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PZ Trend Trading MT5


许多盈利交易者不仅知道如何识别市场趋势,而且也能把握趋势建立后的交易机会。 Pz 趋势交易 指标设计用来在趋势行情中尽可能的赚取利润。


Pz 趋势交易 指标比一般趋势指标显示多达 20 倍的交易, 因为它注重所谓的市场时机。它不仅显示当前的市场趋势,也有回调,内柱线的突破和调整。它令您在趋势回调之后介入,安全的柱线内突破金字塔加仓,以及发现潜在的反转,和已知的调整。


一个趋势改变在市场方向变化时发生。趋势变化在图表上用带数字的彩色圆圈显示。蓝色 (1) 信号为上涨开始, 而红色 (1) 信号为下跌开始。趋势变化并非评估当前价格动作的结果, 它意味着交易设置是不定时地。如果您正确使用本指标, 在趋势变化时, 您将将已经入场 (参看下面的调整)。


但凡趋势在运动中,行情上下抖动,盈利者收割利润,且其它参与者入场。趋势回调代表好的买入机会,通常是由主力获利离场导致。如果行情在回调后回归上行, 指标将在图表上绘制蓝色 (2) 。回调是非常好的交易机会,但在单边趋势中可能不会发生。


一个内柱线是一根柱线 (或一序列柱线) 完整包含在之前柱线范围内, 好似母亲柱线。突破内柱线 (或柱线组) 代表在已建立的趋势中交易会有更多利润, 因为风险回报率极高: 它是极佳风险回报交易的高概率入场点,因为所需设置的止损很小。指标将在突破内柱线时 (或柱线组) 绘制一个 (3), 它是极好切入趋势的机会,或是进行金字塔加仓.


调整是趋势回归方向后,回吐足够强大触发的回调,或是价格触及趋势线后趋势改变。每次回调和趋势变化,所有情况下,之前总会有调整。指标将在检测到调整时绘制彩色点划线, 红色点划线 (---) 为上行趋势中的空头调整,而蓝色点划线 (---) 是下行趋势中的多头调整。

调整代表极棒的交易机会, 在主导趋势真正反转之前给您交易的机会。此外,风险回报率巨大,因为初始止损可以相当紧凑。然而,极端重要的是,在交易之前确保趋势较弱。您应该下列一个或多个来确认调整交易:

  • 振荡器背离确认调整
  • 一个双顶或双底形态出现
  • 头肩形态出现
  • 谐波形态出现 

请记住,行情不会简单逆转:每次趋势移动直到衰竭,然后才会逆转。确认趋势衰竭的关键是行情已经逆转, 并使用调整信号,以便先于他人入场。使用 Pz 趋势交易 指标之后一会儿, 您将会很容易发现衰竭。


  • 在行情震荡区间交易 (通过使用调整作为交易信号)。
  • 了解何时从您的交易中获得部分盈利(如果远离主趋势线)。
  • 在宽幅调整且触发假趋势改变之后,重新介入行情。


Pz 趋势交易 指标有无限可能,但新手应关注最简单的设置,即是 (2) 回调和 (3) 内柱线突破,因为它们的计算考虑到趋势方向和当前价格动作。超过 85% 的回调合突破是有利可图的, 并且有时可盈利交易会持续很久。

新手也应该避免试图在最佳位置离场, 并使用指标主线作为尾随终止来减轻仓位管理。这消除了焦虑或判断失误空间,并让利润奔跑。新手应该坚持这个仓位管理策略,直到他们可以轻松进行金字塔加仓。

新手应该按照日线和周线图表交易,以避免宽幅波动,或支付与潜在利润相比离谱的经纪佣金。行情很像是视频游戏,有不同的层次。新手不应该在 H4 图表进行交易,直到他们能在 D1 和 W1 图表上稳定盈利。


当加载指标到任意图表, 您将看到一组选项作为输入参数。不要绝望,如果您认为它们太多了,因为参数按照自我解释分块。这就是每个参数块的作用。

  • 指标设置
    在指标设置块, 您可以设置指标周期并选择哪些交易设置必须显示。您可以显示或隐藏回调, 突破和调整。MaxHistoryBars 参数控制检查多少以往柱线以减少内存使用。
  • 绘图设置
  • 提示



  • 指标在每根柱线检查,而非每次报价。
  • 指标评估若干递归价格/时间向量。
  • 指标通过一至二十根内柱线识别突破。
  • 所有设置实现了可视, 发声, 邮件和推送提示。


Arturo López Pérez, 私人投资者和投机者, Point Zero Trading Solutions的创始人及软件工程师。

评论 3
fxministry1 2022.11.04 05:53 

great tool! developed EA to automate :)

Roman Gafton
Roman Gafton 2014.11.24 21:17 

Спасибо Вам, прекрасная работа!

Rainbow EA MT5
Jamal El Alama
Description : Rainbow EA MT5 is a simple Expert advisor based on   Rainbow MT5 indicator witch is based on Moving average with period 34. The indicator is incorporated in the EA, therefore, it is not required for the EA to operate, but if you wish, you can download it from   my product page . The Expert Advisor settings are as follows : Suitable for Timeframes up to H1 The parameters below can be set according to your trading rules. StopLoss ( Stop Loss in pips) TakeProfit ( Take Profit in pi
59 USD
Blahtech Market Profile MT5
Blahtech Limited
5 (8)
Was: $249    Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Blahtech Limited presents their Market Profile indicator for the MetaTrader community.
149 USD
该指标建立当前报价,可以与历史报价进行比较,并在此基础上进行价格走势预测。指示器有一个文本字段,用于快速导航到所需日期。 选项: 符号 - 选择指标将显示的符号; SymbolPeriod - 选择指标从中获取数据的时段; IndicatorColor - 指示器颜色; HorisontalShift - 由指标绘制的报价移动指定的柱数; Inverse - true 反转引号,false - 原始视图; ChartVerticalShiftStep - 图表垂直移动(键盘上的向上/向下箭头); 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。
55 USD
Noize Absorption Index
Ekaterina Saltykova
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
199 USD
This indicator uses a mathematical calculation algorithm . This algorithm calculates the remainder between the updated model and the actual values and produces the possible progress of the graph on the graph. It is not a super prophet in trading, but it is very good for the trader when entering the market and to analyze it before entering. Applicable for all currencies. Данный индикатор использует алгоритм математических вычислений . Данный алгоритм вычисляет остаток между обновленной моделью и
250 USD
MACD 日內趨勢 PRO 是通過改編自 Gerald Appel 在 1960 年代創建的原始 MACD 而開發的指標。 通過多年的交易,觀察到通過使用斐波那契比例更改 MACD 的參數,我們可以更好地呈現趨勢運動的連續性,從而可以更有效地檢測價格趨勢的開始和結束。 由於其檢測價格趨勢的效率,還可以非常清楚地識別頂部和底部的背離,從而更好地利用交易機會。 特徵 MACD 日內趨勢 PRO 指標適用於任何貨幣對、任何時間範圍以及 Renko 圖表。 可以通過選擇 6 種模式來設置趨勢檢測速度: 最快的 快速地 普通的 減緩 最慢 資源 它有 6 個可配置的警報: MACD回調信號線 MACD穿越信號線 MACD穿過零水平 信號線過零電平 MACD 變化趨勢顏色 信號線變化趨勢顏色 對於每個警報,可以配置: 彈出 聲音(有 13 種聲音可用。) 智能手機通知 彈出窗口和聲音 彈出窗口和智能手機通知 聲音和智能手機通知 彈出窗口、聲音和智能手機通知 與智能交易系統或其他指標集成 有 8 個緩衝區可用於訪問和與專家顧問或其他指標集成,即使關閉警報,它們也會被填滿,它
77 USD
这种用于从无穷远衡量货币强弱的创新指标是长期交易的黄牛和交易者不可或缺的助手。 分析货币强弱的系统早已被世界领先的交易者所熟知并在市场上使用。 没有这种分析,任何套利交易都是不完整的。 我们的指标很容易确定基础货币相对于彼此的强弱。 它显示所有或当前货币对的折线图,允许即时分析和搜索最强的入口点。 该指标直观,允许您快速找到并切换到任何一对,具有可放置在地下室和主图表上的移动面板。 通知货币强度变化的计时器模式使交易者有机会在手机上收到通知。  使用货币功率计无穷大指示器的几种策略: 1. 使用货币强度的线性显示图表搜索交叉点作为新兴趋势的信号 2. 在趋势反转信号出现后,向强势货币方向反弹 3. 使用货币强度发散分析扭转当前趋势 4. 使用其他无限指标向强势货币方向交易  如果您有任何问题或希望收到私人聊天的个人邀请,请写信给我:profitcamp@mail.ru
30 USD
The best time to trade Using this Indicator is when the time reach exactly hour,half,45 minutes,15 minutes and sometimes 5 minutes.. This indicators is helpful to those who trade boom and crash indecies.How to read this indicator first you'll see Blue allow and Red allow all these allows used to indicate or to detect the spike which will happen so the allow happens soon before the spike happen.This indicator works properly only in boom and crash trading thing which you have to consider when
30 USD
Introduction to Chart Pattern MT Chart Pattern MT is a chart pattern scanner to detect the triangle pattern, falling wedge pattern, rising wedge pattern, channel pattern and so on. Chart Pattern MT uses highly sophisticated chart pattern detection algorithm. However, we have designed it in the easy to use with intuitive user interface. Chart Pattern MT will show all the patterns in your chart in the most efficient format for your trading. You do not have to do tedious manual pattern detection an
180 USD
How to use Pair Trading Station Pair Trading Station is recommended for H1 time frame and you can use it for any currency pairs. To generate buy and sell signal, follow few steps below to apply Pair Trading Station to your MetaTrader terminal. When you load Pair Trading Station on your chart, Pair Trading station will assess available historical data in your MetaTrader platforms for each currency pair. On your chart, the amount of historical data available will be displayed for each currency pai
280 USD
KT Renko Patterns MT5
KT Renko Patterns scans the Renko chart brick by brick to find some famous chart patterns that are frequently used by traders across the various financial markets. Compared to the time-based charts, patterns based trading is easier and more evident on Renko charts due to their uncluttered appearance. KT Renko Patterns features multiple Renko patterns, and many of these patterns are extensively explained in the book titled Profitable Trading with Renko Charts by Prashant Shah. A 100% automate
145 USD
HMA Trend Professional MT5
Pavel Zamoshnikov
4.4 (5)
Improved version of the free HMA Trend indicator (for MetaTrader 4) with statistical analysis. HMA Trend is a trend indicator based on the Hull Moving Average (HMA) with two periods. HMA with a slow period identifies the trend, while HMA with a fast period determines the short-term movements and signals in the trend direction. The main differences from the free version: Ability to predict the probability of a trend reversal using analysis of history data. Plotting statistical charts for analyz
30 USD
Introducing the Power Trade Plus indicator designed by a small group of traders with a few years of experience trading the market profitably.  The Power Trade Plus is derived from the Power Trade indicator,  the indicator strive in powerful sniper entries and take profit levels, now with a unique and upgraded algorithm to withstand even the most volatile of markets.  
200 USD
Cumulative Delta NG
Anton Polkovnikov
Cumulative delta indicator As most traders believe, the price moves under the pressure of market buying or selling. When someone redeems an offer standing in the cup, the deal is a "buy". If someone pours into the bid standing in the cup - the deal goes with the direction of "sale". The delta is the difference between purchases and sales. A cumulative delta - the difference between the cumulative sum of purchases and sales for a certain period of time. It allows you to see who is currently contr
50 USD
Your Trend Friend
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
The trend is your friend! Look at the color of the indicator and trade on that direction. It does not  repaint. After each candle is closed, that's the color of the trend. You can focus on shorter faster trends or major trends, just test what's most suitable for the symbol and timeframe you trade. Simply change the "Length" parameter and the indicator will automatically adapt. You can also change the color, thickness and style of the lines. Download and give it a try! There are big movements
99 USD
DALA Forecast
Grigorii Matsnev
About the indicator: DALA Forecast is a universal tool for predicting the dynamics of time series of any nature. For prediction, modified methods of nonlinear dynamics analysis are used, on the basis of which a predictive model is built using machine learning methods.  To get the trial version of the indicator, you can contact me in private messages. How to use the indicator: Apply the indicator to your chosen financial instrument or indicator with the settings you need. The prediction will b
30 USD
Satyaseelan Shankarananda Moodley
US30 Ninja is a 5 minute scalping indicator that will let know you when there is a trade set up (buy or sell). Once the indicator gives the trade direction, you can open a trade and use a 30 pip stop loss and a 30 pip to 50 pip take profit. Please trade at own own risk. This indicator has been created solely for the US30 market and may not yield positive results on any other pair. 
30 USD
For a trader, trend is our friend. This is a trend indicator for MT5, can be used on any symbol. just load it to the terminal and you will see the current trend. green color means bullish trend and red means bearlish trend. you can also change the color by yourself when the indicator is loaded to the MT5 terminal the symbol and period is get from the terminal automaticly. How to use: I use this trend indicator on 2 terminals with different period  for the same symbol at same time. for example M5
200 USD
Riko Trend mt5
Nadiya Mirosh
The Riko Trend indicator is a revolutionary trend trading and filtering solution with all the important features of a trend tool built into one tool! The Riko Trend indicator is good for any trader, suitable for any trader for both forex and binary options. You don’t need to configure anything, everything is perfected by time and experience, it works great during a flat and in a trend. The Riko Trend indicator is a technical analysis tool for financial markets that reflects the current price
109 USD
Ultimate Candle Patterns
Wojciech Daniel Knoff
This is a multi-symbol and multi-timeframe table-based indicator designed for a candlestick patterns detection with 46 patterns for META TRADER 5. Each formation has own image for easier recognition. Here you find most popular formations such as "Engulfing", "Hammer", "Three Line Strike", "Piercing" or Doji - like candles. Check my full list of patterns on my screenshots below. Also you can not only switch all bearish or bullish patterns from input, but also select formation for a specified symb
30 USD
To get access to MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Stochastic Momentum Index" By "UCSgears". - This is a popular version of stochastic oscillator on tradingview. - This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. - Buffers are available for the lines on chart. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
40 USD
A unique trading robot based on the principles of correlation of crypto coins PROMO PRICE - $99 (Usual price $499) REAL ACCOUNT FOR MONITORING profile crypto_097_50_coins TRADING ALGO The robot has a one chart setup feature and uses 50 different coins for trading. Due to the use of a large number of coins, a minimal risk of drawdown is achieved with a sharp drop or growth of one of the coins. In the case of a positive correlation, it closes on profit, in the case of a negative one, it con
99 USD
Introducing "X Marks the Spot" – Your Ultimate MetaTrader 5 Indicator for Perfect Trades! Are you tired of the guesswork in trading? Ready to take your MetaTrader 5 experience to a whole new level? Look no further – "X Marks the Spot" is here to revolutionize your trading strategy! What is "X Marks the Spot"? "X Marks the Spot" is not just another indicator – it's your personal trading compass that works seamlessly on all timeframes . Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader,
65 USD
Volality Index Scalper
Lesedi Oliver Seilane
Volality Index scalper indicator  Meant for Volality pairs such as Volality 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 The indicator works on all timeframes from the 1 minute to the monthly timeframe the indicator is non repaint the indicator has 3 entry settings 1 color change on zero cross 2 color change on slope change 3 color change on signal line cross Orange line is your sell signal Blue line is your buy signal.
35 USD
Paula Bollinger Bands Strategy
Francisco Gomes Da Silva
4 (2)
Bollinger bands out/in strategy A strategy created by Joe Ross, and very useful for finding trades when the market is overloaded. Indicator You don't need to find where there are entries on the chart, this indicator shows them for you. The entrance The trade is confirmed when the price closes outside the bollinger bands on a candle and the candle after the price closes inside the bands. comment I want to improve this indicator, so you can help me sending me your reviews and comments, thanks :).
Binary Options Assistant (BOA) Multi Currency Dashboard for Binary Options (MT5) . You can use any of the BOA Signals Indicators with the dashboard. Just change the BOA Signals Indicator Name in the dashboard settings to the indicator you want to get signals from. For example: CHILL. BLAZE:  BOA_BLAZE_Indicator_v1   Strategy :   BLW Online Trading Binary Options Strategy (3 Moving Average) LAVA:  BOA_LAVA_Indicator_v1   Strategy:   Lady Trader Binary Options Strategy (Bollinger Bands & Stoc
30 USD
Provided Trend
Nadiya Mirosh
Provided Trend is a complex signal formation indicator. As a result of the work of internal algorithms, you can see only three types of signals on your chart. The first is a buy signal, the second is a sell signal, and the third is a market exit signal. Options: CalcFlatSlow - The first parameter that controls the main function of splitting the price chart into waves. CalcFlatFast - The second parameter that controls the main function of splitting the price chart into waves. CalcFlatAvg - Par
100 USD
Wolfe Wave Scanner MT5
Reza Aghajanpour
5 (2)
**  All Symbols  x  All Timeframes  scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me after the purchase to send you instructions and add you in "Wolfe Wave Scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: A Wolfe Wave is created with five-wave patterns in price. It shows supply and demand and a fight towards a balance price. T hese waves of price actions can help traders identify the boundaries of   the trend . Also  It helps forecast how the price will mo
39 USD
Harmonic pattern helper Engulfing bar
Paul Conrad Carlson
3.67 (3)
This EA trades an engulfing pattern in a manually input price range designed to help trade harmonic patterns like gartey,bat,butterfly ect. Cannot be backtested because only  ONE  trade is opened every time EA is attached to chart. This EA takes long trades only for bullish patterns. Trades on an engulfing pattern that close price is between the manual input price range manually input upper and lower price in which the engulfing bar can form identify a bullish harmonic pattern using another in
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (1)
我们向您介绍iVISTscalp5指标,它不仅独特,而且在交易操作中也非常有效。该指标基于时间数据,是多年金融市场经验和深入分析的结果。iVISTscalp5指标是手动交易的优秀工具。便利性、简单性和可视化 - 所有的复杂性都隐藏在内部。我们将iVISTscalp5指标的设置和使用简化到了最大程度。该指标适用于MT5终端中您所拥有的所有金融工具。 操作时间为UTC+3的早上4点到晚上8点。 iVISTscalp5指标菜单(见截图1): History - 计算行情的周数 dT_min - 选择时间间隔的时间(分钟) TFline - 绘制水平成交量(时间帧) BARSline - 绘制水平成交量(条数) TFtrend1 - 绘制日线通道(时间帧) BARStrend1 - 绘制日线通道(条数) TFtrend2 - 绘制周线通道(时间帧) BARStrend2 - 绘制周线通道(条数) ALERT_TIMER - 设置闹钟 ALERT - 开启/关闭闹钟 Save - 开启/关闭将时间记录到文本文件。 图表上的红色和蓝色旗帜表示时间(VIST智能剃须系统的信号)。卖出信号为红旗,买入
500 USD
PZ Harmonacci Patterns MT5
3.25 (4)
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scot
299 USD
Volume by Price MT5
Brian Collard
5 (2)
The Volume by Price Indicator for MetaTrader 5 features Volume Profile and Market Profile TPO (Time Price Opportunity). Get valuable insights out of currencies, equities and commodities data. Gain an edge trading financial markets. Volume and TPO histogram bar, line and metric charts. TPO letter and block marker charts including split structures. Positioning and styling options to suit the user's needs and context. Volume Profile and Market Profile TPO Point of Control (VPOC and TPOC), Imbalanc
259 USD
Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
250 USD
VTrende Pro
Andrii Diachenko
VTrende Pro - MTF indicator for trend trading with a display panel for MT5 *** Videos can be translated into any language using subtitles (video language - Russian) Although the signals of the VTrende Pro indicator can be used as signals of a full-fledged trading system, it is recommended to use them in conjunction with the Bill Williams TS. VTrende Pro is an extended version of the VTrende indicator. Difference between Pro version and VTrende: - Time zones - Signal V - signal 1-2 waves
697 USD
Traffic Signal
Ramzi Abuwarda
推出瞩目的MT5指标——交通信号,它基于分析RSI(相对强弱指标)、Stochastics(随机指标)、CCI(商品通道指标)和趋势等多个时间框架上的水平,以获取最准确的入场信号的特殊策略。交通信号是您成功交易的终极通道!该创新指标精确且专业,通过集成先进的技术指标,并覆盖所有时间框架,助您准确把握市场动向,为您提供无与伦比的自信心。 通过交通信号,您可以全面分析关键指标,经过精密校准,以探测最具利润潜力的交易机会。告别不确定性,迎接明智决策的新时代。交通信号将RSI、Stochastics、CCI和趋势等指标融合得天衣无缝,为您描绘市场动态提供鲜活画面,前所未有。 畅享轻松的市场趋势和模式,交通信号为您持续监测各个时间框架。无论您偏好短期激动还是长期战略,这一杰出指标均可满足您的交易风格,为您提供对市场起伏的整体认知。 交通信号的准确性是其成功的基石。通过广泛的研究与开发,该指标提供精确调校和时机准确的信号。告别虚假信号,迎接前所未有的可靠性水平。就像有一位可信赖的盟友与您并肩作战,以毫不动摇的准确性引导您走向丰盈机会。 通过直观的界面和易于理解的信号,您将体验到自信交易的乐趣。无论
450 USD
Weis Wave with Alert MT5
Trade The Volume Waves Single Member P.C.
4.93 (14)
Get 30% Discount until 30/9/20203 on Lifetime package 420$ from 599$. Rental/Lifetime Package Options and Privileges  * For optimum results the yearly or lifetime package is suggested due to live training and Discord  channel trading with the  creator! Rent Monthly Six Months   Yearly/Lifetime Weis Wave with Speed with Alert+Speed Index x x x Manual  x x x Quick Set up Video x x x Blog x x x Lifetime Updates x x x Setup and Training Material x x Free Rectangle Break Alert Tool      x Discord
420 USD
"Piranha" - an autonomous trading system that determines overbought and oversold levels on the chart. Red and blue zones represent overbought and oversold levels respectively. Entry points are marked with arrows: a downward arrow in the red zone for "sell" and an upward arrow in the blue zone for "buy". The Take profit level is indicated by the green moving average. Key features: Adjusting the Take profit level as the green moving average changes position. Averaging ability when a new market e
300 USD
Description Very precise patterns to detect: entry signals as well as breakout, support and resistance reversal patterns. It points out zones in which, with a high probability, institutional orders with the potential to change the price’s direction and keep moving towards it, have been placed. Support:   We create great tools for the entire trading community. Most of them are free. If you believe in what we do  Support Us Here.   KEY LINKS:   Indicator Manual  -  All Products  How is this ind
280 USD
INTRODUCING WORLD'S FIRST MT5 "AUTO SCALE" Naveen Geometric Square with Circle To Analyze Markets Geometric Relationship. Naveen's Geometric Square  has some of the most impressive features you will ever find in Gann & Geometric Analysis world. The Naveen's Geometric Square  is a Powerful method of squaring TIME AND PRICE .It is a free-hand drawing tool giving you control of the size of the box. The internal diagonals, grid-lines and angles can be Enabled/ Disabled. All square diagonals lik
1 299 USD
Namu Makwembo
5 (2)
Big promotion on the Robos, Get yours now Robos Indicator The   ROBOS   indicator is a multi timeframe oscillator that targets the   overbought   and   oversold  regions of a price chart, a signal is indicated by the two lines crossing, compatible with all tradable instruments Latest Release The latest release is the version 4.0 #What's new in version 4.0 ? Features Extreme oversold and overbought levels ROBOS version  4.0  comes with cool new feature , the ability to target on
255 USD
Paulos Ngwenya
This algorithm uses real time data to generate signals with an accuracy rate of 80%. It shows entries and where you should place both the stoploss and the take profit for each trade. It determines trend! It can even help you to become a signal provider! And it can generate up to 8 signals a day! You get access to a free forex trading community  Operates on any broker compatible to synthetic indices and forex   if you need any assistance whatsapp +2774 35 35 744 or telegram link @pipsempire01
400 USD
Volume Confluence
Mussadiq Abdul Rahim
About Introducing our state-of-the-art technical analysis indicator that uses multiple sources from technical charts to predict the direction of price movement. This cutting-edge tool is designed to provide traders with accurate and reliable insights into potential market trends and price movements, enabling them to make informed decisions about their trades. By analyzing a range of key indicators, including price movement, volume, and trend lines, our indicator provides a comprehensive pict
1 000 USD
EQ Cutrim Theory
Marco Aurelio Santos Costa
Ronal Cutrim has been a dedicated mathematician for 14 years and has more than 10 years of experience in the financial market. The concept of the theory is simple, find imbalance between buyers and sellers. Which makes a lot of sense, because nothing goes up forever, nothing falls forever.   When you find an asset with a mathematical probability of unbalanced equilibrium, it is a great way to get into trading:  TUTORIAL: Turn on the subtitles, the video is subtitled
799 USD
Seconds Charts
Aleksandr Goryachev
Micro  ******************* Секундные графики MT5 ********************** Более точного инструмента для входа в сделку вы не найдёте. Входные параметры: Timeframe, sek - период построения графика, секунды Displayed bars - отображаемые бары Step of price levels, pp, 0-off - шаг отрисовки ценовых уровней, пункты Scale points per bar, 0-off - масштаб в пунктах на бар Show lines - отображение текущих уровней Show comment - отображение комментария Standard color scheme - стандартная цветовая сх
1 500 USD
Powerful Hidden Cross Signal
Ellan Dirgantara Tholkhah
The latest most requested Binary Options arrow indicator in the Garuda Signals product line is now on MT5! Binary options signal based on multiple time frame cross over analysis. Gets confirmation from the most consistent signals known to man; Ichimoku, SMA, Bollinger Bands; and also uses the 1 Hour time frame as trend confirmation , so you don't have to open up multiple chart and waste time. - Can be used for all time frames up to 1 hour, but is most POWERFUL for 1 and 5 min options. - Place yo
300 USD
Naked Forex Kangaroo Tail Pro Indicator Kangaroo Tail Pro Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos. The Kangaroo Tail is a multi-bar pattern. The Kangaroo Tail pattern is very effective and is very simple to trade. The strategy that comes with the Kangaroo Tail is based on price action. The indicator does what it was designed for: displaying Kangaroo Tail patterns.     Don't expect to follow the up and down arrows and make
299 USD
Smooth price for Monarch
Konstantin Gruzdev
5 (1)
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
999 USD
BookMap HeatMap
Roberto Spadim
1 (3)
This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
250 USD
Классификатор силы тренда. Показания на истории не меняет. Изменяется классификация только незакрытого бара. По идее подобен полной системе ASCTrend, сигнальный модуль которой, точнее его аппроксимация в несколько "урезанном" виде, есть в свободном доступе, а также в терминале как сигнальный индикатор SilverTrend . Точной копией системы ASCTrend не является. Работает на всех инструментах и всех временных диапазонах. Индикатор использует несколько некоррелируемых между собой алгоритмов для класси
6 250 USD
Currency Index Watcher is a simple and user-friendly tool for whoever wish to trade Forex using currencies indexes. Currency Index Watcher is configurable and usable directly from the panel. Indexes of 8 custom currencies EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF, AUD, CAD, NZD (default) Any 3-chars symbol from your market watch could be used (BTC = bitcoin, RUB = ruble, CNH = yuan etc ...) : double click the symbol label  Ability to select which currencies and made-of pairs will be analyzed : check/uncheck want
360 USD
Andrey Spiridonov
The SmartTrendMt5 trend indicator generates signals based on the principle of combined analysis of calculated reference points within the Keltner channel. The indicator plots the Keltner channel in a separate window (by default, red lines and a blue line - the middle of the channel), and also draws the histogram of calculated reference points for each candle (by default, the histogram bars are yellow). The should be attached to a chart of any timeframe and any trading symbol in the usual way.
450 USD
Quantum Currency Strength Indicator for MT5
If there is only one MT5 indicator you ever buy for trading forex – this has to be it. Your success as a forex trader depends on being able to identify when a currency or currency pair is oversold or overbought. If it is strong or weak. It is this concept which lies at the heart of forex trading. Without the Quantum Currency Strength indicator, it is almost impossible. There are simply too many currencies and too many pairs to do this quickly and easily yourself. You need help! The Quantum C
279 USD
Forex Relative Performance indicator This indicator calculates the relative strength of major currencies against the US dollar. The basic idea behind this indicator is "to buy strong currency and to sell weak currency". This indicator allows you to quickly identify the best forex pair to trade according to your trading style (Intraday, Scalping, Swing, or Long Term)
324 USD
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Funciona identificando picos de máximos y mínimos, para luego eliminarlos haciendo una linea o curva, pudiendo el usuario ingresar el valor de que tanto puede suavizar. Nos facilita poder ver la tendencia así como ver el cruce que puede hacer con otros indicadores, mostrando a simple vista los inicios y salidas de una tendencia u operación. Así también facilita la visualización de subidas y bajadas.
300 USD
Pendiente de Precio
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Indicador en base a la pendiente de la linea de precio, dibuja una línea de color cuando sube a base de los precios que previamente has sido procesados o linealizados, y cuando baja la pendiente la linea linealizada toma otro color. En este caso se a considerado 6 lineas de diferentes procesos desde pendientes largas hacia las cortas, observándose que cuando coincidan las pendientes se produce un máximo o mínimo, lo que a simple vista nos permitirá hacer una COMPRA O VENTA.
1 000 USD
Isaac Wanasolo
1 (1)
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price r
1 350 USD
Индикатор Coefficient Of Determination (COD) представляет собой значение коэффициента детерминации или квадрат коэффициента корреляции между зависимой переменной — ценой и объясняющей переменной — тиковым объемом. Что это дает нам на практике? COD отлично распознает кульминацию трендовых движений, что позволяет подбирать оптимальные точки и ловить развороты рынка. Как использовать индикатор: Наиболее популярная торговая стратегия строится совместно с трендовым индикатором Moving Average (MA), пе
600 USD
Fibonacci Multiple 12
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Fibonacci Múltiple 12, utiliza la serie fibonacci plasmado en el indicador fibonacci, aumentadolo 12 veces según su secuencia. El indicador fibonacci normalmente muestra una vez, el presente indicador se mostrara 12 veces empezando el numero que le indique siguiendo la secuencia. Se puede utilizar para ver la tendencia en periodos cortos y largos, de minutos a meses, solo aumentado el numero MULTIPLICA.
1 000 USD
Recommended TimeFrame >= H1. 100% Non Repainted at any moment.  Use it carefully, only with Trend Direction. Trading Usage: 2 Variants: as Range System or as BreakOut System (Both Only With Trend Direction)::: (Always use StopLoss for minimise Risk); [1] as Range System: (Recommended) in UP TREND:  - BUY in Blue Line , then if price goes down by 50 points (on H1) open Second BUY.   Close in any Profit you wish: TrailingStop(45 points) or Close when Price touches upper Gold Line. in DOWN TR
5 500.95 USD
PZ Harmonacci Patterns MT5
3.25 (4)
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scot
299 USD
PZ Support Resistance MT5
4 (5)
厌倦了绘制支撑线和阻力线? 支撑阻力 是一个多时间指标,可以自动检测并绘制图表中的支撑线和阻力线,并具有非常有趣的变化:随着时间的推移测试价格水平及其重要性的提高,线变得越来越粗。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 一夜之间增强您的技术分析 无需浏览图表即可检测重要的价格水平 一目了然地识别所有价格水平的相对优势 每次交易最多可节省半小时的绘图线 指标显示所有价格水平的期限 指示器不重涂 过去和现在的价格水平因接近程度而崩溃,并根据当前的市场行为进行了调整。在动作发生的地方绘制了线条,而不一定在峰值处绘制了线条。 价格水平随着时间的推移而被拒绝,变得越来越暗 定期清除不重要的价格水平以避免噪音 可自定义的时间范围选择和崩溃因子 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报的突破 输入参数 指标设置:指标将从当前时间段读取价格,但您可以选择另一个。例如,您可以在H4图表中显示D1支撑线和阻力线。您还可以使用 价格水平密度 参数选择在图表上显示多少价格水平。 颜色设置:根据重要性输入所需的支撑线和阻力线颜色。 标签设置:(可选)可以在指示器
149 USD
PZ Goldfinch Scalper EA MT5
3.54 (37)
这是我著名的剥头皮机Goldfinch EA的最新版本,它是十年前首次发布。它以短期内突然出现的波动性扩张为市场提供了头条:它假设并试图在突然的价格加速后利用价格变动的惯性。这个新版本已经过简化,使交易者可以轻松使用测试仪的优化功能来找到最佳交易参数。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 简单的输入参数可简化优化 可定制的贸易管理设置 交易时段选择 工作日选择 金钱管理 谨防... ick牛黄牛是危险的,因为许多因素都会破坏收益。可变的点差和滑点降低了交易的数学期望,经纪人的低报价密度可能导致幻像交易,止损位破坏了您获取利润的能力,并且网络滞后意味着重新报价。建议注意。 回溯测试 EA交易仅使用报价数据。请以“每笔交易”模式回测。 它根本不使用HLOC(高-低-开-关)数据 交易时间无关紧要 为了获得更好的性能,请为您希望在每个刻度线模式下交易的每个交易品种运行云优化。稍后分享! 输入参数 触发点:触发点差所需的价格变动。 (预设= 10) 最小时间窗口:价格波动发生的最短时间。 (默认= 3) 最长时间窗口:价格波
PZ Reversal Fractals MT5
4.48 (31)
This is the latest iteration of my famous indicator, Reversal Fractals, published for the first time almost a decade ago. It examines the price structure of fractals to determine possible reversal points in the market, providing timing to positional traders that already have a fundamental or technical valuation model. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Reversal fractals can start long trends The indicator is non repainting It implements alerts of all k
该指标可识别30多种日本烛台图案,并在图表上突出显示它们。这只是价格行为交易者不能没有的那些指标之一。 一夜之间增强您的技术分析 轻松检测日本烛台图案 交易可靠且通用的反转模式 使用延续模式安全跳入已建立的趋势 指示器不重涂并实施警报 该指标实现了一个多时间框架 仪表板 它检测到的模式太多,以至于图表看起来非常混乱,难以阅读。交易者可能需要禁用指标输入中的不良图案,以使图表更具可读性。 它检测1条,2条,3条和多条样式 它检测逆转,持续和弱点模式 模式可以启用或禁用 看涨模式用 蓝色 标记,空头模式用 红色 标记,中性模式用 灰色 标记。 检测到的烛台模式列表 从1到5小节的突破距离(又名线罢工) 法基(又名Hikkake) 反间隙 三名士兵/三只乌鸦 锤子/流星/吊人 吞没 外上/外下 Harami 由上至下 晨星/晚星 踢球者 刺穿/乌云 皮带托 从1到5小条上升三分/下降三分 田木峡 并排间隙 视窗 前进块/下降块 审议 Marubozu 挤压警报(又称主蜡烛) Dojis 设置 PaintBars 使用条形的颜色打开/关闭图案的突出显示。 DisplayLabel
99 USD
PZ ABCD Retracement
4 (5)
该指标找到AB = CD回撤形态。 AB = CD回调模式是一种4点价格结构,其中初始价格区间被部分回调,然后与回调完成后等距移动,这是所有谐波模式的基本基础。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 可定制的图案尺寸 可定制的AC和BD比率 可定制的突破时间 可定制的线条,颜色和大小 它根据CD纤维水平显示SL和TP水平 视觉/声音/推送/邮件警报,用于模式和突破 AB = CD Retracements可以扩展和重新绘制很多内容。为了使事情变得更容易,该指标实施了一个转折:它在向交易发出信号之前等待正确方向的Donchian突破。最终结果是带有非常可靠的交易信号的重新粉刷指示器。输入donchian突破时段作为输入。 看涨回撤是蓝色的 空头回撤是红色的 请注意,价格模式(例如AB = CD)可以扩展,指标必须重新绘制以跟随该模式的扩展。如果图案重涂超出了参数中输入的AC / BD / AB = CD比率,则该图案将消失,因为它将不再有效。要交易这些模式,请求助于donchian突破信号。 输入参数 幅度:AB = C
75 USD
PZ Goldfinch Scalper EA
2.63 (41)
这是我著名的剥头皮机Goldfinch EA的最新版本,它是十年前首次发布。它以短期内突然出现的波动性扩张为市场提供了头条:它假设并试图在突然的价格加速后利用价格变动的惯性。这个新版本已经过简化,使交易者可以轻松使用测试仪的优化功能来找到最佳交易参数。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 简单的输入参数可简化优化 可定制的贸易管理设置 交易时段选择 工作日选择 金钱管理 谨防... ick牛黄牛是危险的,因为许多因素都会破坏收益。可变的点差和滑点降低了交易的数学期望,经纪人的低报价密度可能导致幻像交易,止损位破坏了您获取利润的能力,并且网络滞后意味着重新报价。建议注意。 回溯测试 EA交易仅使用报价数据。请以“每笔交易”模式回测。 它根本不使用HLOC(高-低-开-关)数据 交易时间无关紧要 为了获得更好的性能,请为您希望在每个刻度线模式下交易的每个交易品种运行云优化。稍后分享! 输入参数 触发点:触发点差所需的价格变动。 (预设= 10) 最小时间窗口:价格波动发生的最短时间。 (默认= 3) 最长时间窗口:价格波
PZ Harmonacci Patterns
3.43 (7)
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scot
299 USD
PZ Trend Trading
4.75 (4)
许多盈利交易者不仅知道如何识别市场趋势,而且也能把握趋势建立后的交易机会。 Pz 趋势交易 指标设计用来在趋势行情中尽可能的赚取利润。 已建立的趋势提供了一揽子交易机会,但大多数趋势交易指标完全忽视了它们,让交易者在趋势行情时完全不知道该如何做!一般趋势指标只通知有关的趋势变化,但根本不足以得到卓越的回报. Pz 趋势交易 指标比一般趋势指标显示多达 20 倍的交易 , 因为它注重所谓的市场时机。它不仅显示当前的市场趋势,也有回调,内柱线的突破和调整。它令您在趋势回调之后介入,安全的柱线内突破金字塔加仓,以及发现潜在的反转,和已知的调整。 趋势改变 一个趋势改变在市场方向变化时发生。趋势变化在图表上用带数字的彩色圆圈显示。蓝色 (1) 信号为上涨开始, 而红色 (1) 信号为下跌开始。趋势变化并非评估当前价格动作的结果, 它意味着交易设置是不定时地。如果您正确使用本指标, 在趋势变化时, 您将将已经入场 (参看下面的调整)。 回调 但凡趋势在运动中,行情上下抖动,盈利者收割利润,且其它参与者入场。趋势回调代表好的买入机会,通常是由主力获利离场导致。如果行情在回调后回归上行, 指
249 USD
PZ Pivot Points MT5
4.95 (21)
This indicator displays pivot points in the chart, including historical vales, and supports many calculation modes for Pivot Points and S/R levels. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] It plots historical levels for backtesting purposes It allows you to select the reference timeframe It implements different Pivot Point calculation modes It implements different SR calculation modes It implements customizable colors and sizes Calculation Modes The indi
PZ Trendlines MT5
4.8 (5)
Tired of plotting trendlines? The PZ TrendLines MT5 indicator applies a mechanical approach to the construction of trend lines for you!  [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] It can draw up to 18 trendlines Trendlines can be optionally based on fractals Each line represents a breakout level Each trendline can be broken or rejected Configurable amount of lines Configurable colors Support I am happy to provide free products but given my limited time, they com
PZ Binary Options MT5
4.25 (12)
This indicator analyzes price action patterns and helps you to make positive equity decisions in the binary options market. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to trade Trade both call and put options No crystal ball and no predictions The indicator is non-repainting The only strategy suitable for binary options is applying a mathematical approach, like professional gamblers do. It is based on the following principles: Every binary option represents
PZ Inside Bars MT5
4.56 (9)
This indicator detects inside bars of several ranges, making it very easy for price action traders to spot and act on inside bar breakouts. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to use and understand Customizable color selections The indicator implements visual/mail/push/sound alerts The indicator does not repaint or backpaint An inside bar is a bar or series of bars which is/are completely contained within the range of the preceding bar. A blue box is
PZ Turtle Trading MT5
4.43 (7)
海龟交易指标实现了原始的 Dennis Richards 和 Bill Eckhart 的交易系统, 俗称海龟交易法。这个趋势跟踪系统依据突破历史高点和低点来下单或平仓: 它与“低买高卖”方式完全相反。主要规则是 "在 N-日突破时下单,并在 M-日的高点或低点突破时获利了结 (N 必须在 M 之上)"。 介绍 海龟交易法的传奇始于美国千万富翁、大宗商品交易商 Richard Dennis,和他的商业伙伴 William Eckhardt 之间的赌局。Dennis 相信交易者可以通过培养而成功; Eckhardt 不认可这种主张,他认为遗传是决定因素,而娴熟的交易者对于明晰市场趋势拥有与生俱来的敏锐感觉。而在 1983-1984 发生的事件,成为交易史上的著名实验之一。平均每年 80%,计划成功,表明任何人如果具有良好的规则和足够的资金,都可以成功。 在 1983 中期,Richard Dennis 开始在华尔街日报上刊登广告,他征求申请者参加他自己的交易理念培训,无须任何经验。他最终召集了具有不同背景的约 21 名男性和两名女性。这群交易者被集中到芝加哥市中心一座家俱稀少的大房间
PZ Swing Trading MT5
5 (4)
Swing Trading 是第一个旨在检测趋势方向的波动和可能的反转波动的指标。它使用在交易文献中广泛描述的基准摆动交易方法。该指标研究多个价格和时间向量,以追踪总体趋势方向,并检测市场超卖或超买并准备好进行修正的情况。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 市场波动的利润不会被窃取 指示器始终显示趋势方向 彩色价格带代表机会基准 彩色虚线表示可能的反转波动 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 可定制的趋势和波动周期 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 指示器为非重涂或重涂 什么是摇摆交易 摇摆交易是一种尝试在一天到一周内从证券中获得收益的交易方式,尽管某些交易最终可以保持更长的寿命。摇摆交易者使用技术分析来买入弱点和卖出力量,并有耐心等待这些机会的发生,因为在发生一波抛售浪潮之后购买证券而不是陷入抛售更有意义。 机会基准 关于历史数据的大量研究证明,适合于波动交易的市场倾向于在基线价格带上下交易,基线价格带由图表显示,使用平均真实区间计算得出。波动交易者使用基线,该策略是购买常态和卖出躁狂,或做空常态并掩盖沮丧。
249 USD
PZ Market Profile
4.2 (10)
The market profile indicator provides with an X-Ray vision into market activity, outlining the most important price levels, value area and control value of the daily trading session. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to understand and use Understand market dynamics easily Automatic timeframe selection Identify zones of trading value and discard others It is useful in all market conditions Effective for any trading strategy It implements three color
PZ Day Trading
3.67 (3)
该指标仅使用价格行为分析和donchian渠道以锯齿形检测价格反转。它是专门为短期交易而设计的,根本不需要重新粉刷或补漆。对于精明的交易者来说,这是一个绝佳的工具,旨在增加他们的运作时间。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 极易交易 它在每个时间段都提供价值 实施自我分析统计 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 基于可变长度的突破和拥挤区域,该指标仅使用价格行为来选择交易并对市场快速做出反应。 显示过去信号的潜在利润 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 突围的损失突出显示并解决 该指标是不可重涂和不可重涂的 该指标将帮助盘中交易者不要错过单个价格反转。但是,并非所有价格反转都是一样的,也不是具有相同的可行质量。决定要突破哪些突破而忽略哪些取决于交易者的良好判断。 如何解释统计数据 该指标研究其自身信号的质量,并在图表上绘制相关信息。将分析每笔交易,并在图表的左上角显示总体历史结果,这使您可以针对任何给定的工具和时间范围自行优化指标参数。每个乐器和时间表都有其自己的最佳设置,您可以自己找到它们。 最大优惠交易:对于任何给定的交易,MFE都是
249 USD
PZ Day Trading MT5
2.6 (5)
该指标仅使用价格行为分析和donchian渠道以锯齿形检测价格反转。它是专门为短期交易而设计的,根本不需要重新粉刷或补漆。对于精明的交易者来说,这是一个绝佳的工具,旨在增加他们的运作时间。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 极易交易 它在每个时间段都提供价值 实施自我分析统计 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 基于可变长度的突破和拥挤区域,该指标仅使用价格行为来选择交易并对市场快速做出反应。 显示过去信号的潜在利润 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 突围的损失突出显示并解决 该指标是不可重涂和不可重涂的 该指标将帮助盘中交易者不要错过单个价格反转。但是,并非所有价格反转都是一样的,也不是具有相同的可行质量。决定要突破哪些突破而忽略哪些取决于交易者的良好判断。 如何解释统计数据 该指标研究其自身信号的质量,并在图表上绘制相关信息。将分析每笔交易,并在图表的左上角显示总体历史结果,这使您可以针对任何给定的工具和时间范围自行优化指标参数。每个乐器和时间表都有其自己的最佳设置,您可以自己找到它们。 最大优惠交易:对于任何给定的交易,MFE都是
249 USD
PZ Support Resistance
3.33 (3)
厌倦了绘制支撑线和阻力线? 支撑阻力 是一个多时间指标,可以自动检测并绘制图表中的支撑线和阻力线,并具有非常有趣的变化:随着时间的推移测试价格水平及其重要性的提高,线变得越来越粗。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 一夜之间增强您的技术分析 无需浏览图表即可检测重要的价格水平 一目了然地识别所有价格水平的相对优势 每次交易最多可节省半小时的绘图线 指标显示所有价格水平的期限 指示器不重涂 过去和现在的价格水平因接近程度而崩溃,并根据当前的市场行为进行了调整。在动作发生的地方绘制了线条,而不一定在峰值处绘制了线条。 价格水平随着时间的推移而被拒绝,变得越来越暗 定期清除不重要的价格水平以避免噪音 可自定义的时间范围选择和崩溃因子 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报的突破 输入参数 指标设置:指标将从当前时间段读取价格,但您可以选择另一个。例如,您可以在H4图表中显示D1支撑线和阻力线。您还可以使用 价格水平密度 参数选择在图表上显示多少价格水平。 颜色设置:根据重要性输入所需的支撑线和阻力线颜色。 标签设置:(可选)可以在指示器
149 USD
PZ Trendlines
4.6 (10)
Tired of plotting trendlines? The PZ TrendLines indicator applies a mechanical approach to the construction of trend lines for you!  [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] It can draw up to 18 trendlines Trendlines can be optionally based on fractals Each line represents a breakout level Each trendline can be broken or rejected Configurable amount of lines Configurable colors Support I am happy to provide free products but given my limited time, they come
PZ Chart Overlay MT5
4.5 (2)
图表覆盖 指标在同一张图表上显示几种工具的价格走势,使您能够评估货币对相对彼此波动的差异。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 轻松找到超买或超卖的货币对 在同一图表上绘制最多六个货币对 必要时显示倒置符号 适应图表大小,缩放和时间表 自动价格水平计算 可定制的价格水平密度 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 什么是反向货币对? 反转货币对意味着显示两种货币之间的汇率,从而反转交易的主要货币。例如,如果要将EURUSD,GBPUSD和USDJPY绘制到同一覆盖图中,则有必要反转USDJPY以使价格反映反向汇率:JPYUSD。这样,日元/美元价格将与覆盖图的其他两个符号呈正相关关系移动,从而使图表更易于研究。 测试指标 该指标使用来自多个交易品种的价格数据绘制单个图表。由于MetaTrader 4测试仪(在撰写本文时)不支持多货币回溯测试,因此该指标无法回溯测试,因为它将不会收到来自其他本应覆盖的交易品种的报价。要测试它,请租用一个月。 输入 符号设置-键入要在覆盖图上显示的货币对或符号的名称。您需要至少输入其中之一,以便覆盖图具有两个货币对
49 USD
PZ Swing Trading
5 (4)
Swing Trading 是第一个旨在检测趋势方向的波动和可能的反转波动的指标。它使用在交易文献中广泛描述的基准摆动交易方法。该指标研究多个价格和时间向量,以追踪总体趋势方向,并检测市场超卖或超买并准备好进行修正的情况。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 市场波动的利润不会被窃取 指示器始终显示趋势方向 彩色价格带代表机会基准 彩色虚线表示可能的反转波动 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 可定制的趋势和波动周期 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 指示器为非重涂或重涂 什么是摇摆交易 摇摆交易是一种尝试在一天到一周内从证券中获得收益的交易方式,尽管某些交易最终可以保持更长的寿命。摇摆交易者使用技术分析来买入弱点和卖出力量,并有耐心等待这些机会的发生,因为在发生一波抛售浪潮之后购买证券而不是陷入抛售更有意义。 机会基准 关于历史数据的大量研究证明,适合于波动交易的市场倾向于在基线价格带上下交易,基线价格带由图表显示,使用平均真实区间计算得出。波动交易者使用基线,该策略是购买常态和卖出躁狂,或做空常态并掩盖沮丧。
249 USD
PZ Binary Options
4 (2)
This indicator analyzes price action patterns and helps you to make positive equity decisions in the binary options market. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to trade Trade both call and put options No crystal ball and no predictions The indicator is non-repainting The only strategy suitable for binary options is applying a mathematical approach, like professional gamblers do. It is based on the following principles: Every binary option represents
PZ Sandwich Bars MT5
5 (2)
This indicator detects Sandwich Bars of several ranges, an extremely reliable breakout pattern. A sandwich setup consists on a single bar that engulfs several past bars, breaking and rejecting the complete price range. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy and effective usage Customizable bar ranges Customizable color selections The indicator implements visual/mail/push/sound alerts The indicator does not repaint or backpaint The indicator could not b
PZ Three Drives
4 (3)
This indicator finds Three Drives patterns. The Three Drives pattern is a 6-point reversal pattern characterised by a series of higher highs or lower lows that complete at a 127% or 161.8% Fibonacci extension. It signals that the market is exhausted and a reversal can happen. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Customizable pattern sizes Customizable colors and sizes Customizable breakout periods Customizable 1-2-3 and 0-A-B ratios It implements visua
PZ Pivot Points
4.62 (13)
This indicator displays pivot points in the chart, including historical vales, and supports many calculation modes for Pivot Points and S/R levels.  [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] It plots historical levels for backtesting purposes It allows you to select the reference timeframe It implements different Pivot Point calculation modes It implements different SR calculation modes It implements customizable colors and sizes Calculation Modes The indi
PZ Turtle Trading
3.77 (13)
海龟交易指标实现了原始的 Dennis Richards 和 Bill Eckhart 的交易系统, 俗称海龟交易法。这个趋势跟踪系统依据突破历史高点和低点来下单或平仓: 它与“低买高卖”方式完全相反。主要规则是 "在 N-日突破时下单,并在 M-日的高点或低点突破时获利了结 (N 必须在 M 之上)"。 介绍 海龟交易法的传奇始于美国千万富翁、大宗商品交易商 Richard Dennis,和他的商业伙伴 William Eckhardt 之间的赌局。Dennis 相信交易者可以通过培养而成功; Eckhardt 不认可这种主张,他认为遗传是决定因素,而娴熟的交易者对于明晰市场趋势拥有与生俱来的敏锐感觉。而在 1983-1984 发生的事件,成为交易史上的著名实验之一。平均每年 80%,计划成功,表明任何人如果具有良好的规则和足够的资金,都可以成功。 在 1983 中期,Richard Dennis 开始在华尔街日报上刊登广告,他征求申请者参加他自己的交易理念培训,无须任何经验。他最终召集了具有不同背景的约 21 名男性和两名女性。这群交易者被集中到芝加哥市中心一座家俱稀少的大房间
PZ Wolfe Waves
Wolfe Waves是所有金融市场中自然发生的交易模式,代表着争取均衡价格的斗争。这些模式可以在短期和长期时间内发展,并且是存在的最可靠的预测反转模式之一,通常早于强劲和长期的价格波动。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 清除交易信号 极易交易 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 实施绩效统计 显示适当的止损和获利水平 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 指示器同时绘制图案和突破箭头,以防止指示器在展开时重新绘制图案。但是,如果输入突破发生多次,则可能会少量重绘(不是很频繁),从而导致指示器重新绘制。该指示器为非底漆。 狼波的定义 沃尔夫波必须具有以下特征。 波浪3-4必须停留在1-2创建的通道内 波浪4在波浪1-2产生的通道内 波动5超出了波动1和3所创建的趋势线 输入参数 幅度-幅度表示替代价格点之间的最小柱线量。要找到大图案,请增加幅度参数。要查找较小的模式,请减小幅度参数。您可以在图表中多次加载指标,以查找不同大小的重叠图案。 突破期-可选的Donchian突破期,用于确认Wolfe Wave。零表示未使用。 最大历史柱线-指标在
249 USD
PZ Oscillator MT5
4 (7)
该 Pz 振荡器 是一款非常平稳和灵敏的加速计,它提供了很多有用的信息,并自动检测背离。它可以用来识别趋势的方向和强度,以及确认。它被设计用于我们的交易工具的补充。 趋势方向 该振荡器绘制两条均线来显示趋势的方向。如果快速均线上穿慢速均线, 市场行情处于涨势,并且多头交易可下单。同样地,如果快速均线下穿慢速均线,市场行情处于跌势,空头交易可下单。 其它识别市场行情趋势的方式是通过直方图的绝对值。如果直方图的值高于零轴, 市场行情为涨势。如果直方图的值低于零轴, 市场行情为跌势。 趋势强度 趋势强度 (或速度) 由直方图描述。一根蓝色柱线代表多头冲量,而红色柱线代表空头冲量。如何处理这些任意给定时刻的信息,取决于市场的趋势。如果在跌势当中出现多头冲量,它意味着跌势衰竭,并且停止加速。同样地,如果在涨势当中出现空头冲量,它意味着涨势衰竭,并且停止加速。 背离 该指标自动检测并绘制常规和隐藏的背离, 并在它们出现时可用于交易, 但并非意味着 立即 交易。若要背离交易成功,您必须一并考虑趋势方向和强度,解释如上所述。以下是一个空头背离的完美情况: 振荡器的快速均线高于零轴 振荡器显
PZ Lopez Flow MT5
5 (3)
This indicator studies price action as an aggregation of price and time vectors, and uses the average vector to determine the direction and strength of the market. This indicator highlights the short-term directionality and strength of the market, and can be used to capitalize from short-term price movements by trading breakouts or binary options.  [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Find market direction easily Confirm with breakouts or other indicators
fxministry1 2022.11.04 05:53 

great tool! developed EA to automate :)

mohdasalah 2016.12.04 19:35 


Roman Gafton
Roman Gafton 2014.11.24 21:17 

Спасибо Вам, прекрасная работа!

版本 6.3 2022.02.16
- Recompiled
版本 6.2 2021.04.26
- Improved breakouts
- Improved visuals
- Bug fixes
版本 5.0 2019.02.18
- Added stats
- Added dashboard
- Bug fixes
版本 1.1 2013.10.14
Important recursion bug fix.