1 and 4 hours and daily
With Relatively large number of signals
(To receive all the signals: activate the full trade option in the settings and run the expert at the same time in several time frames)
Has a TP and a SL
Without the use of dangerous strategies such as ma
230 USD
控制您的外匯投資組合。立即查看您的站立位置、工作原理以及導致您疼痛的原因! 此處提供 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/58658
交易經理儀表板旨在讓您一目了然地顯示您當前在外匯市場中的每個頭寸,並使風險管理和貨幣敞口更易於理解。 對於通過多個頭寸或交易網格和籃子策略逐漸進入市場的交易者,這是需要查看的關鍵信息。監控終端中的多個位置通常很難管理。
特徵: 未平倉交易 - 查看您當前按貨幣對排序的所有未平倉交易。您不僅可以在該貨幣對上看到您的方向偏差,還可以在該貨幣對上運行的每筆交易或頭寸上看到您的方向偏差。 回撤和利潤信息 - 立即查看您交易活躍的貨幣對的回撤或盈利情況。輕鬆識別需要管理的交易。 手數大小 - 查看您在每個貨幣對上的手數以及您進行的交易數量。 風險敞口 - 查看您對每種貨幣的方向偏差,以確保您不會在另一個入場時以相反的方向交易。另請查看您在該貨幣中使用
49 USD
Legend Wall Street - 使用動態斐波那契區域找到預期市場反轉的區域,然後等待來自高價或低價位的確認信號。 EA 不僅可以通過獲利平倉,還可以通過指標的斐波那契位平倉。
真實運行監控以及我的其他產品可以在這裡找到: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/mechanic/seller
· 打開新系列 – True/False – EA 將打開另一個系列訂單(啟用/禁用)
· Trade Buy – True/False – EA 將購買或不購買(啟用/禁用)
· Trade Sell – True/False – EA 將出售或不出售(啟用/禁用)
· 管理手動訂單 – 真/假 – 如果為真 EA 將管理手動訂單(啟用/禁用)
· 使用對沖 – 真/假 – EA 將對沖(買入和賣出)
· 訂單評論 - 輸入您選擇的評論
· 最大點差(0-不使用)- 允許的最大點差
· 開始時間 – EA 將開始交易的時間
· 結束時間 – EA 將停止交
30 USD
What Is Market Imbalance? Market Imbalance, also known as "IPA" or Improper Price Action, is when price moves so quick in one direction with no orders on the other side of the market to mitigate the price movement. We all know Big Banks, or "Smart Money", can move the market by placing huge orders which in turn can move price significantly. They can do this because Big Banks are the top 10 Forex traders in the world . But unfortunately, the Big Banks cannot leave these orders in drawdown and mus
99.99 USD
Crypto Stuff是自动交易系统的创新发展。 专为在安静的加密货币市场进行交易而设计。 市场条目基于Ichimoku指标。 加密货币的首选工作是在晚上。 完美适应金属和主要外汇货币对。 配备缩编功能和订单减少功能. 适合有经验的交易者和初学者。
打开新系列-打开/关闭新系列订单的开始。 开始地段-开始地段。 交易买入-允许顾问买入。 交易卖出-允许顾问卖出. 使用套期保值-允许顾问交易两个方向买卖. 如果只有一个交易方向。 使用资金管理-开/关使用自动手数计算。 自动驾驶。 每0.01手可用保证金-每0.01手可用保证金的金额. Lot miltiplier-以下订单的lot multiplier。 TP-以点为单位获利。 SL-止损,从第一个订单点数。 跟踪开始-追踪止损的激活。 跟踪步距-激活追踪止损时与价格的距离。 当最后一个有利润的订单将与第一个有亏损的订单系列关闭时,减缩算法。 DD减少算法的数字顺序-从该顺序启动减少算法. 减少Dd的利润百分比算法-在减少减缩模式下关闭订单时
50 USD
MT4 temporary promotion is $100 cheaper than MT5 at the start of sales.
My clients have been waiting for this for a long time, a novelty that will be competitive in the forex market.
And so I created this algorithm and at the moment I consider it the best among all my products.
Each buyer is invited to the VIP group for buyers / for this, after the purchase, write me a private message.
MT5 Version : https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/102285?source=Site+Profile+Seller#d
299 USD
The Reversal Master is an indicator for determining the current direction of price movement and reversal points. The indicator will be useful for those who want to see the current market situation better. The indicator can be used as an add-on for ready-made trading systems, or as an independent tool, or to develop your own trading systems. The Reversal Master indicator, to determine the reversal points, analyzes a lot of conditions since the combined analysis gives a more accurate picture of t
79 USD
Expert La'eeb Trading is an automated scalping forex robot. The adviser is designed to trade on Gold and 28 currency pairs. The EA is programmed with smart and advanced trading strategies. The signals are based on price movements and have a high probability of winning. The EA has been optimized and is simple to set up and no need set files. You just need to set the default with an initial balance from 500 USD. Settings: Max Spread = 30 to 50 Fixed Lot * = 0.0 (Auto Lot); Fixed Lot > 0 (y
88 USD
交易小组进行人工交易。您可以从图表(图表窗口)或键盘进行交易。打开和关闭,反向和锁定。处理职位和订单! МetaТrader4中主要订单的交易控制面板:买入,卖出,买入,买入,卖出,卖出限制,收盘,删除,修改,追踪止损,止损,止损。 从符号窗口交易并从键盘交易! 您正在为MetaTrader 4终端提供一个独特的插件 - 虚拟控制面板VirtualTradePad。 Description on English 你也可以试试这个 МetaТrader5终端的面板 。 详细的手册和VirtualTradePad参数说明 + DEMO + PDF 注意!如果您想学习如何交易 策略测试器 ,请查看我们的免费 TesterPad 实用程序 VirtualTradePad在“ MQL5语言最佳图形面板 ”竞赛中 获得二等奖 。 VirtualTradePad - Full Description 工作标签 职位标签 -使用职位:
开/关买入和卖出, 冲销所有头寸, 锁定一个共同的立场, 更改止损/获利, 设定一般的止损/获利的位置, 启用追踪止损, 实现盈亏平衡 只平仓有利
50 USD
Trade Manager to help you quickly enter and exit trades while automatically calculating your risk. Trades can be managed automatically and the account performance metrics can be visualised in a graph. These features make this panel ideal for all manual traders and it helps to enhance the MetaTrader 5 platform. MT5 Version , User Guide The Trade Manager does not work in the strategy tester. For a demo please message me Risk Management
Automatic adjustment of risk based on % or $ Option to
80 USD
99 USD
Gold Edge Pro is an EA designed exclusively for GOLD (XAUUSD). It can also be used in other currency pairs. This EA trades trend-follow using the moving average and multiple time frame RSIs. Use GRID trade. News filters are available.
Next price $299 The following features are:
A function to automatically calculate the grid interval. This supports various currency pairs. Closes with the "DD Reduce" function when recovery. You can set trailing stop for "GRID trading" and "DD Reduce" function.
199 USD
Download Trial Get Free Syarief Azman bin Rosli
How it works When the EA is active, it will analyze the chart based on the Execution Mode parameter. If there are no existing positions on the chart, the EA will enter a trade based on the parameter. If the trend is bullish, it will enter a buy trade and if it is bearish it will enter a sell trade. And it will also set a Stop loss order at a certain distance from the opened trade price if the stop loss variable is greater than 0. 0 means no stop
200 USD
自定义 MT5 (Metatrader 5) 指标,用于分析趋势和波动率分析器指标。此外,它确定了适用于大多数货币对和时间框架的趋势的开始和结束。
您是否正在寻找良好且可靠的支撑和阻力指标,请尝试我们的多合一水平指标(回调区、强支撑/阻力区、市场结构筛选器等。要获得 , 点击这里。
主要特点 确定趋势的开始和结束。 轻松识别趋势的强度(最大增加和最大减少) 确定市场修正。 ( 弱趋势 ) 在 Potentiel 趋势开始时获得警报。
使用所有货币对(外汇、加密货币、指数和商品) 处理所有时间范围。 (推荐时间范围:H1 和 H4 时间范围) 警报生成器。 (弹出警报,推送通知警报...等)
文件(说明) 所有趋势监视器指标、文档(说明)均可在我们 MQL5 博客的这篇文章中找到: 单击此处。
我们所有的指标都只能通过官方 Metatrader 商店(MQL5 市场)获得。 通过访问我们的 MQL5 配置文件,您将找到我们所有的指标和 EA(免费和付费)。 要访问我们
Loss Recovery 1 is an Expert Advisor for recovering losses of positions that were opened in the wrong direction (that were opened by another EA or manually). This EA recovers your loss and closes your position without using dangerous martingale/Averaging methods. This EA places some positions in opposite directions and some positions in direction of wrong position and manages these positions with mathematical methods until recovering total loss of the position.
Using EA :
EA Action: Sin
190 USD
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters - Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token. - Telegram Chat ID - input your Telegram user ID, group / channel ID - Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert. - Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot How to setup and guide - Telegram
100 USD
EA has a live track record with many months of stable trading with low drawdown : Best Pairs (default settings) High-risk performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all t
2 200 USD
EA White Lotus - 由神經網絡驅動的夜間黃牛,可在安靜的夜市中確定價格變動的短期方向。 EA 交易具有獨特的交易算法,可通過無損反向功能遠距離跟踪交易。 EA 交易可以在一個系列中開立 1 到 3 筆交易,無論是一般方向還是多向交易。
我們社區的 Telegram 頻道 - https://t.me/EAQuantumLab 官方社區網站 - https://eaquantumlab.com 真實信號可在此處獲得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/vitalvasa/seller
交易最低存款 100$ 使用點差最小的賬戶 最佳交易時間範圍是 M5 最佳交易對:英鎊兌美元、歐元兌美元、
重要信息! 前兩週,在模擬賬戶或美分賬戶上進行交易(為自己選擇最佳交易條件) 在 VPS 上安裝交易顧問 真實賬戶利潤每週五(交易週結束時)記錄
外匯/差價合約交易具有高風險,並不適合所有人。 如果市場狀況發生不利變化,您可能會損失部分或全部本金。 您應該只投資您可以承受損失的資金,這意味著損失不會影響您的基本需求或義務。
149 USD
Matrix Arrow EA MT4 是一款独特的智能交易系统,可以通过图表上的交易面板手动或 100% 自动交易 Matrix Arrow Indicator 的 MT4 信号。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一个蜡烛/柱线的开盘时表示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。使用 Matrix Arrow EA MT4 ,您可以直接从图表上的交易面板手动交易 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 信号,或使用 100% 算法交易选项 100% 自动交易! 注意力: 如果您想用您的 Matrix Arrow EA M
80 USD
Market Structure Patterns is an indicator based on smart money concepts that displays structures and zones on the chart, can send alerts of any type, have his values accessed through global variables what makes easy create Expert Advisors based on it. This is the only one of this type in the market that allows the control of the transparency of the zones on the chart. The indicator also paints the candlesticks depending on the trend. This feature can be enabled in th
30 USD
This robot attempts to recover losing trades. Place a trade and if it moves in the wrong direction, the Zone Recovery algorithm initiates. An alternating series of Buy and Sell trades at two specific levels will be taking place, with two Exit Points above and beyond these levels. Once either of the two exit points is reached, all trades are closed with a combined profit or approximate breakeven.
To use
1) Place the EA on a chart and select how the first trade will open (Manual/Via EA strateg
195 USD
SUPPLY DEMAND EA PRO 提供了一种交易您想要的任何金融工具的新方式。它基于 MTF 供需指标,具有更多功能,可提升您的交易体验并大幅提升您的利润。您可以通过一键下达限价单和市价单。 EA 将自动调整任何交易的手数,并将在一半或盈亏平衡处管理止损。我的意图不是创建一个将随机交易放置在所有供需区域的 EA,因为那是行不通的。我创建这个 EA 是为了促进手动交易并使其更容易和更愉快。您所要做的就是扫描图表并选择您想要交易的区域。然后你可以离开图表,让 EA 为你工作。
How to Place Trades | How to Manage Trades | Alerts Settings | Adjust Panel Size | Nested Zones Strategy | Freeze Alerts Button |
一键交易 自动调整手数 交易自动管理 从用户友好的交易面板控制输入
249 USD
Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community: position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications...
Risk Management - Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types - Set and forget trading with price action automation
88 USD
SEPTEMBER OFFER:EA based on this indicator is free along with indicator purchase with best set file for gold and major Fx pairs. This is valid till 30th of September. After purchase of indicator connect me on telegram @anabullbear or inbox in mql5 to get free Ea It's a Breakout Scalper On support and resistance and order blocks. Benefits of the indicator: does not redraw arrows. works on all currency pairs. high signal accuracy good for scalping Accuracy level is more than 95 percent. Live Sign
99 USD
里约是一种复杂而新颖的算法,使用人工智能与传统技术分析相结合来预测市场走势。这个专家顾问利用循环神经网络,特别是长期记忆细胞,利用技术分析指标的数据进行训练。通过这种方法,EA能够学习哪些指标与未来价格走势最相关,并根据这些指标采取行动。 此外,LSTM网络特别适合时间序列分析,因为它们能够考虑短期和长期的历史数据。 注意:这是一个 有限的介绍性报价 :本EA的 10份拷贝中 只有 2份 将以当前价格出售。下一个价格: 399美元 该EA的价格将稳步上升,以限制使用该系统交易的用户数量。 实时信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1998967 MT5版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93332 重要提示: 请在购买产品后直接通过PM与我们联系,以获得更多信息和额外的服务。 机械学 本专家顾问 不 使用马丁格尔、网格交易或任何其他已知可能导致重大损失的危险方法。 相反,每个头寸从一开始就有一个固定的止盈和止损设置。虽然这些值可以改变,但建议保持默认值,因为这些值在长期的回测过程中已经得到了优化。每次最
599 USD
重要! 购买此顾问后,联系我获得第二个顾问作为礼物
订单是自动管理的。 EA有一个恢复功能,如果前一笔交易以亏损关闭,则会增加订单大小。
您可以在同一时间使用1到3个订单。 Ea交易完全符合指标信号和FIFO规则,不使用网格功能,允许您以minimum100的最低存款开始交易
EA有一个移动交易面板,用于管理自动交易功能和手动打开交易的能力。 交易者在手动模式下打开的所有交易都将使用DD Reduce功能设置以利润关闭
我们可以说,EA的任务是使任何交易获利,无论何时以及如何打开 EA有一个交易面板,所以你可以在手动/半自动/全自动模式下进行交易 我们所有的专家顾问都使用从 Tick Data Suit 2 收到的100%杜高斯贝质量电流进行了优化. 这是所有专业交易者和开发人员使用的最可靠的报价历史数据. 用户手册: 这里 常规价格:$125。 优惠价:$499 购买后与我联系以获得奖金!
99 USD
EA Gold NRJ is 100% automated trading system with long term stable growth strategy. The EA works on popular instrument XAUUSD (GOLD). The Ea does not use averaging, martingale, grid. Safe trading with low drawdown. Only one trade per time. Each trade includes take profit and stop loss. FIFO compartible. The Ea can work with any small or large deposits.
Easy to use, just set risk or own fixed lot.
Download settings
Key features: smart entry point filter; advanced trade control module;
175 USD
An exclusive indicator that utilizes an innovative algorithm to swiftly and accurately determine the market trend. The indicator automatically calculates opening, closing, and profit levels, providing detailed trading statistics. With these features, you can choose the most appropriate trading instrument for the current market conditions. Additionally, you can easily integrate your own arrow indicators into Scalper Inside Pro to quickly evaluate their statistics and profitability. Scalper Inside
119 USD
TPA True Price Action indicator reveals the true price action of the market makers through 100% non-repainting signals (except early signals mode) strictly at the close of a candle!
TPA shows entries and re-entries, every time the bulls are definitely stronger than the bears and vice versa. Not to confuse with red/green candles. The shift of power gets confirmed at the earliest stage and is ONE exit strategy of several. There are available now two free parts of the TPA User Guide for our custo
168 USD
RSI Divergence Full +10 other divergence indicators
This is the Full Version, to get the free version please contact me. The free version works on “EURAUD” chart. Contact me after payment to send you the User-Manual PDF File. Also you can download the >>> Hybrid Trading EA <<< that is designed and implemented based on RSI Divergence Indicator. RSI is a pretty useful indicator in itself but it's even more effective when you trade divergence patterns with that. Because the divergence signal
39 USD
BUY INDICATOR AND GET EA FOR FREE AS A BONUS + SOME OTHER GIFTS! ITALO VOLUME INDICATOR is the best volume indicator ever created, and why is that? The Indicator works on all time-frames and assets, indicator built after 6 years of experience on forex and many other markets. You know many volume indicators around the internet are not complete, does not help, and it's difficult to trade, but the Italo Volume Indicator is different , the Italo Volume Indicator shows the wave volume, when market
65 USD
This robot uses an algorithm, that monitors and evaluates the situation in the market, its speed and power. At the appropriate time, it places pending orders on the market, and then moves them to better prices. It uses a money management with tight StopLoss and other functions. The default setting is for EURUSD M5, but it will have good results on other markets and other time frames. A fast ECN broker with minimal fees and precise quotations in points is recommended.
Settings StartTrading - s
929 USD
这是我著名的指标反转分形的最新版本,该指标在近十年前首次发布。它检查分形的价格结构以确定市场中可能的反转点,为已经拥有基本或技术估值模型的头寸交易者提供时机。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 反转分形可以开始长期趋势 指标不重绘
它实现了各种警报 可定制的颜色和尺寸 该指标是一个反应或滞后信号,因为分形是奇数条柱的形成,中间的柱是最高或最低的,并且当分形中的所有柱关闭时,指标绘制。但是,具有预先存在的方向偏差的交易者会发现该指标非常有用,可以提早进入点。 该指标不是简化的信号指标,也不是完整的交易系统。请不要这样评估或审查它。
输入参数 分形中的条:每个分形中的条数。必须是奇数,例如 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, ...
颜色:自定义箭头和线条的颜色和大小。 警报:启用或禁用各种警报。
支持 我很乐意提供免费产品,但由于我的时间有限,它们没有任何形式的支持。我很抱歉。
作者 Arturo López Pérez,私人投资者和投机者、软件工程师和 Point Zer
介绍 量子趋势狙击指标 ,突破性的 MQL5 指标,正在改变您识别和交易趋势反转的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的资深交易员团队开发, 量子趋势狙击指标 旨在通过其创新的方式以极高的准确度识别趋势反转,将您的交易之旅推向新的高度。
量子 EA 通道: 点击这里
MT5版本: 点击这里
时间范围:H1 和 M30 货币对:欧元兑美元、英镑兑美元、澳元兑美元、欧元兑英镑、XAUUSD 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低 经纪时间:任意 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低
建议止损:50 点
建议止盈水平:20 点、50 点和 100 点
不重漆! 最多 3 个建议利润目标区域 高精度识别趋势反转,并为您提
99.99 USD
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