适用于MetaTrader 4的EA交易和指标 - 7
通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
Candle Timer Countdown 显示当前柱线关闭并形成新柱线之前的剩余时间。 它可以用于时间管理。
MT5版本在这里 !
功能亮点 跟踪服务器时间而不是本地时间 可配置的文本颜色和字体大小 符号每日变化的可选可视化 优化以减少 CPU 使用率
显示每日变化:真/假 文本字体大小 文字颜色
如果您仍有疑问,请通过直接消息与我联系: https://www.mql5.com/zh/users/robsjunqueira/
如果可能,请留下您的评论和评论,以帮助向社区传播信息。 还可以了解我们的其他指标和专家顾问。 我有几种有用的指标和专家顾问。 如果您有任何建议,请随时提出建议,这样我才能改进产品,使持续改进永无止境。
EA 交易專為激進交易而設計。 EA 交易具有確定趨勢方向的新方法。 EA 在無損失系統上以最低利潤進行交易,控制每筆交易。
我們社區的 Telegram 頻道 - https://t.me/EAQuantumLab 顧問的詳細說明請訪問鏈接 - https://eaquantumlab.com 真實信號可在此處獲取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/vitalvasa/seller
推薦交易貨幣對 EURUSD / GBPUSD / XAUUSD / USDCAD / NZDUSD / AUDUSD / EURJPY / 時間範圍 M30 - H1 最低賬戶餘額 1000 $(一對) 手數計算 每$1000存款0.01手 最小點差
按照說明設置顧問! 重要信息! 前兩週,在模擬賬戶或美分賬戶上進行交易(為自己選擇最佳交易條件) 在 VPS 上安裝交易顧問 真實賬戶利潤每週五(交易週結束時)記錄
外匯/差價合約交易具有高風險,並不適合所有人。 如果市場狀況發生不利變化,您可能會損失部分或全部本金。 您應該只投資您可以承受損失的資
49 USD
向您介绍我们最先进的Genesis Ultimate MT4专家顾问,专为交易AUDNZD货币对而量身定制。这款创新的EA为交易者提供了从三个不同风险水平中选择的能力,使他们能够根据自己的舒适程度管理风险敞口。 为了便于做出明智的决策,EA根据从2018年至今进行的广泛回测来展示预期的回撤。这一有价值的信息可以通过直观的下拉菜单轻松获取,使交易者能够毫不费力地选择他们喜欢的风险水平。 需要强调的是,该EA强烈建议在发布任何美联储利率新闻之前关闭所有交易。这样,交易者可以保护自己免受此类事件期间可能出现的潜在市场波动影响。 要有效使用此EA,交易者应拥有至少500美元的资本。拥有较低资本可能导致回撤高于过去五年测试期间所经历的水平。 总之,这款尖端的MT4专家顾问是那些寻求自信地交易AUDNZD货币对,同时有效管理风险敞口的交易者的绝佳工具。 可从此处监控信号和EA的性能: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1938068
499 USD
It is well known that market moves as waves and in cycles. The FutureWaves indicator looks at various such cycles present in the market and projects those cycles into future to give a indication as to what may happen and what can be the biases present in each coming cycle. The indicator can be used for Binary options and fx trading. Green histogram should be seen as the strength of buyers and red histogram that of sellers. Both the bias and the sync waves should be seen as the imbalances between
69 USD
You can read about the MACD indicator at this link
Software description This indicator can display 1 or 2 MACD indicator on different time frames and settings. There is a FREE version that uses EMA for calculation. This Pro version use all 4 Moving average type for calculation: Simple, exponential, smoothed and linear weighted. The active indicators can give pop up, sound, push or e-mail alert. The free version alert on zero-level-cross only, this Pro version alert can be set to zero level cro
69 USD
NEW! SEP 11 2023 - Now you can pay only $1000 a monthly installment and get full access to the EA.
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4 999 USD
The TAILOR EA is an advanced automated trading system designed specifically for the MQL market. This bot monitors the CHOCH price (character change) and market trends to place Buy Stop and Sell Stop orders in a secure and efficient manner. It offers a multitude of safety features, ensuring a smooth and reliable trading experience. Live Signal Start June 2022
LIMITED OFFER :: now $79 (Next Price $99,99 ) , limited-time offer on our Expert Advisor!
Key Features :
1 : Smart Stop: The b
79.99 USD
MetaTrader 4自定义指标的全球交易顾问。
MetaTrader 4 版本 : MetaTrader 5终端 的xCustomEA 版本 通用交易顾问的功能xCustomEA完全复制了我们的顾问 The X 所有参数,除了一个: xCustomEA 适用于自定义指标,能够为MT4终端编制自己的交易策略。 xCustomEA 具有指向可从Internet或mql5市场下载的自定义指标的链接。 您可以编制 自定义 指标 , 和我们的顾问 xCustomEA 将在信号上开仓。 通过购买我们的Universal Trade Adviser The xCustomEA , 你可以每天为指标编程顾问! 关于指标PIPFINITE TREND PRO的专家顾问的示例 关于指标的顾问和编程策略的完整说明 + DEMO + PDF Description on English 基本设置:
您可以为以下各项指示和信号编程: 打开 , 关闭 , 过滤器 , 止损 , 获利 。 所有其他设置与X的设置相
200 USD
MT5 Version Available Here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/50048
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Recommended Broker: https://eb4.app/BDFXOsprey *All In One System Indicator, Breakthrough solution for any Newbie or Expert Trader! The BlueDigitsFx Easy 123 System makes it easy to identify important areas of market structure. It alerts you to changes in market structure which typically occur when a reve
50 USD
AW Ichimoku EA 使用 Ichimoku Kinko Hyo 指标的信号进行交易。全自动化交易机器人配置灵活,工作场景多。产品中内置了许多有用的功能:自动手数计算、虚拟止盈以及关闭篮子中第一个和最后一个订单的能力 解决问题 -> 这里 / MT5版本-> 这里 / 说明 -> 这里 优点
简单、直观的设置 使用平均策略的可能性 将第一个订单与最后一个订单重叠 自动计算手数 可配置指标参数 三种类型的通知:推送、电子邮件、警报 攻略 智能交易系统可以根据指标设置后实施的三种不同策略工作,在“信号”部分: -Senkou 信号 - 显示当前价格趋势。如果价格高于 Kijun,则趋势向上。如果价格低于 Kijun - 下降趋势。当价格穿过 Kijun 时,趋势不明显 -Tenkan Kijun 是 Ichimoku 线中最快的一条,并以其斜率显示当前趋势(向上斜率 - 上升趋势,向下 - 下降趋势,横向 - 持平) -Chinkou 跨度信号 - 趋势支撑/阻力区。还有一个额外的趋势指标。价格在“云”中—
45 USD
This is a multifunctional Expert Advisor that allows you to trade using the order network. The advisor's algorithm makes it possible to trade with the trend (Pyramiding) and against the trend (Averaging).
Pyramiding - trend trading is built in such a way that each new order is opened only if the previous order has Stop Loss in the profit zone.
Averaging - trading against the trend is carried out in order to close losing positions with a profit.
Expert Advisor Features:
Can trade conserva
30 USD
This is the forex visual orders tool & forex position size (lot) calculator with intuitive panel. Risk Reward Ratio Indicator works on all kind of symbols: currency pairs, indices, metals, commodities, cryptocurrencies, etc.
If you want to make sure that Risk Reward Ratio Indicator works on your favorite symbols contact us ( visit our profile ) and ask for 7-day free trial to test this tool without limits. If you want to place orders easier, faster and more intuitive? If you like to mark tr
30 USD
The Missing Edge You Need To Catch Breakouts Like A Pro. Follow a step-by-step system that detects the most powerful breakouts!
Discover market patterns that generate massive rewards based on a proven and tested strategy.
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The Reliable Expert Advisor Version
Automate Breakout EDGE signals using "EA Breakout EDGE" Click Here Have access to the game changing strategy that will take your trading to the n
98 USD
新闻操盘手专业版 是一个独特的机器人,让您使用您预先定义的策略进行消息交易。它从几个流行的外汇网站加载的每条消息的片断。您可以选择任何消息和预设的策略进行交易,之后新闻操盘手专业版根据选定的策略,在新闻来临时自动进行交易。 新闻发布给出了赚点数的机会,因为在那个时刻,价格通常有大动作。现在,利用这款工具,新闻交易变得比以往任何时候更容易,更灵活,更令人兴奋。不要等待,不要错失,不要再迷惑了。每周只需针对重要新闻设置一次,这个工具将完全按照您的计划进行精准交易。 演示版: 由于这不是一个自动交易机器人 (它是半自动), 您需要下载单独的演示版本: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5931 参考: 如果您只需要加载新闻 (无需交易), 您可以购买新闻加载机专业版: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/5463
功能 包括所有 新闻加载机专业版 的功能 (查看详情)。 针对每条新闻构建您自己的策略,具有非常灵活的参数。 支持五种高级策略,带有大量控制参数 (止损, 止盈, 尾随, 网格间隔, 手数缩放
299 USD
Alpha Assassin: svelato l'Expert Advisor che rivoluziona il tuo trading
Prezzo speciale limitato : Sii uno dei primi 10 a cogliere questa opportunità unica e non solo otterrai un algoritmo di trading di prim'ordine, ma anche uno sconto che non sarà mai più disponibile. Non perdere tempo; il tuo successo nel trading potrebbe essere a pochi clic di distanza. Acquistalo ora e preparati a trasformare il tuo trading per sempre! Nota: questa offerta è valida solo per i primi 10 acqui
49 USD
使用 Candle Power Pro 指示器释放真实体积信息的力量。此动态工具捕获每根蜡烛的实际交易量数据,并将其显示为总交易量的百分比。通过这样做,它使您能够辨别市场上买卖双方之间正在进行的斗争。 Candle Power Pro 显示买家和卖家之间的战斗占总交易量的百分比,为您提供有关市场动态的宝贵见解。您可以通过分析买家和卖家的交易量轻松确认突破,确保更准确的进入和退出点。此外,您可以利用买家和卖家的交易量来确认趋势,从而提高交易策略的可靠性。此外,您可以通过分析买家和卖家的交易量变化来识别趋势逆转,从而让您领先于市场变化。 该指标提供了一系列功能来增强您的交易体验。您可以将成交量平均值绘制为线条以便于可视化,并将成交量百分比与其他 19 个符号进行比较以进行进一步分析。 Candle Power Pro 还采用基于体积百分比的彩色蜡烛,能够快速识别市场变化。移动和弹出提醒让您了解重要的市场动向,同时轻松访问账户信息确保快速参考。 通过将实际交易量信息纳入您的交易策略,您可以获得宝贵的见解并改进您的决策过程。对于任何认真的外汇交易者来说,都不要错过这款经济实惠且必不可少的工具。
450 USD
Limited number of copies will be sold on MQL5 market. Price $69.99 4 of 10 left at this Price Next 10 copies $149.99. Expert will be available on sale untill 1 of January. Unbrekeable for XAUUSD is a fully automated EA designed to trade GOLD only. It is based on machine learning analysis and an incredible trend detection system. This EA tries to win 1% of the account in each of the trades!!!! works like magic :) EA contains self-adaptive market algorithm, which uses XAUUSD in 2015-2020
69.99 USD
Additional tool to trade with Cycle Sniper Indicator.
Cycle Sniper : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51950 Indicator Draws Channels based on: - Cycle Sniper Price and Moving Averages - ATR Deviations - Fibonacci Retracement and Extensions
Features: - Multi TimeFrame - Full alert and Notification options. - Simple Settings - Finds the trend change or extreme reversals.
Inputs: - Arrow Mode: ATR Levels or Median Line If Median Line is selected
140 USD
Real Signal: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2012342?source=Site+Signals+My The 90% EA 是一款日内交易的高频交易EA。该EA基于价格走势和两个移动平均线进行操作。它采用基于ChatGPT的交易策略。该EA可以适用于资金较小的初学者。 结果:(请参考屏幕截图) 数据:我们在MT4 Exness平台上进行了从2015年至今的测试。 胜率:胜率>90%表示交易成功。 设置: 时间框架:M15 货币对:EURUSD 使用零点差账户(Exness,Icmarket或Tickmill) 初始资金最少为300美元。 EA的工作原理: EA采用高频交易形式。 所有交易在一天内开仓和平仓。 所有交易都设置了止损(SL)和获利(TP)水平,以确保您的账户安全。 您可以随时调整交易量或启用/禁用EA。 您可以根据自己的需求控制参数。 警告:过去的数据不能完全预测未来的表现。交易是一项有风险的职业。您必须明智地管理您的资金,以在市场上获利。我们始
599 USD
Imbalance / Fair Value Gap (FVG), this is a zone / gap created when the price move with force in a given direction. It identify a zone where the price could potentially go back. This gives perfect targets for your trades.
Imbalance is created from the high and low of 3 candles. When the wicks the of 1st and 3rd candle does not fully overlap the middle one.
This indicator will help you to easily spot mitigated/unmitigated imbalances in your chart.
NEW FEATURE Update: Multi-TimeFrame Feat
50 USD
Welcome to the world of SMC (Smart Money Concepts) Trading, where we empower traders with the tools and knowledge to make smarter trading decisions. Our latest addition to our suite of trading tools is the SMC Trading Pro indicator, version 1.0. Key Features: Major Market Structure Identification with BODY break. Order Block must be in Major Swing ( not Small Swing ). Order Block with Fair Value Gap Detection. Order Block in Discount | Premium zone. Filter for only Bullish, Bearish or All Order
2015年的回顾 | MT5版本 | 如何安裝? | FAQ MiloBot PRO 是一个先进的外汇专家顾问,基于一个独特的专有策略 它已经被开发、测试和优化了2年多的时间。该策略的可靠性在于,开发商的真实账户的存款总额超过10万美元。 独特的MiloBot PRO策略允许每个月获得稳定的利润,自定义指标允许EA在市场反转时刻尽可能精确地进入市场。 查看开发商当前的实时信号。
MiloBot PRO +145%: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1623342 MiloBot PRO 84% https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1623360
我們個人使用 MiloBot Pro 進行交易,因此我們不斷測試它,在 EA 中實施一些新的東西。 所有買家都將收到更新並使用最新和最可靠的顧問版本。 我叫 Sergey Ermolov ,是 MiloBot PRO 顧問開發團隊的負責人。 我只相信數字,而數字表明: 我们的MiloBot PRO专家顾问让你的年收益高达103%,包括资本重组 它平均每月完成181
437 USD
"SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS WITH THIS UNIQUE TRADING SYSTEM…FOREVER…" Hurry ... Only a hundred copies will be sold... The one who makes money from trading, wins by doing something very simple, he wins 6 out of every 10 trades by sticking to one strategy. Of course, one cannot win very much, but it is still a profit. Traders who don't do this are in a real TRAP. They are even ready after the first few trades to abandon their strategy after the first 2 or 3 losses in a row. Because, I'll say it again
50 USD
BlueDreams 是一位网格专家,可以计算特定的价格高点和低点。 顾问使用从多个时间框架分析的价格信息和自定义指标的组合来深入查看市场,以确定计算的条目。 它运行一个动态网格功能,能够根据市场动态改变其点步距离。 信号: --- 群聊: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/conorstephenson 请在购买后与我联系以获取设置建议和免费专家顾问! 主要特点
精准的进入条件。 目标是在确定的下降趋势中捕捉高点卖出,在确定的上升趋势中捕捉低点买入。 EA 只会在用户定义的趋势时间范围内接受订单。 - 趋势时间框架显示在交易面板的左上方。 动态网格功能 - 可以打开或关闭以创建单个交易专家。 多种管理和平仓交易的方法。 符合先进先出规则。 广泛传播和滑点保护。 净值限制 - EA 能够以所需的输入净值/保证金下降量削减交易,并具有停止交易的功能。 新闻过滤器。 可选的日期/时间限制。 回撤减少功能。 通过使用 EURUSD 的 10 年回测。 建议
货币对:此策略适用于任何货币对。 - 使用 - EURUSD、GBPUSD、USDCAD、AUDNZD、N
30 USD
Expert Megalodon Scalper is a fully automated trading system and is programmed with exclusive and advanced algorithms. EA applies a smart money-flow tracking strategy and executes trades according to the signals of large cash flow, Megalodon's cash flow. The difference of this EA is that it applies the experience of trading in the Spot market to monitor the money flow and therefore it only executes Buy orders (and No Sell orders). The Megalodon EA seems to be suitable for Gold, because the Gold
88 USD
其中最主要的两件事是我设计了 extractFeatures 和 trainModel 函数,这将负责设计蜡烛、解构 Slippage 并学习它如何移动以适应 Spread。
购买我的产品后,要求我获得最佳配置,您还可以在这里看到我的其他产品 MQL5
该人工智能主要针对那些想要替代方案并 24/5
2 499 USD
助手详细说明文档,点击阅读 基本使用设置 基本: 支持语言的选择切换(目前支持中文和英文) 自动识别语言 支持 热键开平仓 绑定, 使用快捷键进行快速开平仓...... 快捷键平仓. 解锁支持大部分功能 复盘 操作,可以在 测试环境下使用 开仓平仓区域: 一键开仓( 包含止盈止损的便捷设置,手数自动计算等便捷功能) 一键平仓 (锁仓),极简的风格设计,可以自由选择平仓品种,平仓类型(多单,空单,或者挂单),是否平仓盈利大于0的订单,是否平仓亏损订单,平仓比例的设置(0~100%),且是否平仓反向,以及锁仓功能,均在选项中可以直接实现操作. 多键平仓 划线开单控件 计算出多单或者空单的 平均持仓价格 并划线 止盈止损等自动 设置 多品种,多,空,分类平仓 .. 挂单区: 批量间隔挂单 功能。
批量挂单删除 功能 设置区: 开平仓消息框提示再确认开关 语言切换 热键设置 点数校正 自动化功能区: 划线交易 自动止盈止损 账户保盈 保护止损 移动止损 账户风控 影子订单功能 万向加仓模块 ①逆势加仓多单 ②逆势加
88.88 USD
Sacrament mt4- This is an indicator that includes the best basic forex indicators, without redrawing. Based on this data, a signal for sale or purchase is formed. It does not disappear anywhere after the signal, which gives us the opportunity to see the results on the history.
It can be used on any currency pair, crypto metals, stocks
It is best used on an hourly chart, but other periods are also acceptable.
The best results for the period H1,H4,daily
If customers have any questions, I w
100 USD
It may be true that “Time waits for no one [human],” but at least now you can control the marching time of all your robots. EA Schedule Launcher (ESL) can launch and close any number of your EAs and/or indicators at custom beginning and ending times. You save your EA and/or indicator to a template and input when to open and close them. The power to control your EAs trading time window can improve both strategy performance and terminal/computer performance.
Note: EA cannot be run with the visu
49 USD
King Scalper EA is an automatic trading robot to trade USACAD . Using advanced calculations it opens and manages trading for you automatically. Its a strategy based on a series of indicators that measure the strength of the market to enter trades, when market conditions allow it. No experience is required and it’s easy to set up. Using King Scalper is a way to improve your trading result instantly. With an Expert Advisor like King Scalper you can instantly start trading, a working system re
55 USD
This is diamond! Diamond Pattern is based on Read The Market(RTM) concepts. The purpose of this model is to face the big players of the market (financial institutions and banks), As you know in financial markets, big traders try to fool small traders, but RTM prevent traders from getting trapped. This style is formed in terms of price candles and presented according to market supply and demand areas and no price oscillator is used in it. RTM concepts are very suitable for all kinds of investment
39 USD
This Expert Advisor trades based on a specific range breakout within a specific hour using scalp techniques. It does not use dangerous techniques like martingale. It only opens a maximum of 3 trades per day (default settings). The default settings are optimized for IcMarkets, FTMO and MFF (set file in the comments) although it can be used with other brokers, you just need to confirm the hours input. Despite this Expert Advisor presents good results in backtesting and for this month (January 2023
90 USD
This is the Full Version, to get the F ree version please contact me. The free version works on “BTCUSD” charts. Contact me after payment to send you the User-Manual PDF File. Volume Profile Indicator A functional and useful tool that can improve your trading plan.
This indicator calculates volume in price levels(typical volume indicator shows only candle volumes).
With the volume of price levels, you can identify important areas that have the potential to reverse. You can also
79 USD
This scanner shows the trend values of the well known indicator SuperTrend for up to 30 instruments and 8 time frames. You can get alerts via MT4, Email and Push-Notification as soon as the direction of the trend changes.
Important Information How you can maximize the potential of the scanner, please read here: www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/718074
You have many possibilities to use the scanner. Here are two examples: With this scanner you can trade a top-down approach easily. If two higher time
59 USD
Advanced Bollinger Bands Scanner is a multi symbol multi timeframe Bollinger bands dashboard that monitors and analyzes the Bollinger Bands indicator from one chart. This panel monitors the Bollinger bands indicator in up to 28 configurable instruments and 9 timeframes for price overbought/oversold, price consolidation (Bollinger bands squeeze), and consolidation breakout (squeeze break) with a deep scan feature to scan all market watch symbols (up to 1000 instruments!).
Download Demo here
50 USD
The Quality trend indicator expresses the ratio of the strength of a trend or the speed of its growth (fall) to the degree of its noisiness or a certain norm of amplitudes of chaotic fluctuations of a growing (falling) price. The position of the indicator line above zero shows an increasing trend, below zero - a falling trend, the fluctuation of the indicator line near zero shows a flat. If the indicator line begins to fluctuate rapidly around zero and approach it, then this indica
59 USD
The Mars is set and forget Grid trading system. Advanced strategy employing multiple independent grid sequences of orders on trading against retail trading logics on the specific liquidity levels. EA is monitoring break of significant levels for inducements to suck retail traders to enter the market, exactly like it's thought in every stupid trading book. Then the EA trades against the retail trades with the targets where the liquidity of their stop losses is placed. If the entry on the liquidi
999 USD
Advisor: compiled on the basis of the " LAZYTMA " smart band strategies, they are a version of TMA, in which the standard deviation is used instead of ATR. Multipliers are mathematical sequences 1,2,3,4. Trading rollbacks (mini-reversals) after some profit-taking, finds adapted levels to indicate when the price tends to rollback! His goal is to collect a few items! Built-in mathematical calculation of trading volume per minute to determine in which direction the market will continue! If the vol
30 USD
This is a simple utility which will put Automatic Stop Loss and Take Profit on all your open trades. The input value of the Stop Loss and Take Profit is in Pips. Whenever you open a trade it will put stop loss and take profit in pips automatically. *If you need a more practical stop loss and take profit for your trades then you may like this ATR indicator based stop loss utility, Here!
Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) orders based on fixed pips are commonly used tools in trading to manage r
30 USD
Works automatically in every pair. the method used can be grid or martingale with adjustable distances. Only requires a little balance and resistance to extreme markets can be relied on compared to other robots of the same type. This robot was made based on special research on the martingale and grid types for 10 years. Before it was launched, it had passed hundreds of tests with various sets used, there was no doubt that it would be published. By using an initial balance of 10000 you can pla
300 USD
邀请函是现代交易系统的最新发展。 交易顾问可以完全自主地工作,并具有手动控制的能力。 机器人完美地实现了精确值、设置的管理。 配备快速访问面板,用于管理图表上的订单。 市场条目是在作者的动态周期浏览器指标的基础上进行的,其参数也可以配置。 复杂移动平均线的工作原理。 Expert Advisor 专为日内交易而设计。 专为主要货币对和金属设计,可轻松适应指数。 适合经验丰富的交易者和初学者。
重要的! 购买后立即联系我以获得说明和奖金!
可以在此处查看对实际工作的监控以及我的其他开发: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/mechanic/seller
· 打开新系列——真/假——在所有订单关闭后启用/禁用新系列的开始。
· Trade Buy – True/False – 开始购买系列的许可。
· Trade Sell – True/False – 开始一系列卖出的权限。
· Manage manual orders – True/False – 启用/禁用手动订单维护。
· 使用对冲——真/假——允许
30 USD
Positive Gold EA is an automatic trading robot to trade XAUUSD . Using advanced calculations it opens and manages trading for you automatically. Its a strategy based on a series of indicators that measure the strength of the market to enter trades, when market conditions allow it. No experience is required and it’s easy to set up. Using Positive Gold is a way to improve your trading result instantly. With an Expert Advisor like Positive Gold you can instantly start trading, a working
60 USD
Key Breakout and Jump/Fall levels. No lagging. No repaint. Trend line is useful for detecting pattern, which is intended for the triangle pattern, Support & Resistance lines, and as a breakout up or down line. The trend lines are formed first before the price of the pair reach it. So it does not repaint. Each line has a description, such as Support, Resistance, Current-Support as key breakout down, and Current-Resistance as a key breakout up. Each broke out line turns into a new support or re
58 USD
The product will copy all Discord signal to MT4 ( which you are member ) , also it can work as remote copier. Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number.
How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrade
199 USD
Ultimate Renko is a full implementation of a robust Renko style charting solution for MT4. It enables creating custom live charts resembling Median Renko , Mean Renko , Turbo Renko , and Better Renko candles as well as Vanilla Renko and Renko with wicks , PointO charts, and many more. This all-in-one package provides all of the signals needed by day traders, scalpers, and even long-term traders. You can apply all of the standard and custom indicators and technical studies as well as templates to
45 USD
Recommend Leverage:>10k Balance 1:500-1:2000;>=100$ Low Balance=1:50-1:100
Pair: Gold Timeframe: M15 Leverage:1:1000+ Balance:1k+ EA OPTION !: Lot size Max lot Lot Auto Mode calculate of Balance Order distance TP % a day Cut loss % a day 3 MM zone Zone A TP Buy Sell and close all with % of balance Zone B TP Buy Sell and close all with $ amount of money Zone C TP Buy Sell and close all with pips ,amount pips as position Backtest with your broker before run live account Full Version: https://www
Auto Fibo 是一个为加强你的手动交易而开发的指标。它将自动画出黄金比例,节省你的时间,促进你的交易。 将指标附在图表上,它就会自动画出准确的黄金比例,省去你寻找临界点的麻烦。 界面会根据你的电脑调整到波段的近似高点和低点。 这个指标会纠正大多数起点和终点的选择错误。 对于每个波段,都会显示准确的价格。 警告 我只在MQL5.com上出售我的EA。如果有人与您联系,向您出售我的EA,那么他们是骗子,只想要您的钱。
另外,如果您从外部网站购买我的EA,我向您保证,它们将是假的版本,不会和原来的一样工作。 .....................................................
PTS Divergence Finder Sell Indicator(Roger Medcalf出品) - Precision Trading Systems。 该指标只提供看跌 - 卖出信号。 首先,我多次被问及为什么多年来一直提供买入信号的差异指标,而没有提供卖出差异指标。 我回答说,卖出差异信号不如买入差异信号可靠,这仍然是事实。 我们找到了一些解决办法,不是屈服于同行的压力,也不是修改我在十五年前制作的这个指标,而是通过更改默认设置来使其更加严格。 PTS差异查找器卖出指标是如何工作的? PTS差异查找器卖出指标准确测量了发生在需求指数中的差异数量,这是一个基于成交量的指标。由于MT4提供的是交易量而不是成交量,因此基础需求指数指标中发生的波动大约要小10倍,因此必须减小下面所述的差异输入。 这是一个子图二的柱状图样式指标,它绘制出看起来像是从底部升起的石笋一样的尖峰。 该指标检查了您指定的长度的基于成交量的需求指数指标的多个回溯期。它找到了价格中的高点,其中DI没有形成新的“局部”高点,并且与您输入的“差异”设置相差较远。 在众多人投票市场方向的流动市场中,效果最好。 每
397 USD
Professional Histogram (PH) 是一种高效可靠的外汇、差价合约和二元期权交易工具。
PH 易于使用和配置,适合初学者和经验丰富的交易者。
与大多数指标不同,Professional Histogram 发现更长的趋势并提供更少的错误信号。
交易技巧 当直方图改变颜色时开仓。 请参阅屏幕截图 1 上的示例交易。
该指标最适合在 M15-H4 上交易。
特征 适合剥头皮和长线交易。 向电子邮件和移动设备发送信号。 易于使用和配置。 它既可以作为独立工具使用,也可以与其他指标结合使用。 无需重绘。 没有滞后。
参数 Period - 负责计算指标的平均周期的关键参数。 Filter - 过滤周期。 Alert - 启用/禁用警报。 Email - 启用/禁用电子邮件。 Push - 启用/禁用向手机发送消息。 clrUPPER - 正直方图颜色。 clrLOWER - 负直方图颜色。 Width - 线宽。 祝您交易顺利!
36 USD
Golden Rush EA,又名Gold Prime - 精密强大的交易卓越性 - 从2023年5月开始,实现了1,000美元的实盘账户244%的增长。如下图所示。 介绍Golden Rush EA-一种为要求最佳的交易者构建的先进交易算法。无论您是在市场上进行超短线交易还是进行日内交易,都可以确保该EA经过精心设计,以实现最佳性能。 以下是Golden Rush EA的亮点: 时间框架-1M,5M,15M,30M,1H 最低账户余额要求:1,000美元 设置文件在评论部分提供 恢复网格系统:内置的网格模式确保强大的恢复策略,降低风险并增强交易弹性。 战略例程:既适用于超短线交易,又适用于日内交易,确保灵活性,以匹配您的交易风格。 信号精确性:利用移动平均线来精确定位买入/卖出点,然后利用布林带和RSI的力量来优化信号并确定退出策略。结果是一个无缝的交易体验,降低市场噪音。 四重扫描仪优势:借助其四个专用分析波动性、交易量和市场情绪的扫描仪,该EA可以剔除市场杂音,实现高准确度交易。 安全协议:坚实的止损机制,结合战略性的盈利和追踪止损功能,为您的交易提供了额外的安全层。 自豪地呈
250 USD
所有MQL5 EA产品,付费100RMB加入VIP会员即可全部无限制使用,详情请咨询客服QQ407776353 所有MQL5 EA产品,付费100RMB加入VIP会员即可全部无限制使用,详情请咨询客服QQ407776353 所有MQL5 EA产品,付费100RMB加入VIP会员即可全部无限制使用,详情请咨询客服QQ407776353 所有MQL5 EA产品,付费100RMB加入VIP会员即可全部无限制使用,详情请咨询客服QQ407776353 所有MQL5 EA产品,付费100RMB加入VIP会员即可全部无限制使用,详情请咨询客服QQ407776353 所有MQL5 EA产品,付费100RMB加入VIP会员即可全部无限制使用,详情请咨询客服QQ407776353 所有MQL5 EA产品,付费100RMB加入VIP会员即可全部无限制使用,详情请咨询客服QQ407776353
风险交易面板是为手动交易而设计的. 这是发送订单的另一种方式。
面板的第一个特点是使用控制线方便地下订单。 第二个特征是在存在止损线的情况下计算给定风险的交易量。
您不应该多次按下发送订单按钮。 一次就够了。 下单后,按钮将呈现"未按下"状态。
要发送带有风险计算的订单,需要设置止损线并在交易面板的"风险"字段中设置风险。 否则,订单将以当前交易工具的最低手数放置。
风险是从账户余额计算出来的. 由于经纪商对保证金交易细节的限制,不可能承担100%的风险。
The Key level wedge indicator automatically draws rising wedge pattern and falling wedge pattern for you on the chart. This pattern is really good when used as a confirmation entry at key support & resistance, supply & demand and reversal zones.
The Key level wedge block DOES NOT RE-PAINT, giving you confidence when a signal appears and also helps when looking back. The Key level wedge includes an on/off button on the chart to easily keep the charts clean after analysis by jus
59 USD
交易时段,市场时间,时段时间,外汇时间,交易时间表,市场开放/关闭时间,交易时区,时段指标,市场时钟,ICT,亚洲KillZone,伦敦Killzone,纽约Killzone 交易者应该注意交易时区的影响,因为不同的市场活动时间和交易量直接影响货币对的波动性和交易机会。为了帮助交易者全面了解市场情况并更好地制定交易策略,我们开发了一个交易会话指标。 该指标显示亚洲、伦敦和纽约市场的交易时间。用户可以设置显示或隐藏不同的交易时区,以便更方便地使用。此外,该指标可以根据设置显示或隐藏交易会话的名称,并限制最大显示数量。 实际使用过程非常简单:一旦您购买了该指标,将指标文件复制到您的MetaTrader 5平台的指标文件夹中,在MetaTrader 5平台中打开您想要应用指标的图表,从指标列表中选择指标,并将其拖放到您的图表上。 一旦指标成功应用,您将看到一个包含亚洲、伦敦和纽约市场交易时间的表格。您可以根据个性化设置显示或隐藏不同的交易时区,以更好地了解市场情况。同时,您还可以根据个性化设置显示或隐藏交易会话的名称,并限制最大显示数量。 该指标还提供多个可自定义选项,供您根据需要进行设置。
Cherokee - is a professional adviser based on a trend tracking system with an adaptive algorithm. New sets are in the "Comments" section comments #2-3. Signal: 6 currency pairs Main Advantages 6 currency pairs; The EA does not use Martingale; The minimum starting deposit is $300; No need to close the robot during news releases; It works with 4 and 5-digit quotes; A multi-level model of a quantum set.
Working parameters Currency pairs : EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, USD/JPY ,
799 USD
QM (Quasimodo) Pattern is based on Read The Market(RTM) concepts. The purpose of this model is to face the big players of the market (financial institutions and banks), As you know in financial markets, big traders try to fool small traders, but RTM prevent traders from getting trapped. This style is formed in terms of price candles and presented according to market supply and demand areas and no price oscillator is used in it. RTM concepts are very suitable for all kinds of investments, includi
35 USD
Elliott Wave Trend was designed for the scientific wave counting. This tool focuses to get rid of the vagueness of the classic Elliott Wave Counting using the guideline from the template and pattern approach. In doing so, firstly Elliott Wave Trend offers the template for your wave counting. Secondly, it offers Wave Structural Score to assist to identify accurate wave formation. It offers both impulse wave Structural Score and corrective wave Structure Score. Structural Score is the rating to sh
200 USD
你想成为一个持续盈利的五星级外汇交易商吗? 1. 阅读我们简单的 交易系统 的基本描述 和 以及它在2020年的主要策略更新 2. 发送您的购买截图,以获得我们独家交易聊天的个人邀请
FX趋势 实时显示所有时间框架的趋势方向、持续时间、强度和由此产生的趋势评级。
所有这些使它成为初学者、高级和专业交易者的易于使用的趋势交易系统 。
分析功能 所有时间框架的实时趋势分析 所有时间框架的计算结果完全相同 配置您个人的时间框架集 可定制的趋势计算参数 图形功能 在紧凑模式、细节模式和仪表板模式之间一键切换 紧凑模式在一个缩小的面板中提供基本的趋势信息 细节模式提供相关符号的深入趋势分析 仪表板模式涵盖了所有主要的或你最喜欢的交易符号 只需在面板内点击一下,就可以访问所有的时间框架和符号 可移动的外汇趋势显示(通过拖放)。 适用于高分辨率的QHD、UHD和4K显示器 不需要重新画图 一般特征 自动的终端配置 针对平板电脑和触摸屏的使用进行了优化 通过电子邮件、信息和手机通知发出警报 为EA请求提供可访问的缓
66 USD
Hi Friends, "FCK Currency Strength" is a semi auto trading expert. Buy-Sell separate or multi currency in one click. Only 5 copies are available for sale, and later copies will be available for rent. Recommendations Min. deposit $100. Timeframes: Recommended - D 1 (Still, EA technically works on any Time frames ) Spread : up to 20
Use an ECN-broker with fast order execution.
50 USD
The Easy Strategy Builder (ESB) is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
299 USD
Advanced version of CyberZingFx Volume Plus, the ultimate MT4 indicator for traders seeking highly accurate buy and sell signals. With an additional strategy and price action dot signals that enhances its effectiveness, this indicator offers a superior trading experience for professionals and beginners alike. The CyberZingFx Volume Plus Advanced version combines the power of volume analysis and historical price data with an additional strategy, resulting in even more precise and reliable signals
135 USD
Dark Bands is an Indicator for intraday trading. This Indicator is based on Counter Trend strategy but use also Volatility. We can enter in good price with this Indicator, in order to follow the inversions on the current instrument.
Key benefits
Easily visible take profit/stop loss lines Reliable bands lines with futuristic colors, and Intuitive directional arrows Useful statistics , which indicate the win rate of the signals Plus Package available, leave a feedback to recei
The EA uses a double stochastic from different timeframes, optimization with a neural network!
Only 1 order for 1 currency pair is used in trading! (no martingale no grids !!! safe) The minimum cost of an adviser is only for 1 week https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/1618891?source=Site+Profile+Seller#!tab=account https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/1993594?source=Site+Profile+Seller
Time frame:
Set files in the
499 USD
The Expert Advisor is designed to protect the account, fix profit (loss) and display current information about the account. Trading account protection is carried out by closing all open orders in the terminal and/or closing all charts. When running the Expert Advisor with default parameters, it will only display your account information and will be reduced in size. Next, you can set the conditions under which your trading account will be protected. Profit and loss limits can be set for daily pro
55 USD
Loss Recovery 3 is an Expert Advisor for recovering losses of positions that were opened in the wrong direction (that were opened by another EA or manually). This EA recovers your loss and closes your position on Break Even or with determined profit.
Trading Strategy:
Loss Recover3 EA try to Recover Wrong Positions, by using Averaging method. There are various features on the EA to control risk of the strategy.
Using EA :
The EA is very simple and without complicated input para
60 USD
Trading Sessions 3
Display the intra-day trading sessions from ASIA , LONDON and NEW YORK ASIA Session : Most volatile currencies AUD , NZD , JPY LONDON Session : Most volatile currencies GBP , EUR NEW YORK Session : Most volatile currency USD Inputs
Modifiable trading hours as HH:MM format
Custom days to display sessions
Note : GMT+3 = Helsinki Timezone
***** Unlocking the Expertise: EA Source Code for Dedicated Learners
***** Commencing from November 2021 , the "EA + source code" version is at your disposal,
***** allowing those who purchase (not rent) this EA to explore its inner workings.
*****T o acquire the source code, kindly direct your request, along with purchase information by sending messages to me.
***** Upon confirming your purchase, the source code will be extended to you. ***** < Disclaimer >
***** We provide the source cod
110 USD
Metusha is a grid trading system, that can trade on buy and sell. Profitable trades the advisor pyramids, to increase profits, unprofitable orders it averages and closes quickly in parts.
Main advantages: Automatic market analysis by author's indicators Non-linear algorithm of money management Averaging and pyramiding of deals Various algorithms for capital protection Application in combination with other Expert Advisors Multiple parameters allow to make flexible settings for any financ
249 USD
MetaTrader 市场 - 在您的交易程序端可以直接使用为交易者提供的自动交易和技术指标。
MQL5.community 支付系统 提供给MQL5.com 网站所有已注册用户用于MetaTrade服务方面的事务。您可以使用WebMoney,PayPal 或银行卡进行存取款。
- 免费交易应用程序
- 免费24小时外汇VPS
- 8,000+信号可供复制
- 探索金融市场的经济新闻